
#Requires -Modules dbatools
using module PSKoans
[Koan(Position = 1003, Module = 'dbatools')]

    Getting details and querying a database are useful when there is a database to query.
    What if we need to create a new database?
    dbatools has us covered with New-DbaDatabase

Describe 'New-DbaDatabase' {

    #region Mocks
        Let's set up the environment for you.
        Unless you want the Koans to nearly always fail, I would suggest not messing with this bit.

    BeforeAll {
        Mock -CommandName New-DbaDatabase -MockWith {
                ComputerName = 'localhost'
                InstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                SqlInstance = 'localhost'
                Name = 'random-123456789'
                Status = 'Normal'
                IsAccessible = $true
                RecoveryModel = 'Simple'
                LogReuseWaitStatus = 'Nothing'
                SizeMB = 16
                Compatibility = 'Version140'
                Collation = 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'
                Owner = $ENV:USERNAME
                LastFullBackup = Get-Date '0001-01-01'
                LastDiffBackup = Get-Date '0001-01-01'
                LastLogBackup = Get-Date '0001-01-01'
        } -ParameterFilter {$_.SqlInstance -eq 'localhost'}
        Mock -CommandName New-DbaDatabase -MockWith {
                ComputerName = 'localhost'
                InstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                SqlInstance = 'localhost'
                Name = 'RandomIsGood'
                Status = 'Normal'
                IsAccessible = $true
                RecoveryModel = 'Simple'
                LogReuseWaitStatus = 'Nothing'
                SizeMB = 16
                Compatibility = 'Version140'
                Collation = 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'
                Owner = $ENV:USERNAME
                LastFullBackup = Get-Date '0001-01-01'
                LastDiffBackup = Get-Date '0001-01-01'
                LastLogBackup = Get-Date '0001-01-01'
                ComputerName = 'localhost'
                InstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                SqlInstance = 'localhost'
                Name = 'SpecificIsBetter'
                Status = 'Normal'
                IsAccessible = $true
                RecoveryModel = 'Simple'
                LogReuseWaitStatus = 'Nothing'
                SizeMB = 16
                Compatibility = 'Version140'
                Collation = 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'
                Owner = $ENV:USERNAME
                LastFullBackup = Get-Date '0001-01-01'
                LastDiffBackup = Get-Date '0001-01-01'
                LastLogBackup = Get-Date '0001-01-01'
        } -ParameterFilter {
            $_.SqlInstance -eq 'localhost' -and
            @('RandomIsGood', 'SpecificIsBetter') -in $_.Name
        Mock -CommandName New-DbaDatabase -MockWith {
            'Val', 'Dev', 'Prod' | ForEach-Object -Process {
                    ComputerName = $_
                    InstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    SqlInstance = $_
                    Name = 'DBScripts'
                    Status = 'Normal'
                    IsAccessible = $true
                    RecoveryModel = 'Simple'
                    LogReuseWaitStatus = 'Nothing'
                    SizeMB = 16
                    Compatibility = 'Version140'
                    Collation = 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'
                    Owner = $ENV:USERNAME
                    LastFullBackup = Get-Date '0001-01-01'
                    LastDiffBackup = Get-Date '0001-01-01'
                    LastLogBackup = Get-Date '0001-01-01'
        } -ParameterFilter {
            $_.Name -eq 'DBScripts' -and
            @('Val', 'Dev', 'Prod') -in $_.SqlInstance
        Mock -CommandName New-DbaDatabase -MockWith {
                FileGroups = @{
                    Files = @{
                        FileName = 'E:\DATA\TestDataLogFile_PRIMARY.mdf'
                LogFiles = @{
                    FileName = 'E:\LOG\TestDataLogFile_Log.ldf'
        } -ParameterFilter {
            $_.DataFilePath -eq 'E:\DATA' -and
            $_.LogFilePath -eq 'E:\LOG'
        Mock -CommandName New-DbaDatabase -MockWith {
                ComputerName = 'localhost'
                InstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                SqlInstance = 'localhost'
                Name = 'DBScripts'
                Status = 'Normal'
                IsAccessible = $true
                RecoveryModel = 'FULL'
                LogReuseWaitStatus = 'Nothing'
                SizeMB = 16
                Compatibility = 'Version140'
                Collation = 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'
                Owner = $ENV:USERNAME
                LastFullBackup = Get-Date '0001-01-01'
                LastDiffBackup = Get-Date '0001-01-01'
                LastLogBackup = Get-Date '0001-01-01'
        } -ParameterFilter {
            $_.SqlInstance -eq 'localhost' -and
            $_.RecoveryModel -eq 'Full'

    It 'creates a new database on the specified instance' {
            New-DbaDatabase, while having a few different parameters, requires only that you have an instance
            of SQL Server that you can connect to and it can create a database on.

            Complete the below to create a new database on localhost.

        $NewDatabase = New-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance '____'
        $NewDatabase.ComputerName | Should -Be 'localhost'

    It 'creates databases with specific names' {
            While only specifying the server name is convenient, it is rare that we want a randomly named
            database. Most of the time we want to specify the database name(s) to be created.

            Luckily, New-DbaDatabase allows us to do that!

        $NewSpecifiedDatabase = New-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -Name '____', '____'
        $NewSpecifiedDatabase.Name | Should -Be 'RandomIsGood', 'SpecificIsBetter'

    It 'creates a database on multiple specified instances' {
            If you're interacting with databases regularly then you more than likely have a list of
            scripts that you run often enough to save. You can save these scripts as files or you can
            save them to a database on each server.

            If only there was a way to create a database on your Dev, Val, and Prod servers that you
            can save these scripts to...

        $NewScriptsDatabase = New-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance '____', '____', '____' -Name DBScripts
        $NewScriptsDatabase.SqlInstance | Should -Be 'Dev', 'Val', 'Prod'

    It 'creates a new database with a specified recovery model' {
            When new databases get created they get created with a recovery model. They take this
            recovery model from the system database model.

            New-DbaDatabase allows you to specify a recovery model that you want the new database to
            have. This recovery model does not need to be what the model database is set to.

            Finish the below block of code to create a new database with the FULL recovery model.

        $NewRecoveryModelDatabase = New-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -RecoveryModel '____'
        $NewRecoveryModelDatabase.RecoveryModel | Should -Be 'Full'

    It 'creates a database with a specified path for data and log files' {
            There is also an option to specify where to place the database data and log files. By using the parameters
            -DataFilePath and -LogFilePath, you can specify where to place these files.

        $NewFilePathDatabase = New-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -Name FilePathTese -DataFilePath '____' -LogFilePath '___'
        $DataPath = $NewFilePathDatabase.FileGroups.Files
        $LogPath = $NewFilePathDatabase.LogFiles

        (Split-Path -Path $DataPath).FileName | Should -Be 'E:\DATA'
        (Split-Path -Path $LogPath).FileName | Should -BE 'E:\LOG'