
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<!-- Generated with EZOut 1.8.2: Install-Module EZOut or -->
                <ScriptBlock>$moduleName = 'PSKoans'
do {
    $lm = Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction Ignore
    if (-not $lm) { continue }
    if ($lm.FormatPartsLoaded) { break }
    $wholeScript = @(foreach ($formatFilePath in $lm.exportedFormatFiles) {
        foreach ($partNodeName in Select-Xml -LiteralPath $formatFilePath -XPath "/Configuration/Controls/Control/Name[starts-with(., '$')]") {
            $ParentNode = $partNodeName.Node.ParentNode
    }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
    New-Module -Name "${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml" -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(($wholeScript + ';Export-ModuleMember -Variable *'))) |
        Import-Module -Global
    $onRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Remove-Module '${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml'")
    if (-not $lm.OnRemove) {
        $lm.OnRemove = $onRemove
    } else {
        $lm.OnRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create($onRemove.ToString() + '' + [Environment]::NewLine + $lm.OnRemove)
    $lm | Add-Member NoteProperty FormatPartsLoaded $true -Force
} while ($false)

. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Text'</ScriptBlock>
              <Text> Welcome, seeker of enlightenment.
    Let us observe your karma...</Text>
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
              <NewLine />
              <NewLine />
                <ScriptBlock>$moduleName = 'PSKoans'
do {
    $lm = Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction Ignore
    if (-not $lm) { continue }
    if ($lm.FormatPartsLoaded) { break }
    $wholeScript = @(foreach ($formatFilePath in $lm.exportedFormatFiles) {
        foreach ($partNodeName in Select-Xml -LiteralPath $formatFilePath -XPath "/Configuration/Controls/Control/Name[starts-with(., '$')]") {
            $ParentNode = $partNodeName.Node.ParentNode
    }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
    New-Module -Name "${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml" -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(($wholeScript + ';Export-ModuleMember -Variable *'))) |
        Import-Module -Global
    $onRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Remove-Module '${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml'")
    if (-not $lm.OnRemove) {
        $lm.OnRemove = $onRemove
    } else {
        $lm.OnRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create($onRemove.ToString() + '' + [Environment]::NewLine + $lm.OnRemove)
    $lm | Add-Member NoteProperty FormatPartsLoaded $true -Force
} while ($false)

. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Error'</ScriptBlock>
        'Describing "{0}" has damaged your karma.' -f $_
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
              <NewLine />
              <NewLine />
                <ScriptBlock>$moduleName = 'PSKoans'
do {
    $lm = Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction Ignore
    if (-not $lm) { continue }
    if ($lm.FormatPartsLoaded) { break }
    $wholeScript = @(foreach ($formatFilePath in $lm.exportedFormatFiles) {
        foreach ($partNodeName in Select-Xml -LiteralPath $formatFilePath -XPath "/Configuration/Controls/Control/Name[starts-with(., '$')]") {
            $ParentNode = $partNodeName.Node.ParentNode
    }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
    New-Module -Name "${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml" -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(($wholeScript + ';Export-ModuleMember -Variable *'))) |
        Import-Module -Global
    $onRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Remove-Module '${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml'")
    if (-not $lm.OnRemove) {
        $lm.OnRemove = $onRemove
    } else {
        $lm.OnRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create($onRemove.ToString() + '' + [Environment]::NewLine + $lm.OnRemove)
    $lm | Add-Member NoteProperty FormatPartsLoaded $true -Force
} while ($false)

. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Text'</ScriptBlock>
              <Text> You have not yet reached enlightenment.

    The answers you seek...</Text>
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
              <NewLine />
              <NewLine />
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Error'</ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
              <NewLine />
              <NewLine />
                <ScriptBlock>$moduleName = 'PSKoans'
do {
    $lm = Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction Ignore
    if (-not $lm) { continue }
    if ($lm.FormatPartsLoaded) { break }
    $wholeScript = @(foreach ($formatFilePath in $lm.exportedFormatFiles) {
        foreach ($partNodeName in Select-Xml -LiteralPath $formatFilePath -XPath "/Configuration/Controls/Control/Name[starts-with(., '$')]") {
            $ParentNode = $partNodeName.Node.ParentNode
    }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
    New-Module -Name "${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml" -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(($wholeScript + ';Export-ModuleMember -Variable *'))) |
        Import-Module -Global
    $onRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Remove-Module '${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml'")
    if (-not $lm.OnRemove) {
        $lm.OnRemove = $onRemove
    } else {
        $lm.OnRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create($onRemove.ToString() + '' + [Environment]::NewLine + $lm.OnRemove)
    $lm | Add-Member NoteProperty FormatPartsLoaded $true -Force
} while ($false)

. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Text'</ScriptBlock>
              <Text> Please meditate on the following code:</Text>
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
              <NewLine />
              <NewLine />
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Error'</ScriptBlock>
{0} It "{1}"
"@ -f [char]0xd7, $_.It, $_.Meditation
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
              <NewLine />
              <NewLine />
                <ScriptBlock>$moduleName = 'PSKoans'
do {
    $lm = Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction Ignore
    if (-not $lm) { continue }
    if ($lm.FormatPartsLoaded) { break }
    $wholeScript = @(foreach ($formatFilePath in $lm.exportedFormatFiles) {
        foreach ($partNodeName in Select-Xml -LiteralPath $formatFilePath -XPath "/Configuration/Controls/Control/Name[starts-with(., '$')]") {
            $ParentNode = $partNodeName.Node.ParentNode
    }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
    New-Module -Name "${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml" -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(($wholeScript + ';Export-ModuleMember -Variable *'))) |
        Import-Module -Global
    $onRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Remove-Module '${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml'")
    if (-not $lm.OnRemove) {
        $lm.OnRemove = $onRemove
    } else {
        $lm.OnRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create($onRemove.ToString() + '' + [Environment]::NewLine + $lm.OnRemove)
    $lm | Add-Member NoteProperty FormatPartsLoaded $true -Force
} while ($false)

. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Emphasis'</ScriptBlock>
        &amp; (Get-Module -Name PSKoans) {
            $ReplacementPattern = '$1 {0} ' -f [char]0x258c
            (Get-Random -InputObject $script:MeditationStrings) -replace '^|(\r?\n)', $ReplacementPattern
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
              <NewLine />
              <NewLine />
                <ScriptBlock>$moduleName = 'PSKoans'
do {
    $lm = Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction Ignore
    if (-not $lm) { continue }
    if ($lm.FormatPartsLoaded) { break }
    $wholeScript = @(foreach ($formatFilePath in $lm.exportedFormatFiles) {
        foreach ($partNodeName in Select-Xml -LiteralPath $formatFilePath -XPath "/Configuration/Controls/Control/Name[starts-with(., '$')]") {
            $ParentNode = $partNodeName.Node.ParentNode
    }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
    New-Module -Name "${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml" -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(($wholeScript + ';Export-ModuleMember -Variable *'))) |
        Import-Module -Global
    $onRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Remove-Module '${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml'")
    if (-not $lm.OnRemove) {
        $lm.OnRemove = $onRemove
    } else {
        $lm.OnRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create($onRemove.ToString() + '' + [Environment]::NewLine + $lm.OnRemove)
    $lm | Add-Member NoteProperty FormatPartsLoaded $true -Force
} while ($false)

. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Text'</ScriptBlock>
        $TopicList = $_.Topics -replace '^', ' - ' -join [Environment]::NewLine
        $TopicOrTopics = if ($_.Count -gt 1) { 'topics' } else { 'topic' }
        $_.FormatString -f $TopicOrTopics, $TopicList
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
              <NewLine />
              <NewLine />
                <ScriptBlock>$moduleName = 'PSKoans'
do {
    $lm = Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction Ignore
    if (-not $lm) { continue }
    if ($lm.FormatPartsLoaded) { break }
    $wholeScript = @(foreach ($formatFilePath in $lm.exportedFormatFiles) {
        foreach ($partNodeName in Select-Xml -LiteralPath $formatFilePath -XPath "/Configuration/Controls/Control/Name[starts-with(., '$')]") {
            $ParentNode = $partNodeName.Node.ParentNode
    }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
    New-Module -Name "${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml" -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(($wholeScript + ';Export-ModuleMember -Variable *'))) |
        Import-Module -Global
    $onRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Remove-Module '${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml'")
    if (-not $lm.OnRemove) {
        $lm.OnRemove = $onRemove
    } else {
        $lm.OnRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create($onRemove.ToString() + '' + [Environment]::NewLine + $lm.OnRemove)
    $lm | Add-Member NoteProperty FormatPartsLoaded $true -Force
} while ($false)

. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Text'</ScriptBlock>
                  <ScriptBlock> -not $_.Complete </ScriptBlock>
    You examine the path beneath your feet...
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Text'</ScriptBlock>
                  <ScriptBlock> $_.Complete </ScriptBlock>
    You cast your gaze back upon the path that you have walked...
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
              <NewLine />
              <NewLine />
                <ScriptBlock>$moduleName = 'PSKoans'
do {
    $lm = Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction Ignore
    if (-not $lm) { continue }
    if ($lm.FormatPartsLoaded) { break }
    $wholeScript = @(foreach ($formatFilePath in $lm.exportedFormatFiles) {
        foreach ($partNodeName in Select-Xml -LiteralPath $formatFilePath -XPath "/Configuration/Controls/Control/Name[starts-with(., '$')]") {
            $ParentNode = $partNodeName.Node.ParentNode
    }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
    New-Module -Name "${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml" -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(($wholeScript + ';Export-ModuleMember -Variable *'))) |
        Import-Module -Global
    $onRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Remove-Module '${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml'")
    if (-not $lm.OnRemove) {
        $lm.OnRemove = $onRemove
    } else {
        $lm.OnRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create($onRemove.ToString() + '' + [Environment]::NewLine + $lm.OnRemove)
    $lm | Add-Member NoteProperty FormatPartsLoaded $true -Force
} while ($false)

. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Progress'</ScriptBlock>
        $ConsoleWidth = ($host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width, $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width, 80).Where{ $_ -ge 30 }[0]
        $TopicProgressAmount = "{0}/{1}" -f $_.Completed, $_.Total
        $ProgressWidth = $ConsoleWidth * $_.Width - ($_.Name.Length + $TopicProgressAmount.Length + 7)

        [int] $PortionDone = ($_.Completed / $_.Total) * $ProgressWidth

        " [{3}]: [{0}{1}] {2}" -f @(
            "$([char]0x25a0)" * $PortionDone
            "$([char]0x2015)" * ($ProgressWidth - $PortionDone)
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
              <NewLine />
              <NewLine />
                <ScriptBlock>$moduleName = 'PSKoans'
do {
    $lm = Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction Ignore
    if (-not $lm) { continue }
    if ($lm.FormatPartsLoaded) { break }
    $wholeScript = @(foreach ($formatFilePath in $lm.exportedFormatFiles) {
        foreach ($partNodeName in Select-Xml -LiteralPath $formatFilePath -XPath "/Configuration/Controls/Control/Name[starts-with(., '$')]") {
            $ParentNode = $partNodeName.Node.ParentNode
    }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
    New-Module -Name "${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml" -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(($wholeScript + ';Export-ModuleMember -Variable *'))) |
        Import-Module -Global
    $onRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Remove-Module '${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml'")
    if (-not $lm.OnRemove) {
        $lm.OnRemove = $onRemove
    } else {
        $lm.OnRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create($onRemove.ToString() + '' + [Environment]::NewLine + $lm.OnRemove)
    $lm | Add-Member NoteProperty FormatPartsLoaded $true -Force
} while ($false)

. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Text'</ScriptBlock>
              <Text>Run 'Show-Karma -Meditate' to begin your meditations.</Text>
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
              <NewLine />
                <ScriptBlock>$moduleName = 'PSKoans'
do {
    $lm = Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction Ignore
    if (-not $lm) { continue }
    if ($lm.FormatPartsLoaded) { break }
    $wholeScript = @(foreach ($formatFilePath in $lm.exportedFormatFiles) {
        foreach ($partNodeName in Select-Xml -LiteralPath $formatFilePath -XPath "/Configuration/Controls/Control/Name[starts-with(., '$')]") {
            $ParentNode = $partNodeName.Node.ParentNode
    }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
    New-Module -Name "${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml" -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(($wholeScript + ';Export-ModuleMember -Variable *'))) |
        Import-Module -Global
    $onRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Remove-Module '${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml'")
    if (-not $lm.OnRemove) {
        $lm.OnRemove = $onRemove
    } else {
        $lm.OnRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create($onRemove.ToString() + '' + [Environment]::NewLine + $lm.OnRemove)
    $lm | Add-Member NoteProperty FormatPartsLoaded $true -Force
} while ($false)

. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Text'</ScriptBlock>
        $_.Describe -and
        $_.Describe -ne $global:_Koan_Describe
        $global:_Koan_Describe = $_.Describe
        $Indent = " " * 4

        '{0}Describing {1}{2}' -f $Indent, $_.Describe, [Environment]::NewLine
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Emphasis'</ScriptBlock>
        $_.Context -and
        $_.Context -ne $global:_Koan_Context
        $global:_Koan_Context = $_.Context
        $IndentSpaces = 4
        if ($_.Context) { $IndentSpaces += 2 }
        $Indent = " " * $IndentSpaces

        '{0}{1}{2}' -f $Indent, $_.Context, [Environment]::NewLine
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Passed'</ScriptBlock>
                  <ScriptBlock> $_.Passed </ScriptBlock>
        $IndentSpaces = 4
        if ($_.Context) { $IndentSpaces += 4 } elseif ($_.Describe) { $Indent += 2 }
        $Indent = " " * $IndentSpaces

        '{0}[{1}] It {2}' -f $Indent, [char]0x25b8, $_.Name
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Error'</ScriptBlock>
                  <ScriptBlock> -not $_.Passed </ScriptBlock>
        $IndentSpaces = 4
        if ($_.Context) { $IndentSpaces += 4 } elseif ($_.Describe) { $Indent += 2 }
        $Indent = " " * $IndentSpaces

        '{0}[{1}] It {2}' -f $Indent, [char]0xd7, $_.Name
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
    Adds style to a format output
    Adds style information to a format output, including:

    * ForegroundColor
    * BackgroundColor
    * Bold
    * Underline
    Stylized Output works in two contexts at present:
    * Rich consoles (Windows Terminal, PowerShell.exe, Pwsh.exe) (when $host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal)
    * Web pages (Based off the presence of a $Request variable, or when $host.UI.SupportsHTML (you must add this property to $host.UI))

    IsFormatPart: true

$canUseANSI = $host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal
$canUseHTML = $Request -or $host.UI.SupportsHTML
if (-not ($canUseANSI -or $canUseHTML)) { return }

$knownStreams = @{
$standardColors = 'Black', 'Red', 'Green', 'Yellow', 'Blue','Magenta', 'Cyan', 'White'
$brightColors = 'BrightBlack', 'BrightRed', 'BrightGreen', 'BrightYellow', 'BrightBlue','BrightMagenta', 'BrightCyan', 'BrightWhite'
$n =0
$cssClasses = @()
$styleAttributes =
    @(:nextColor foreach ($hc in $ForegroundColor,$BackgroundColor) {
        if (-not $hc) { continue }
        if ($hc[0] -eq [char]0x1b) {
            if ($canUseANSI) {
                $hc; continue

        $ansiStartPoint = if ($n -eq 1) { 30 } else { 40 }
        if ($knownStreams.ContainsKey($hc)) {
            $i = $brightColors.IndexOf($knownStreams[$hc])
            if ($canUseHTML) {
                $cssClasses += $hc
            } else {
                if ($i -ge 0 -and $canUseANSI) {
                    '' + [char]0x1b + "[1;$($ansiStartPoint + $i)m"
                } else {
                    $i = $standardColors.IndexOf($knownStreams[$hc])
                    if ($i -ge 0 -and $canUseANSI) {
                        '' + [char]0x1b + "[1;$($ansiStartPoint + $i)m"
                    } elseif ($i -le 0 -and $canUseANSI) {
                        '' + [char]0x1b + "[$($ansistartpoint + 8):5m"
            continue nextColor
        elseif ($standardColors -contains $hc) {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $standardColors.Count;$i++) {
                if ($standardColors[$i] -eq $hc) {
                    if ($canUseANSI -and -not $canUseHTML) {
                        '' + [char]0x1b + "[$($ansiStartPoint + $i)m"
                    } else {
                        $cssClasses += $standardColors[$i]
                    continue nextColor
        } elseif ($brightColors -contains $hc) {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $brightColors.Count;$i++) {
                if ($brightColors[$i] -eq $hc) {
                    if ($canUseANSI -and -not $canUseHTML) {
                        '' + [char]0x1b + "[1;$($ansiStartPoint + $i)m"
                    } else {
                        $cssClasses += $standardColors[$i]
                    continue nextColor

        if ($hc -and -not $hc.StartsWith('#')) {
                @(if ($hc.Contains('.')) {
                    $module, $setting = $hc -split '\.', 2
                    $theModule = Get-Module $module
                } else {
                    $setting = $hc
                    $moduleColorSetting = $theModule.PrivateData.PSColors.$setting

            foreach ($place in $placesToLook) {
                if (-not $place) { continue }
                foreach ($propName in $setting -split '\.') {
                    $place = $place.$propName
                    if (-not $place) { break }
                if ($place -and "$place".StartsWith('#') -and 4,7 -contains "$place".Length) {
                    $hc = $place
            if (-not $hc.StartsWith -or -not $hc.StartsWith('#')) {
        $r,$g,$b = if ($hc.Length -eq 7) {
            [int]::Parse($hc[1..2]-join'', 'HexNumber')
            [int]::Parse($hc[3..4]-join '', 'HexNumber')
            [int]::Parse($hc[5..6] -join'', 'HexNumber')
        }elseif ($hc.Length -eq 4) {
            [int]::Parse($hc[1], 'HexNumber') * 16
            [int]::Parse($hc[2], 'HexNumber') * 16
            [int]::Parse($hc[3], 'HexNumber') * 16

        if ($canUseHTML) {
            if ($n -eq 1) { "color:$hc" }
            elseif ($n -eq 2) { "background-color:$hc"}
        elseif ($canUseANSI) {
            if ($n -eq 1) { [char]0x1b+"[38;2;$r;$g;${b}m" }
            elseif ($n -eq 2) { [char]0x1b+"[48;2;$r;$g;${b}m" }

if ($Bold) {
    $styleAttributes +=
        if ($canUseHTML) {
        elseif ($canUseANSI)
            [char]0x1b + "[1m"

if ($Underline) {
    $styleAttributes +=
        if ($canUseHTML) {
        } elseif ($canUseANSI) {
            [char]0x1b + "[4m"

if ($Invert) {
    $styleAttributes +=
        if ($canUseHTML) {
        } elseif ($canUseANSI) {
            [char]0x1b + "[7m"

if ($canUseHTML) {
        if ($styleAttributes) { " style='$($styleAttributes -join ';')'"}
        if ($cssClasses) { " class='$($cssClasses -join ' ')'"}
} elseif ($canUseANSI) {
    $styleAttributes -join ''
    Clears the output style
    Clears ANSI output style or closes the most recent span element.

    ANSI stylization can be toggled off individually (for instance, to stop applying an -Underline but leave the color unchanged)
    IsFormatPart: true
# If set, will explicitly clear ANSI Bold
# If set, will explicitly clear ANSI Underline
# If set, will explicitly clear ANSI Invert
# If set, will explicitly clear ANSI Foreground Color
# If set, will explicitly clear ANSI Background Color
@(if ($request -or $host.UI.SupportsHTML) {
} elseif ($Host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal) {
    if ($Underline) {
        [char]0x1b + "[24m"
    if ($Bold) {
        [char]0x1b + "[21m"
    if ($Invert) {
        [char]0x1b + '[27m'
    if ($ForegroundColor) {
        [char]0x1b + '[39m'
    if ($BackgroundColor) {
        [char]0x1b + '[49m'

    if (-not ($Underline -or $Bold -or $Invert -or $ForegroundColor -or $BackgroundColor)) {
        [char]0x1b + '[0m'
}) -join ''</ScriptBlock>
                  <ScriptBlock> $_.RequestedTopic </ScriptBlock>
            FormatString = @"
    Congratulations! You have taken the first steps towards enlightenment.

    You have completed the {0}:
            Topics = $_.RequestedTopic
                <ScriptBlock>$moduleName = 'PSKoans'
do {
    $lm = Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction Ignore
    if (-not $lm) { continue }
    if ($lm.FormatPartsLoaded) { break }
    $wholeScript = @(foreach ($formatFilePath in $lm.exportedFormatFiles) {
        foreach ($partNodeName in Select-Xml -LiteralPath $formatFilePath -XPath "/Configuration/Controls/Control/Name[starts-with(., '$')]") {
            $ParentNode = $partNodeName.Node.ParentNode
    }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
    New-Module -Name "${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml" -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(($wholeScript + ';Export-ModuleMember -Variable *'))) |
        Import-Module -Global
    $onRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Remove-Module '${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml'")
    if (-not $lm.OnRemove) {
        $lm.OnRemove = $onRemove
    } else {
        $lm.OnRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create($onRemove.ToString() + '' + [Environment]::NewLine + $lm.OnRemove)
    $lm | Add-Member NoteProperty FormatPartsLoaded $true -Force
} while ($false)

. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Text'</ScriptBlock>
              <Text> Congratulations! You have made great progress towards enlightenment.

    The journey to mastery is never-ending; if at any point you feel the need to
    revisit a topic, you can simply call "Reset-PSKoan -Topic $name" to reset
    that specific topic and work through it once again.

    May your newfound knowledge serve you well, and may you find myriad ways to
    pass it along to others in turn.

    Mountains are, once again, merely mountains.</Text>
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
              <NewLine />
              <NewLine />
                <ScriptBlock> 1 </ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock> $_ </ScriptBlock>
                  <ScriptBlock> $_.RequestedTopic.Count -gt 1 </ScriptBlock>
            Completed = $_.CurrentTopic.Completed
            Total = $_.CurrentTopic.Total
            Name = $_.CurrentTopic.Name
            Width = 0.5
                  <ScriptBlock> $_.RequestedTopic.Count -eq 1 </ScriptBlock>
            Completed = $_.CurrentTopic.Completed
            Total = $_.CurrentTopic.Total
            Name = $_.CurrentTopic.Name
            Width = 0.8
        -not $_.RequestedTopic -or
        $_.RequestedTopic.Count -gt 1
            Completed = $_.KoansPassed
            Total = $_.TotalKoans
            Name = 'Total'
            Width = 0.8
              <NewLine />
              <NewLine />
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_SetOutputStyle -ForegroundColor 'PSKoans.Meditation.Text'</ScriptBlock>
              <Text> If you would like to further your studies in this manner, consider investing in
    "PowerShell by Mistake" by Don Jones -</Text>
                <ScriptBlock>. $PSKoans_ClearOutputStyle</ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock> 1 </ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock> $_.Describe </ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock> $_ </ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock> $_ </ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock> 1 </ScriptBlock>
                  <ScriptBlock> $_.RequestedTopic </ScriptBlock>
            Topics = $_.RequestedTopic
            FormatString = @"
    You must meditate further on your selected {0}:
                <ScriptBlock> $_ </ScriptBlock>
                  <ScriptBlock> $_.RequestedTopic.Count -ne 1 </ScriptBlock>
            Completed = $_.CurrentTopic.Completed
            Total = $_.CurrentTopic.Total
            Name = $_.CurrentTopic.Name
            Width = 0.5
                  <ScriptBlock> $_.RequestedTopic.Count -eq 1 </ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock> @{
            Completed = $_.CurrentTopic.Completed
            Total = $_.CurrentTopic.Total
            Name = $_.CurrentTopic.Name
            Width = 0.8
        -not $_.RequestedTopic -or
        $_.RequestedTopic.Count -gt 1
            Completed = $_.KoansPassed
            Total = $_.TotalKoans
            Name = 'Total'
            Width = 0.8
                <ScriptBlock> 1 </ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock> $_ </ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock> $_ </ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock> 1 </ScriptBlock>
                  <ScriptBlock> $_.RequestedTopic </ScriptBlock>
            Topics = $_.RequestedTopic
            FormatString = @"
    You must meditate further on your selected {0}:
                <ScriptBlock> $_ </ScriptBlock>
              <NewLine />
                <ScriptBlock> $_.Results </ScriptBlock>
                <EnumerateCollection />
                  <ScriptBlock> $_.RequestedTopic.Count -ne 1 </ScriptBlock>
            Completed = $_.CurrentTopic.Completed
            Total = $_.CurrentTopic.Total
            Name = $_.CurrentTopic.Name
            Width = 0.5
            Newline = $true
                  <ScriptBlock> $_.RequestedTopic.Count -eq 1 </ScriptBlock>
            Completed = $_.CurrentTopic.Completed
            Total = $_.CurrentTopic.Total
            Name = $_.CurrentTopic.Name
            Width = 0.8
        -not $_.RequestedTopic -or
        $_.RequestedTopic.Count -gt 1
            Completed = $_.KoansPassed
            Total = $_.TotalKoans
            Name = 'Total'
            Width = 0.8