
function Set-MrkRestApiKey {
    Sets a Meraki Rest API key for a powershell session
    REST API key is unique for each Meraki dashboard user. the REST API should be enabled organization wide, a dashboard user is able to create a key
    more info
    Set-MrkRestApiKey 1234567890abcdefabcd1234567890abcdefabcd
    .PARAMETER key
    40 characters 0-9 a-f key that represents a logged in Meraki dashboard user

    Param (
    if ($key){
        $script:mrkRestApiKey = $key
        Write-Host New Key set
    if (!$mrkRestApiKey){
        $script:mrkRestApiKey = (Read-host Enter Meraki REST API key).Trim()
        Write-Host Key set`, to change the key in this session`, use  Set-MrkRestApiKey `<key`>    

    if (!(Test-MrkRestApiKey -apiKey $mrkRestApiKey)){
        Write-Host REST API Key is invalid