
using module PSKoans
[Koan(Position = 112)]
    Assignment and Arithmetic Operators

    Just like many other programming languages, PowerShell has special operators designed to
    work with data.

    You can use the following command to get a full overview of how operators work:

        Get-Help about_Operators

    Loosely, operators fall into a few categories: assignment (=), arithmetic, comparison,
    redirection, and string operators.

    In terms of order of operations, arithmetic operators typically execute before
    comparison operators, followed by string operators, redirection operators, and finally
    assignment operators execute last.

Describe 'Assignment Operator' {

    It 'is used to assign a value to variables' {
        $ExpectedValue = 1 + 1
        $ActualValue = __

        $ActualValue | Should -Be $ExpectedValue

    It 'is also used to assign a value to properties or elements' {
        # With arrays, we can assign values directly to indexes
        $Array = 1, 2, 3
        $Array[2] = 5
        $Array | Should -Be @(1, 2, 3) # What would change?

    It 'can assign values to many variables at once' {
        $Var1 = $Var2 = $Var3 = $Var4 = __
        $Var1 | Should -Be $Var2
        $Var2 | Should -Be $Var3
        $Var3 | Should -Be $Var4
        $Var4 | Should -Be 27

    It 'can assign multiple values to multiple variables' {
        $Var1, $Var2 = @( "__", "__")
        $Var1 | Should -Be "Correct"
        $Var2 | Should -Be "Incorrect"

Describe 'Arithmetic Operators' {
        These can be used for standard arithmetic with numerical values, as well as some limited
        usage with arrays and strings that can come in handy.

    Context 'Addition' {

        It 'is used to add two items together' {
            13 + 4 | Should -Be 17
            __ + 6 | Should -Be 13
            __ | Should -Be (13.7 + 4)

        It 'can be used to concatenate strings' {
            'My name is ' + 'Jim' | Should -Be 'My name is Jim'
            __ | Should -Be ('hello' + 'world')

        It 'can be used to put arrays together' {
                As we will cover in AboutArrays, this is not so much 'adding' arrays together as it is
                building a totally new array. It does, however, have its uses.

            $Array = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
            $ExpectedResult = $Array + 7

            $Result = @(
            $Result | Should -Be $ExpectedResult

        It 'behaves according to the type of the left-hand item' {
            '____' | Should -Be ('10.5' + 11)

            __ | Should -Be (11 + '12.5')
            12.21 + 'FILL_ME_IN' -eq 23.43 | Should -BeTrue

            # Adding items into typed arrays will also cause the resulting value to be converted
            [int[]] $Array = @(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
            $Array += '17'
            __ | Should -Be $Array
    Context 'Subtraction' {

        It 'works similarly to addition' {
            12 - 7 | Should -Be 5
            __ | Should -Be (11 - 3.5)

        It 'cannot be used with strings' {
            { 'hello' - 'h' } | Should -Throw

            # However, this work if the string contains a useable number.
            __ | Should -Be ('12' - '7.5')

            # In other words, subtraction only operates on numerical values.
            { @(1, 2) - 1 } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage '____'

    Context 'Multiplication' {

        It 'can be used on both integer and non-integer numerals' {
            __ | Should -Be (12 * 4)
            12.1 * 2 | Should -Be 24.2

        It 'can also be used on strings' {
            '____' | Should -Be ('A' * 4)
            '__' * 4 | Should -Be 'NANANANA'

    Context 'Division' {

        It 'is restricted to numeric use only' {
                As with subtraction, there's no useful meaning of using division on a string
                so any attempts to do so will throw an error.

            { 'hello!' / 3 } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage '____'

                Unlike with other numerical operators, however, division often results
                in a non-integer (double) value even when both operands are integers.

            3 / 4 | Should -Be 0.75
            __ / 10 -eq 0.5 | Should -BeTrue

    Context 'Modulus' {

        # Modulus is a bit of an odd one, but common enough in programming. It performs a
        # division, and then returns the integer value of the remainder.
        It 'is usually used with integers' {
            $Remainder = 15 % 7
            __ | Should -Be $Remainder

        It 'cannot be used on non-numeric values' {
            $ModulusOnString = {
                # Some things are better seen when you try them for yourself.
                $String = 'hello!'
                $String % 4
            # Only a partially matching phrase from the error message is necessary.
            $ModulusOnString | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage '____'

            $ModulusOnArray = {
                # If you have trouble, try doing something similar in the console to see what happens.
                $Array = 1, 10, 20
                $Array % 4
            $ModulusOnArray | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage '____'

Describe 'Assignment/Arithmetic Combination Operators' {

    It 'is a bit unwieldy to assign and increment without combination operators' {
        $Value = 5
        $Value = $Value + 5
        $Value | Should -Be 10

    It 'is possible to combine assignment and addition' {
        $Value = 12
        $Value += 7
        $Value | Should -Be 19

    It 'is also possible to combine subtraction with assignment' {
        $Value -= 3
        __ | Should -Be $Value

    It 'works the same way with division' {
        $Value /= 2
        $Value | Should -Be 8

    It 'works with multiplication as well' {
        $Value *= 3
        __ | Should -Be $Value

    It 'even works with modulus' {
        # Modulus hasn't been left out, either.
        $Value = 12
        $Value %= 4
        __ | Should -Be $Value