
function New-KubernetesSecretData {
       Generates a PSCredential object for Kubernetes secret data.
       The New-KubernetesSecretData function creates a PSCredential object with the specified SecretDataKey and SecretDataValue. The function also ensures that the secret being passed is not recoverable in PowerShell's command history or any PowerShell log.
    .PARAMETER SecretDataKey
       The key for the Kubernetes secret data.
    .PARAMETER SecretDataValue
       The value corresponding to the SecretDataKey.
       New-KubernetesSecretData -SecretDataKey "DatabasePassword" -SecretDataValue "mySecret123!"
       This example demonstrates how to create a PSCredential object with a SecretDataKey of "DatabasePassword" and a SecretDataValue of "mySecret123!".
        $secretDataName = "myapikey"
        $secretDataCred = New-KubernetesSecretData -SecretDataKey $secretDataName -SecretDataValue '9eC29a57e584426E960dv3f84aa154c13fS$%m'
        New-KubernetesEphemeralSecret -SecretName "my-secret" -SecretData $secretDataCred
        Creates a Kubernetes secret via New-KubernetesEphemeralSecret in the default namespace with a name of 'my-secret' with a key of 'myapikey' and a value of '9eC29a57e584426E960dv3f84aa154c13fS$%m' via the PSCredential object generate from New-KubernetesSecretData.
        $secretDataName = "mysecondapikey"
        $secretDataCred = New-KubernetesSecretData -SecretDataKey $secretDataName -SecretDataValue 'NRHnXj#DG&sJA*7IYgl$r!aO'
        Set-KubernetesSecretData -SecretName "my-secret" -SecretData $secretDataCred -Add
        Adds a Kubernetes secret via Set-KubernetesSecretData in the default namespace with a name of 'my-secret' with a key of 'myapikey' and a value of 'NRHnXj#DG&sJA*7IYgl$r!aO' via the PSCredential object generate from New-KubernetesSecretData.
       nksd -k "DatabasePassword" -v "mySecret123!"
       This example demonstrates how to create a PSCredential object with a SecretDataKey of "DatabasePassword" and a SecretDataValue of "mySecret123!".
        $secretDataName = "myapikey"
        sksd -s "my-secret" -d (nksd -k $secretDataName -v '2@GaImh59O3C8!TMwLSf$gVrjsuiDZAEveKxkd') -json
        Sets a Kubernetes secret via Set-KubernetesSecretData (aliased as 'sksd') in the default namespace with a name of 'my-secret' with a key of 'myapikey' and a value of '2@GaImh59O3C8!TMwLSf$gVrjsuiDZAEveKxkd' with the output rendered as JSON.
       To maintain security, after running this function, any trace of its execution is removed from the PowerShell history.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $false,
            Position = 0)]
        [Alias('k', 'sk', 'skd', 'key', 'SecretKey')]
        [ValidateLength(1, 253)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $false,
            Position = 1)]
        [Alias('v', 'sv', 'skv', 'value', 'SecretValue')]
        [ValidateLength(1, 1073741823)]
    BEGIN {
        function Clear-FunctionHistory {
                This function will contain functionality to remove this function's calls to as many of
                the PowerShell logs as possible in order to avoid secret discovery.

            $functionName = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand
            $functionAliases = Get-Alias -Definition $functionName

            try {
                Get-History |
                Where-Object { ($_.CommandLine -match $functionName) -or ($_.CommandLine -match $functionAliases) } |
                ForEach-Object {
                    Clear-History -Id $_.Id

                $cmdNames = @($functionName, $functionAliases) -join ", "
                $verboseMessage = "Events cleared with calls to the following: $cmdNames"
                Write-Verbose -Message $verboseMessage
            catch {
                $InvalidOperationException = [System.Exception.InvalidOperationException]::new("Unable to clear PowerShell history. Clear log manually to avoid unintentional secret exposure.")
                Write-Error -Exception $InvalidOperationException -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorAction Continue
        $secretDataValueSecureString = $SecretDataValue | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
        $SecretDataKeyValuePair = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $SecretDataKey, $secretDataValueSecureString

        Write-Output -InputObject $SecretDataKeyValuePair
    END {
        # Remove function execution calls from history to ensure secret confidentiality: