
function Measure-Karma {
        Reflect on your progress and check your answers.
        Get-Enlightenment executes Pester against the koans to evaluate if you have made the necessary
        corrections for success.
    .PARAMETER Contemplate
        Opens your local koan folder.
    .PARAMETER Reset
        Resets everything in your local koan folder to a blank slate. Use with caution.
        PS> Measure-Karma

        Assesses the results of the Pester tests, and builds the meditation prompt.
        PS> meditate -Contemplate

        Opens the user's koans folder, housed in '$home\PSKoans'. If VS Code is in $env:Path,
        opens in VS Code.
        PS> Measure-Karma -Reset

        Prompts for confirmation, before wiping out the user's koans folder and restoring it back
        to its initial state.
        Author: Joel Sallow
        Module: PSKoans

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = "Default")]
    [Alias('Invoke-PSKoans', 'Test-Koans', 'Get-Enlightenment', 'Meditate','Clear-Path')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "OpenFolder")]
        [Alias('Koans', 'Meditate')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Reset")]
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        "Reset" {
            Write-Verbose "Reinitializing koan directory"
        "OpenFolder" {
            Write-Verbose "Opening koans folder"
            if (Get-Command -Name 'Code' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                Start-Process -FilePath 'code' -ArgumentList $env:PSKoans_Folder -NoNewWindow
            else {
                Invoke-Item $env:PSKoans_Folder
        "Default" {

            Write-MeditationPrompt -Greeting

            Write-Verbose 'Sorting koans...'
            $SortedKoanList = Get-ChildItem "$env:PSKoans_Folder" -Recurse -Filter '*.Koans.ps1' |
                Get-Command {$_.FullName} |
                Where-Object {$_.ScriptBlock.Attributes.TypeID -match 'KoanAttribute'} |
                Sort-Object {
                $_.ScriptBlock.Attributes.Where( {$_.TypeID -match 'KoanAttribute'}).Position

            Write-Verbose 'Counting koans...'
            $TotalKoans = $SortedKoanList | Measure-Koan

            if ($TotalKoans -eq 0) {
                # Something's wrong; possibly a koan folder from older versions, or a folder exists but has no files
                Write-Warning 'No koans found in your koan directory. Initiating full reset...'
                Measure-Karma @PSBoundParameters # Re-call ourselves with the same parameters

                return # skip the rest of the function

            $KoansPassed = 0

            foreach ($KoanFile in $SortedKoanList.Path) {
                Write-Verbose "Testing karma with file [$KoanFile]"

                $GlobalScope = [PSModuleInfo]::new($true)
                $PesterParams = @{
                    Script   = $KoanFile
                    PassThru = $true
                    Show     = 'None'

                # Execute in a fresh scope to prevent internal secrets being leaked
                $PesterTests = Invoke-Koan @PesterParams

                $KoansPassed += $PesterTests.PassedCount

                Write-Verbose "Karma: $KoansPassed"
                if ($PesterTests.FailedCount -gt 0) {
                    Write-Verbose "Your karma has been damaged."

            if ($PesterTests.FailedCount -gt 0) {
                $NextKoanFailed = $PesterTests.TestResult |
                    Where-Object Result -eq 'Failed' |
                    Select-Object -First 1

                $Meditation = @{
                    DescribeName = $NextKoanFailed.Describe
                    Expectation  = $NextKoanFailed.ErrorRecord
                    ItName       = $NextKoanFailed.Name
                    Meditation   = $NextKoanFailed.StackTrace
                    KoansPassed  = $KoansPassed
                    TotalKoans   = $TotalKoans
                Write-MeditationPrompt @Meditation
            else {
                $Meditation = @{
                    Complete    = $true
                    KoansPassed = $KoansPassed
                    TotalKoans  = $PesterTestCount
                Write-MeditationPrompt @Meditation