
            This�function�triggers maintenance mode on the current SCOM agent monitored server. It will prevent to set SCOM management server into maintenance mode.�
            Limitation: Works only with SCOM 2016.

            Defined reason for the maintenance mode
            Optional parameter which can be set to add a comment.
            .PARAMETER Duration
            Minutes to put system into mainteance mode

            PS�C:\>�Start-SCOMAgentMaintenanceMode -Reason PlannedHardwareInstallation -Comment "Need to change HW" -Duration 60

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Reason = 'PlannedOther',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Comment = 'No comment set',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $MinimumDurationInMins = 5.0 
        $ParamSeparator = '|'
        $CommentSeparator = ':'
        $ExtraTimeInMinutes = 8.0
        $RegistryKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\MaintenanceMode'
        $Valid = $null
        $Record = $null

        $Current = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
        $WindowsPrincipal = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal]::new($Current)
        If(!($WindowsPrincipal.IsInRole([System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator )))
            Write-Warning -Message 'Permission denied. Use elevated permission!'
            Write-Warning -Message 'This command can run only on Agent Machine'

        $Now = Get-Date
        $d = $Now.AddMinutes($Duration)

            Write-Warning -Message 'SCOM agent is not installed!'

        If(($d - $Now).TotalMinutes -lt $MinimumDurationInMins)
            Write-Warning -Message 'Minimum duration is 5 minutes!'
            $Comment = $Comment.Trim()
        $CurrentName = ([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).Name

        If(!(Test-Path -Path  $RegistryKey))
            New-Item -Path  $RegistryKey -Force
            Set-ItemProperty -Path  $RegistryKey -Name IsValid -Value '-1' 
            Set-ItemProperty -Path  $RegistryKey -Name Record -Value '-1'  

        $Valid = Get-ItemProperty -Path  $RegistryKey -Name IsValid 
        $Record = Get-ItemProperty -Path  $RegistryKey -Name Record 

        if($Valid.isValid -eq '-1')
            Set-ItemProperty -Path  $RegistryKey -Name IsValid -Value ''  
            $Valid = $null

        If($Record.Record -eq '-1')
            Set-ItemProperty -Path  $RegistryKey -Name Record -Value ''  
            $Record = $null

        If(!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Valid.isValid)) -and !([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Record.Record)) -and ($Valid.isValid -eq '0' -or $Valid.isValid -eq '1'))
            [Double]$Min = $Record.Record.Split('|')[0]
            [DateTime]$SetDate = $Record.Record.Split('|')[3]
            [DateTime]$Now = Get-Date
            [Double]$RemainMin = ($SetDate-$Now).Minutes
            if($RemainMin -gt 0.0)
                $Value = [string]::Concat($Duration,$ParamSeparator,$Reason,$ParamSeparator,$CurrentName,$CommentSeparator,$Comment,$ParamSeparator,$Now.ToString())
                Set-ItemProperty -Path  $RegistryKey -Name Record -Value $Value 
                Set-ItemProperty -Path  $RegistryKey -Name IsValid -Value '1'
            $TotalMinutes = ($SetDate.AddMinutes($Min + $ExtraTimeInMinutes) -$Now).TotalMinutes
            If($TotalMinutes -gt 0.0)
                if($Valid.isValid -eq '0')
                    Write-Warning -Message "System is probably in Maintenance Mode. Preferably try after $(($Now.AddMinutes($TotalMinutes)))"
                    Write-Warning -Message 'Last Maintenance Mode Request pending. Try afterwards.'

            $Value = [string]::Concat($Duration,$ParamSeparator,$Reason,$ParamSeparator,$CurrentName,$CommentSeparator,$Comment,$ParamSeparator,$Now.ToString())
            Set-ItemProperty -Path  $RegistryKey -Name Record -Value $Value 
            Set-ItemProperty -Path  $RegistryKey -Name IsValid -Value '1'        
            $Value = [string]::Concat($Duration,$ParamSeparator,$Reason,$ParamSeparator,$CurrentName,$CommentSeparator,$Comment,$ParamSeparator,$Now.ToString())
            Set-ItemProperty -Path  $RegistryKey -Name Record -Value $Value 
            Set-ItemProperty -Path  $RegistryKey -Name IsValid -Value '1'
        Write-Warning -Message 'Error!'