
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using KubeClient;
using KubeClient.Models;
using KubeClient.ResourceClients;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch.Operations;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;

namespace Kubectl {
    public sealed class KubeResourceComparer {
        private Dictionary<Type, HashSet<string>> nonUpdateableTypes = new Dictionary<Type, HashSet<string>>
            [typeof(KubeObjectV1)] = new HashSet<string> {
            [typeof(KubeResourceV1)] = new HashSet<string> {
                // Status cannot be updated directly, only spec
                // Not that Status is not strictly a property of KubeResourceV1 but effectively all subclasses have it
            [typeof(ObjectMetaV1)] = new HashSet<string> {
            // [typeof(ContainerV1)] = new HashSet<string> {
            // "TerminationMessagePolicy",
            // "TerminationMessagePath",
            // }
        private ILogger logger;
        public KubeResourceComparer(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) {
            this.logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger(nameof(KubeResourceComparer));

        /// <summary>
        /// CreateThreeWayMergePatch reconciles a modified configuration with an original configuration,
        /// while preserving any changes or deletions made to the original configuration in the interim,
        /// and not overridden by the current configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="current">The configuration in the current state on the server</param>
        /// <param name="modified">The user-modified local configuration</param>
        /// <param name="annotate">If true, update the annotation in <paramref name="modified">modified</paramref> with the value of modified before diffing</param>
        public void CreateThreeWayPatchFromLastApplied(object current, object modified, Type type, JsonPatchDocument patch, bool annotate) {
            if (current == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(current));
            if (modified == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(modified));
            if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type));
            if (patch == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(patch));

            object original = modified;
            var originalJson = (string)((IDictionary)current.GetPropertyValue("Metadata").GetPropertyValue("Annotations"))[Annotations.LastAppliedConfig];
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(originalJson)) {
                original = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(originalJson, type);
            if (annotate) {
                var modifiedAnnotations = (IDictionary)modified.GetPropertyValue("Metadata").GetPropertyValue("Annotations");
                modifiedAnnotations[Annotations.LastAppliedConfig] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(modified, new PSObjectJsonConverter());
            CreateThreeWayPatch(original, modified, current, type, patch);

        /// <summary>
        /// CreateThreeWayMergePatch reconciles a modified configuration with an original configuration,
        /// while preserving any changes or deletions made to the original configuration in the interim,
        /// and not overridden by the current configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="original">The original configuration from the annotation in <paramref name="current">current</paramref></param>
        /// <param name="modified">The user-modified local configuration</param>
        /// <param name="current">The configuration in the current state on the server</param>
        public void CreateThreeWayPatch(object original, object modified, object current, Type type, JsonPatchDocument patch) {
            if (current == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(current));
            if (modified == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(modified));
            if (current == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(current));
            if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type));
            if (patch == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(patch));

            CreateTwoWayPatch(current, modified, type, patch, ignoreDeletions: true);
            CreateTwoWayPatch(original, modified, type, patch, ignoreAdditionsAndModifications: true);

        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the passed JSON Patch so that it yields modified when applied to original
        /// - Adding fields to the patch present in modified, missing from original
        /// - Setting fields to the patch present in modified and original with different values
        /// - Delete fields present in original, missing from modified through
        /// - IFF map field - set to nil in patch ???
        /// - IFF list of maps && merge strategy - use deleteDirective for the elements ???
        /// - IFF list of primitives && merge strategy - use parallel deletion list ???
        /// - IFF list of maps or primitives with replace strategy (default) - set patch value to the value in modified ???
        /// - Build $retainKeys directive for fields with retainKeys patch strategy ???
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="original">The original object</param>
        /// <param name="modified">The modified object</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type that original and modified represent (even if they are not actually that type, but a PSObject)</param>
        /// <param name="path">The JSON pointer to the currently inspected values</param>
        /// <param name="mergeStrategy">The strategy to use for patching (replace or merge with mergeKey)</param>
        public void CreateTwoWayPatch(object original, object modified, Type type, JsonPatchDocument patch, string path = "", MergeStrategyAttribute mergeStrategy = null, bool ignoreDeletions = false, bool ignoreAdditionsAndModifications = false) {
            if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type));
            if (patch == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(patch));
            if (path == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));

            logger.LogTrace($"Path: {path}");
            if (modified == null && original == null) {
            if (modified == null && original != null) {
                if (!ignoreDeletions) {
                    patch.Replace(path, modified);
            if (original == null && modified != null) {
                if (!ignoreAdditionsAndModifications) {
                    patch.Replace(path, modified);

            // From this point, original and modified are known to be non-null

            logger.LogTrace($"Type: original {original?.GetType().Name} modified {modified?.GetType().Name} expected {type?.Name}");

            // string, int, float, bool, enum, DateTime
            if (modified is string || type.IsValueType) {
                logger.LogTrace($"Is value type, comparing {original} <-> {modified}");
                // Replace if changed, otherwise do nothing
                // We NEED to use Equals() here instead of != because the static type is object, meaning the scalar is boxed.
                // Since operators are resolved at compile time, this would use the == implementation for object,
                // while Equals() is dynamically dispatched on the real boxed type.
                if (!original.Equals(modified)) {
                    patch.Replace(path, modified);

            // From this point, original and modified are known to be reference types

            if (System.Object.ReferenceEquals(original, modified)) {
                // Same object, short cut

            if (modified is IList) {
                logger.LogTrace("Is List");
                Type valueType = type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                // Handle lists
                // Really just casting to generic IEnumerable get access to more LINQ. It's all object anyway.
                IEnumerable<object> originalEnumerable = ((IList)original).Cast<object>();
                IEnumerable<object> modifiedEnumerable = ((IList)modified).Cast<object>();
                // Check if the list property has a strategic merge strategy attribute
                if (mergeStrategy != null) {
                    if (mergeStrategy.Key != null) {
                        logger.LogTrace("List is unordered set keyed by merge key");
                        // The lists are to be treated like dictionaries, keyed by Key
                        logger.LogTrace($"Merge key: {mergeStrategy.Key}");
                        Func<object, object> keySelector = listElement => {
                            PropertyInfo mergeProperty = ModelHelpers.FindJsonProperty(valueType, mergeStrategy.Key);
                            object value = listElement.GetPropertyValue(mergeProperty.Name);
                            if (value == null) {
                                throw new Exception($"Merge key {mergeProperty} on type {valueType.FullName} cannot be null");
                            logger.LogTrace($"Merge property value: {value}");
                            return value;
                        // The merge key value is *not* guaranteed to be string,
                        // for example ContainerPortV1 has the merge key ContainerPort which is type int
                        Dictionary<object, object> originalDict = originalEnumerable.ToDictionary(keySelector);
                        Dictionary<object, object> modifiedDict = modifiedEnumerable.ToDictionary(keySelector);
                        var removeOperations = new List<Action>();
                        int index = 0;
                        foreach (var originalElement in originalEnumerable) {
                            object elementKey = originalElement.GetPropertyValue(ModelHelpers.FindJsonProperty(valueType, mergeStrategy.Key).Name);
                            string elementPath = path + "/" + index;
                            if (!modifiedDict.ContainsKey(elementKey)) {
                                if (!ignoreDeletions) {
                                    // Entry removed in modified
                                    // Check that the value at the given index is really the value we want to modify,
                                    // to make sure indexes were not modified on the server
                                    // Queue these up because they shift array indexes around and for simplicity we want to get the modifications add first
                                    // This makes the patch easier to reason about.
                                    removeOperations.Add(() => patch.Test(elementPath + "/" + escapeJsonPointer(mergeStrategy.Key), elementKey));
                                    removeOperations.Add(() => patch.Remove(elementPath));
                            } else {
                                // Entry present in both, merge recursively
                                patch.Test(elementPath + "/" + escapeJsonPointer(mergeStrategy.Key), elementKey);
                                var countBefore = patch.Operations.Count;
                                    original: originalElement,
                                    modified: modifiedDict[elementKey],
                                    type: valueType,
                                    patch: patch,
                                    path: elementPath,
                                    ignoreDeletions: ignoreDeletions,
                                    ignoreAdditionsAndModifications: ignoreAdditionsAndModifications
                                if (patch.Operations.Count == countBefore) {
                                    // Test was not needed, element was not modified
                                    patch.Operations.RemoveAt(patch.Operations.Count - 1);
                        // Modifications are done, add remove operations
                        foreach (var action in removeOperations) {
                        if (!ignoreAdditionsAndModifications) {
                            // Entries added in modified
                            foreach (var modifiedEntry in modifiedDict) {
                                if (!originalDict.ContainsKey(modifiedEntry.Key)) {
                                    // An element that was added in modified
                                    patch.Add(path + "/-", modifiedEntry.Value);
                    } else {
                        logger.LogTrace("List is unordered set");
                        // Lists are to be treated like unordered sets
                        HashSet<object> originalSet = originalEnumerable.ToHashSet();
                        HashSet<object> modifiedSet = modifiedEnumerable.ToHashSet();
                        // The index to adress the element on the server after applying every operation in the patch so far.
                        int index = 0;
                        foreach (var originalElement in originalEnumerable) {
                            string elementPath = path + "/" + index;
                            if (!modifiedSet.Contains(originalElement)) {
                                // Deleted from modified
                                if (!ignoreDeletions) {
                                    // When patching indexes, make sure elements didn't get moved around on the server
                                    // Can directly add them here because unordered sets do not use replace operations,
                                    // only remove and adding to the end
                                    patch.Test(elementPath, originalElement);
                            // Present in both: do nothing
                        if (!ignoreAdditionsAndModifications) {
                            foreach (var modifiedElement in modifiedSet) {
                                if (!originalSet.Contains(modifiedElement)) {
                                    // Added in modified
                                    patch.Add(path + "/-", modifiedElement);
                } else {
                    logger.LogTrace("List is ordered list");
                    // List is to be treated as an ordered list, e.g. ContainerV1.Command
                    List<object> originalList = originalEnumerable.ToList();
                    List<object> modifiedList = modifiedEnumerable.ToList();
                    var removeOperations = new List<Action>();
                    int index = 0;
                    foreach (var originalElement in originalList.Take(modifiedList.Count)) {
                        string elementPath = path + "/" + index;
                        if (index >= modifiedList.Count) {
                            // Not present in modified, remove
                            if (!ignoreDeletions) {
                                removeOperations.Add(() => patch.Test(elementPath, originalElement));
                                removeOperations.Add(() => patch.Remove(elementPath));
                        } else {
                            // Present in both, merge recursively
                            // Add a test to check that indexes were not moved on the server
                            patch.Test(elementPath, originalElement);
                            int countBefore = patch.Operations.Count;
                                original: originalElement,
                                modified: modifiedList[index],
                                type: valueType,
                                patch: patch,
                                path: elementPath,
                                ignoreDeletions: ignoreDeletions,
                                ignoreAdditionsAndModifications: ignoreAdditionsAndModifications
                            if (patch.Operations.Count == countBefore) {
                                // Test was not needed, element was not modified
                                patch.Operations.RemoveAt(patch.Operations.Count - 1);
                    // Modifications are done, register remove operations
                    foreach (var action in removeOperations) {
                    // Continue on modifiedList (if it's longer) to add added elements
                    for (; index < modifiedList.Count; index++) {
                        // Added in modifiedList
                        object addedElement = modifiedList[index];
                        patch.Add(path + "/-", addedElement);
            } else if (modified is IDictionary) {
                logger.LogTrace("Is Dictionary");
                Type valueType = type.GetGenericArguments()[1];
                // Handle maps (e.g. KubeResourceV1.Annotations)
                IDictionary originalDict = (IDictionary)original;
                IDictionary modifiedDict = (IDictionary)modified;
                // Always merge maps
                foreach (DictionaryEntry originalEntry in originalDict) {
                    string entryKey = (string)originalEntry.Key;
                    object entryValue = (object)originalEntry.Value;
                    string entryPath = path + "/" + escapeJsonPointer(entryKey);
                    if (!modifiedDict.Contains(originalEntry.Key)) {
                        if (!ignoreDeletions) {
                            // Entry removed in modified
                    } else {
                        // Entry present in both, merge recursively
                            original: entryValue,
                            modified: modifiedDict[originalEntry.Key],
                            type: valueType,
                            patch: patch,
                            path: entryPath,
                            ignoreDeletions: ignoreDeletions,
                            ignoreAdditionsAndModifications: ignoreAdditionsAndModifications
                if (!ignoreAdditionsAndModifications) {
                    // Entries added in modified
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry modifiedEntry in modifiedDict) {
                        string entryKey = (string)modifiedEntry.Key;
                        object entryValue = (object)modifiedEntry.Value;
                        if (!originalDict.Contains(entryKey)) {
                            // An element that was added in modified
                            patch.Add(path + "/" + escapeJsonPointer(entryKey), entryValue);
            } else {
                logger.LogTrace("Is other object");
                // resourceVersion: a string that identifies the internal version of this object that can be used by
                // clients to determine when objects have changed. This value MUST be treated as opaque by clients
                // and passed unmodified back to the server.
                // Add this test before traversing into other properties
                if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(KubeResourceV1))) {
                    var resourceVersion = (string)original.GetPropertyValue("Metadata")?.GetPropertyValue("ResourceVersion");
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceVersion)) {
                        patch.Test(path + "/resourceVersion", resourceVersion);
                // KubeObjects, compare properties recursively
                foreach (PropertyInfo prop in type.GetProperties()) {
                    logger.LogTrace($"Property {prop.Name}");

                    // Ignore properties that are not part of modified
                    if (modified is PSObject psObject && psObject.Properties[prop.Name] == null) {

                    JsonPropertyAttribute jsonAttribute = (JsonPropertyAttribute)prop.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(JsonPropertyAttribute));
                    string propPath = path + "/" + escapeJsonPointer(jsonAttribute.PropertyName);

                    object originalValue = original.GetPropertyValue(prop.Name);
                    object modifiedValue = modified.GetPropertyValue(prop.Name);

                    if (!isPropertyUpdateable(type, prop)) {

                    // Pass patch strategy attribute to diff function for the property we're looking at
                    MergeStrategyAttribute attribute = (MergeStrategyAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(prop, typeof(MergeStrategyAttribute));
                        original: originalValue,
                        modified: modifiedValue,
                        type: prop.PropertyType,
                        patch: patch,
                        path: propPath,
                        mergeStrategy: attribute,
                        ignoreDeletions: ignoreDeletions,
                        ignoreAdditionsAndModifications: ignoreAdditionsAndModifications

        private static string escapeJsonPointer(string referenceToken) {
            return referenceToken.Replace("~", "~0").Replace("/", "~1");

        private bool isPropertyUpdateable(Type objectType, PropertyInfo prop) {
            foreach (var typePropsEntry in nonUpdateableTypes) {
                var nonUpdateableType = typePropsEntry.Key;
                var nonUpdateableProperties = typePropsEntry.Value;
                if (objectType.IsSubclassOf(nonUpdateableType) && nonUpdateableProperties.Contains(prop.Name)) {
                    return false;
            return true;