
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language

function Measure-Koan {
        Counts the number of koans in the provided ExternalScriptInfo objects.
        Traverses the AST of the script blocks taken from the Get-Command output of the koan
        files to find all of the 'It' blocks in order to count the total number of Pester
        tests present in the file.

        When provided with a piped list of ExternalScriptInfo objects, sums the entire
        collection's 'It' blocks and returns a single integer sum.
    .PARAMETER KoanInfo
        Takes an array of ExternalScriptInfo objects (as provided from Get-Command when
        passed the path to an external .ps1 script file).
        PS> Get-Command .\KoanDirectory\*\*.ps1 | Measure-Koans
        Measure-Koan is NOT designed to handle dynamic -TestCases values. It will handle
        simple counts of directly attached -TestCases hashtables only if they do not
        contain variables, pipelines, and other dynamic expressions.

        Handling dynamic scripts with pipelines and variables is beyond scope and will
        not be handled; we'd essentially end up reimplementing the PS parser. If it can't
        be got with .GetSafeValue() we simply aren't working with it.

        Author: Joel Sallow
        Module: PSKoans

        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    begin {
        $KoanCount = 0
    process {
        Write-Verbose "Parsing koan files from [$($KoanInfo.Name -join '], [')]"

        # Find all Pester 'It' commands
        $ItCommands = $KoanInfo.ScriptBlock.Ast.FindAll(
                $Item -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst] -and
                $Item.GetCommandName() -eq 'It'
            }, $true

        # Find the -TestCases parameters
        $TestCasesParameters = $ItCommands.CommandElements | Where-Object {
            $_ -is [CommandParameterAst] -and
            $_.ParameterName -eq 'TestCases'

        if ($TestCasesParameters) {
            # Get the right CommandElements indexes for their arguments
            $Indexes = $TestCasesParameters.ForEach{$ItCommands.CommandElements.IndexOf($_) + 1}
            # Get value of the argument for each -TestCases
            $ParameterArgument = $ItCommands.CommandElements[$Indexes]

            try {
                $TestCaseCount = $ParameterArgument.SafeGetValue().Count
            catch {
                # We aren't parsing complex or variable expressions, so exit here (violently)
                $ParseException = [ParseException]::new(
                    "Unable to parse unsafe expression in Koan -TestCase syntax.",
                $ErrorRecord = [ErrorRecord]::new(

        $KoanCount += $TestCaseCount + $ItCommands.Count - $TestCasesParameters.Count
    end {
        Write-Verbose "Total Koans: $KoanCount"