
using module PSKoans
[Koan(Position = 106)]


    Following on from our last Koan about cmdlet verbs, lets cover the nouns.
    As previously stated, the noun portion indicates the target of a given command.
    If you use the "Get-Member" cmdlet on any object you'll see its type name, or data type.

    For example:

        PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\GitHub\Dev\PSKoans> Get-Process | Get-Member

            TypeName: System.Diagnostics.Process

        Name MemberType Definition
        ---- ---------- ----------
        Handles AliasProperty Handles = Handlecount
        Name AliasProperty Name = ProcessName
        NPM AliasProperty NPM = NonpagedSystemMemorySize64
        PM AliasProperty PM = PagedMemorySize64
        SI AliasProperty SI = SessionId
        VM AliasProperty VM = VirtualMemorySize64
        WS AliasProperty WS = WorkingSet64

    You'll also see properties and methods. Together with the TypeName, this tells us everything
    we need to know in order to access the object's data and any actions it can perform.

    Accessing a property or method is done via dot notation, which boils down to:


    We'll cover why we have to use parentheses with method calls later.

Describe "Get Member" {
    Use Get-Member to identify properties or methods of some common objects!

    Make sure you use a different cmdlet each time, we'll be checking :)

    It 'allows us to explore properties on an object' {

        # Get some properties!

        <# EXAMPLE

        $Cmdlet1 = 'Get-Process'
        $PropertyName = 'Threads'
        $Reason = $BecauseString -f $PropertyName, $cmdlet1
        & (Get-Command -Name $Cmdlet1) |
            Get-Member -MemberType Property -Name $PropertyName |
            Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because $Reason


        $BecauseString = "property '{0}' should be present in output from {1}"

        $Cmdlet1 = '____'
        $PropertyName = '____'

        $Reason = $BecauseString -f $PropertyName, $cmdlet1
        & (Get-Command -Name $Cmdlet1) |
            Get-Member -MemberType Property -Name $PropertyName |
            Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because $Reason

        $Cmdlet2 = '____'
        $PropertyName = '____'

        $Reason = $BecauseString -f $PropertyName, $cmdlet2
        & (Get-Command -Name $Cmdlet2) |
            Get-Member -MemberType Property -Name $PropertyName |
            Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because $Reason

        $Cmdlet3 = '____'
        $PropertyName = '____'

        $Reason = $BecauseString -f $PropertyName, $cmdlet3
        & (Get-Command -Name $Cmdlet3) |
            Get-Member -MemberType Property -Name $PropertyName |
            Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because $Reason

        $cmdlet1, $cmdlet2, $cmdlet3 |
            Get-Unique |
            Should -HaveCount 3 -Because "three unique cmdlets should be supplied"

    It 'allows us to explore methods on an object' {

        # Get some methods!

        <# EXAMPLE

        $Cmdlet1 = 'Get-Process'
        $MethodName = 'Close'
        $Reason = $BecauseString -f $MethodName, $cmdlet1
        & (Get-Command -Name $Cmdlet1) |
            Get-Member -MemberType Property -Name $MethodName |
            Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because $Reason

        $BecauseString = "method '{0}' should be present in output from {1}"

        $Cmdlet1 = '____'
        $MethodName = '____'
        $Reason = $BecauseString -f $MethodName, $cmdlet1
        & (Get-Command -Name $Cmdlet1) |
            Get-Member -MemberType Method -Name $MethodName |
            Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because $Reason

        $Cmdlet2 = '____'
        $MethodName = '____'
        $Reason = $BecauseString -f $MethodName, $cmdlet2
        & (Get-Command -Name $Cmdlet2) |
            Get-Member -MemberType Method -Name $MethodName |
            Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because $Reason

        $Cmdlet3 = '____'
        $MethodName = '____'
        $Reason = $BecauseString -f $MethodName, $cmdlet3
        & (Get-Command -Name $Cmdlet3) |
            Get-Member -MemberType Method -Name $MethodName |
            Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because $Reason

        $cmdlet1, $cmdlet2, $cmdlet3 |
            Get-Unique |
            Should -BeTrue -Because "three unique cmdlets should be supplied"