
function Get-MrkNetwork {
    Retrieves all meraki networks
    Retrieves all meraki networks for an organization or a single network if the networkId is provided
    Get-MrkNetwork -OrgId 111222
    Get-MrkNetwork -networkId L_564638803281579210
    .PARAMETER orgId
    optional parameter specify an OrgId, default it will take the first OrgId retrieved from Get-MrkOrganizations
    .PARAMETER networkId
    optional parameter to specify a specific networkId. This function-call for example used to dynamically retrieve a specific
    network and then use the retrieved id to get settings from that specific network like vlans and vlan enabled status

    Param (
        [Parameter()][String]$orgId = (Get-MrkFirstOrgID),
        $request = Invoke-MrkRestMethod -Method GET -ResourceID "/organizations/$orgId/networks"
    } else {
        $request = Invoke-MrkRestMethod -Method GET -ResourceID "/networks/$networkId"
        #get the vlan enabled state for the network and add the return as noteproperty to the $request
        if ($mrkApiVersion -eq 'v0'){
            $vlansEnabledState = (Invoke-MrkRestMethod -Method GET -ResourceID "/networks/$networkId/vlansEnabledState").enabled
        } else { #mrkApiVersion v1
            $vlansEnabledState = (Invoke-MrkRestMethod -Method GET -ResourceID "/networks/$networkId/appliance/vlans/settings").enabled
        $request | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name vlansEnabledState -Value $vlansEnabledState
    return $request