
    This function will get information of a Mimecast account.
    This function will get information of a Mimecast account including if the account is locked or disabled.
    This is equivalent to going to Administration -> Directories -> Internal Directories -> <domain> -> and picking a user in the web UI.
.PARAMETER EmailAddress
    This parameter specifies the email address of the user you want get information about.
    PS C:\> Get-MimecastAccount -EmailAddress
    Name EmailAddress accountLocked AccountDisabled AllowSmtp AllowPop PasswordNeverExpires ForcePasswordChange
    ---- ------------ ------------- --------------- --------- -------- -------------------- -------------------
    Syrius Cleveland False False False False False False
    In this example we get the account information for the user We can see his account is not locked and not disabled.
    This function actually calls the Update API call wihtout any changes to retrieve this information.

function Get-MimecastAccount{

        $baseUrl = Get-mcBaseURL
        $apiCall = "/api/user/update-user"
        $url = $baseUrl + $apiCall

        $headers = New-MimecastHeader -Uri $apiCall

        $postBody = @{
            data = @(@{
                emailAddress = $EmailAddress
        $postBodyJson = $postBody | ConvertTo-Json

        #Send Request
        $response = Invoke-MimecastAPI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $postBodyJson -Uri $url
        #Print the respons
        if (${
            $ | ForEach-Object {
                $_ | Add-Member -TypeName "PSMimecast.Account"
            Write-Error "$($"
    This function retrieves the app info used to communicate with Mimecast's API that was previously stored using Set-MimecastAppInfo.
    This function retrieves the app info used to communicate with Mimecast's API that was previously stored using Set-MimecastAppInfo.
    This information is stored in the following path, "$ENV:APPDATA\PSMimecast\AppInfo.xml".
    PS C:\> Get-MimecastAppInfo
    AppId AppKey
    ----- ------
    This example show the only way to use this function. The app info was successfully retrieved. Actual values have been redacted for this example.
    App info must have been previously set using Set-MimecastAppInfo.

function Get-MimecastAppInfo {
    $Path = "$ENV:APPDATA\PSMimecast\AppInfo.xml"
    if (Test-Path -Path $Path){
        $AppInfo = Import-Clixml -Path $Path
            AppId = $Appinfo.AppId
            AppKey = [pscredential]::new("API",(ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Appinfo.AppKey)).GetNetworkCredential().Password
        Write-Error "No App Info has been set, use Set-MimecastAppInfo function to set this data" -ErrorAction Stop
function Get-MimecastDateTime{
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing

    $form = New-Object Windows.Forms.Form -Property @{
        StartPosition = [Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition]::CenterScreen
        Size          = [drawing.size]::new(225,275)
        Text          = 'Select a Date'
        Topmost       = $true

    $calendar = New-Object Windows.Forms.MonthCalendar -Property @{
        Location = [drawing.size]::new(15,15)
        ShowTodayCircle   = $false
        MaxSelectionCount = 1

    $TimePicker = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker
    $TimePicker.Size = [Drawing.Size]::new(125,25)
    $TimePicker.Location = [Drawing.Size]::new(40,175)
    $TimePicker.ShowUpDown = $true
    $TimePicker.Format = [System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePickerFormat]::Time

    $okButton = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button -Property @{
        Location     = [drawing.size]::new(30,200)
        Size         = [drawing.size]::new(75,23)
        Text         = 'OK'
        DialogResult = [Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK
    $form.AcceptButton = $okButton

    $cancelButton = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button -Property @{
        Location     = [drawing.size]::new(105,200)
        Size         = New-Object Drawing.Size 75, 23
        Text         = 'Cancel'
        DialogResult = [Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel
    $form.CancelButton = $cancelButton

    $result = $form.ShowDialog()

    if ($result -eq [Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) {
        $date = $calendar.SelectionStart
        $time = $TimePicker.Value
        $SelectionDate = ([DateTime]::new($date.Year,$date.Month,$date.Day,$time.Hour,$time.Minute,0)).ToUniversalTime()
    This function returns the directory connections of Mimecast.
    This function returns the directory connections of Mimecast.
    This function is equivalent to going to Administration -> Services -> Directory Synchronization in the web UI.
    PS C:\> Get-MimecastDirectoryConnection | Select-Object -First 1
    enabled : True
    description : description
    info :
    serverType : active_directory
    ldapSettings : @{hostname=example.example...
    status : ok
    lastSync : 12/29/2021 7:43:30 AM
    syncRunning : False
    domains :
    acknowledgeDisabledAccounts : True
    This example gets the directory connectors and grabs only the first one that is returned. Here we can see whether the connection sync is running and the last time it ran.
    No notes to add.

function Get-MimecastDirectoryConnection{
        $baseUrl = Get-mcBaseURL
        $apiCall = "/api/directory/get-connection"
        $url = $baseUrl + $apiCall

        $headers = New-MimecastHeader -Uri $apiCall

        #Create post body
        $postBody = @{data = @()} | ConvertTo-Json

        #Send Request
        $response = Invoke-MimecastAPI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $postBody -Uri $url

        #Print the response
        if (${
            $ | ForEach-Object {
                $_.lastSync = [datetime]$_.lastSync
            Write-Error "$($"
    This function will get messages that are under moderatoin review to be rejected or released.
    This function will get messages that are under moderatoin review to be rejected or released.
    This function is equivalent of going to Administration -> Message Center -> and selecting held reason category in the web UI.
.PARAMETER reasonCode
    This parameter should return only messages that match the reasonCode supplied, however I think their API does not support this.
.PARAMETER subject
    This parameter will return all held messages that have the subject field matching the string provided.
.PARAMETER sender1
    This parameter will return all held messages that have the sender field matching the string provided. The parameter uses sender1 since the variable sender is an automatic function and should not be used.
.PARAMETER recipient
    This parameter will return all held messages that have the recipient field matching the string provided.
    This parameter will return all held messages that contain the provided string in any of the message's properties (subject, sender, recipeint, reasonCode).
    This parameter determines the level of results to return. If false, only results for the currenlty authenticated user will be returned. If true, held messages for all recipients will be returned. The default value is false.
    The default value is True.
    This parameter will return all held messages that were receivied after the date and time provided. Use tab to launch the GUI to selecte a date and time.
    This parameter will return all held messages that were receivied before the date and time provided. Use tab to launch the GUI to selecte a date and time.
    This parameter specifies how many held messages are return by each query. The default value is 50 and max value is 500.
    PS C:\> Get-mcHeldMessage -recipient syrius.cleveland
    From To subject route Held Reason HasAttachments DateReceived
    ---- -- ------- ----- ----------- -------------- ------------
    Spiceworks Syrius Cleveland Need a new hobby for 2022? Check out ... INBOUND Agressive Spam Detection False 12/28/2021 7:57:50 PM
    This example gets all the held messages for receipient syrius.cleveland for the last 24 hours.
    I do not believe the reasonCode parameter works, but I included since it is the documenation provided by Mimecast.

function Get-MimecastHeldMessage {
        [bool]$admin = $true,
            param ($commandName,$parameterName,$wordToComplete,$commandAst,$fakeBoundParameters)
        [string]$start = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+0000"),
            param ($commandName,$parameterName,$wordToComplete,$commandAst,$fakeBoundParameters)
        [string]$end = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+0000"),

        [int]$PageSize = 50

        $baseUrl = Get-mcBaseURL
        $apiCall = "/api/gateway/get-hold-message-list"
        $url = $baseUrl + $apiCall

        $searchBy = @{}
        $data = @{}
        $meta = @{
            pagination = @{
                pageSize = $PageSize

        $CommonParameters = [System.Management.Automation.Internal.CommonParameters].DeclaredProperties.Name
        $Parameters = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys | where {$_ -notin $CommonParameters}

        $SearchParam = @("all","subject","sender1","recipient","reason_code")
        $dataParam = @("admin","start","end")
        foreach ($param in $Parameters){
            $value = (Get-Variable -Name $param).Value
            if (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)){
                if ($param -in $SearchParam){
                    $searchBy["fieldName"] = $param.TrimEnd('1')
                    $searchBy["value"] = $value.ToString()
                elseif ($param -in $dataParam){
                    $data[$param] = $value.ToString()
        if ($searchBy.Keys -ne $null){
            $data["searchBy"] = $searchBy
    } #Begin

        $headers = New-MimecastHeader -Uri $apiCall

        #Create post body
        $postBody = @{
            meta = $meta
            data = @($data)
        } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3
        #Send Request
        $response = Invoke-MimecastAPI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $postBody -Uri $url
        #Print the response
        if (${
            Write-Error "$($"
            $message = $
            foreach ($message in ${
                $message | Add-Member -Name ReleaseMessage -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {New-HeldMessageReleaseAction -Id $this.Id}
                $message.dateReceived = [datetime]::Parse($message.dateReceived)
                $message | Add-Member -TypeName "PSMimecast.HeldMessage"
    } #Process
    This function will get the held message summary of all held messages broken up by Reason (or policy Info).
    This function will get the held message summary of all held messages broken up by Reason (or policy Info).
    This function is equivalent of going to Administration -> Message Center in the web UI.
    PS C:\> Get-MimecastHeldMessageSummary
    policyInfo numberOfItems
    ---------- -------------
    Agressive Spam Detection 7030
    In this example we can see that there is 7,030 held messages under the Agressive Spam Detection policy and no held messages under any other policies.
    No notes to add.

function Get-MimecastHeldMessageSummary {
        $baseUrl = Get-mcBaseURL
        $apiCall = "/api/gateway/get-hold-summary-list"
        $url = $baseUrl + $apiCall
        $headers = New-MimecastHeader -Uri $apiCall

        #Create post body
        $postBody = @{data = @()} | ConvertTo-Json

        #Send Request
        $response = Invoke-MimecastAPI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $postBody -Uri $url

        #Print the response
        if (${
            Write-Error "$($"
    This function will return the profile of a specified Mimecast user.
    This function will return the profile of a specified Mimecast user.
    This function is equivalent to going to Administration -> Interal Directories -> <Domain> -> and selecting a user in the web UI.
    Some fields are missing like whether the account is locked or disabled, and Get-MimecastAccount should be used if these properties are needed.
.PARAMETER EmailAddress
    This parameter specifies the email address of the user profile to return.
    PS C:\> Get-MimecastProfile -EmailAddress
    name : Syrius Cleveland
    emailAddress :
    links : {@{name=avatar; method=GET; uri=
    attributes : @{phoneNumber=}
    localPassword : True
    changePassword : True
    external : False
    editable : False
    role : Full Administrator
    companyName : Example Company
    serverTimeZone : America/New_York
    id :
    accountCode : XXXXXXX
    admin : True
    This example returns the profile of the user with the email address
    Some fields are missing like whether the account is locked or disabled, and Get-MimecastAccount should be used if these properties are needed.

function Get-MimecastProfile {

        $baseUrl = Get-mcBaseURL
        $apiCall = "/api/user/get-profile"
        $url = $baseUrl + $apiCall
        $headers = New-MimecastHeader -Uri $apiCall

        #Create post body
        $postBody = @{
            data = @(@{
                emailAddress = $emailAddress
                showAvatar = "False"
        $postBody = $postBody | ConvertTo-Json
        #Send Request
        $response = Invoke-MimecastAPI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $postBody -Uri $url
        #Print the response
        if (${
            Write-Error "$($"
function Get-MimecastRegion {

    $Path = "$ENV:APPDATA\PSMimecast\Region.xml"
    if (Test-Path -Path $Path){
        Import-Clixml -Path $Path
        throw "Region not set! Use New-MimecastAPIKeys or Set-MimecastRegion to set a region to use for API calls!"
    This function will lock a Mimecast user account.
    This function will lock a Mimecast user account.
.PARAMETER EmailAddress
    This parameter specifies the emaill address of the account you want to lock.
    PS C:\> Lock-MimecastAccount -EmailAddress
    emailAddress :
    name : Syrius Cleveland
    forcePasswordChange : False
    passwordNeverExpires : False
    accountLocked : True
    accountDisabled : False
    allowSmtp : False
    allowPop : False
    This example locks the account with the email address
    This function uses the update-user API call to lock the user account.

function Lock-MimecastAccount{

        $baseUrl = Get-mcBaseURL
        $uri = "/api/user/update-user"
        $url = $baseUrl + $uri

        $headers = New-MimecastHeader -Uri $Uri

        $postBody = "{
            ""data"": [
                    ""accountLocked"": True,
                    ""emailAddress"": ""$EmailAddress""

        #Send Request
        $response = Invoke-MimecastAPI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $postBody -Uri $url
        #Print the respons
        if (${
            Write-Error "$($"
    This function is used to reject a currently held message.
    This function is used to reject a currently held message.
    This function is equivalent to navigating to Administration -> Held Message -> Selecting a message and clicking the "reject" button in the web UI.
    This parameter specifies the Id of the message that will be rejected.
.PARAMETER message
    This parameter provides a message to be returned to the sender.
.PARAMETER reasonType
    This parameter specifies the reason code for the message being rejected.
    This parameter indicates whether or not to Deliever a rejection notification to the sender. Default value is false.
    PS C:\> Get-MimecastHeldMessage -recipient syrius.cleveland | where policyinfo -eq "Agressive Spam Detection" |
     New-HeldMessageRejectAction -reasonType 'REVIEWER DISAPPROVES OF CONTENT' -nofify $true -message "Message was rejected due to spam."
    id reject
    -- ------
    This example gets all held messages for syrius.cleveland and filters for only messages with the PolicyInfo equal to "Agressive Spam Detection".
    These held messages are then piped to New-HeldMessageRejectAction function to be rejected with a reason give and message for more information.
    An object is rertun to confirm this rejection was successful and provides the Id of the held message that was rejected.
    You can provide an array of Ids to be rejected.

function New-HeldMessageRejectAction{


        $baseUrl = Get-mcBaseURL
        $apiCall = "/api/gateway/hold-reject"
        $url = $baseUrl + $apiCall
        $SkipParamerters = @("MessageId")

        $headers = New-MimecastHeader -Uri $apiCall

        $data = @{ids = $MessageId}
        $PSBoundParameters.Keys | where {$_ -notin $SkipParamerters} | foreach{
            $data[$_] = $PSBoundParameters[$_]

        $postBody = @{data = @($data)} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5

        #Send Request
        $response = Invoke-MimecastAPI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $postBody -Uri $url

        #Print the response
        if (${
            Write-Error $
    } #Process
    This function can be used to release a currently held messages.
    This function can be used to release a currently held messages.
    This function is equivalent to navigating to Administration -> Held Message -> Selecting a message and clicking the "release" button in the web UI.
    This parameter specifies the Id of the message that will be released.
    PS C:\> Get-MimecastHeldMessage -recipient syrius.cleveland -start 2021-12-25T22:47:00+0000 | where {$_.from.displayableName -like "*example*"} | New-HeldMessageReleaseAction
    Id release
    -- -------
    eNpVzF0Lgj7Y... True
    In tis example we get all held messages for syrius.cleveland strating 12/25/2021 and filter for only messages that came from example.
    These held messages are then piped to New-HeldMessageReleaseAction to be release. A return object confirms that the release was successful.
    No notes to add.

function New-HeldMessageReleaseAction{

        $baseUrl = Get-mcBaseURL
        $apiCall = "/api/gateway/hold-release"
        $url = $baseUrl + $apiCall

        $headers = New-MimecastHeader -Uri $apiCall

        #Create post body
        $postBody = @{data = @(@{id = $MessageId})} | ConvertTo-Json
        #Send Request
        $response = Invoke-MimecastAPI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $postBody -Uri $url

        #Print the response
        if (${
            Write-Error $
            $message = $
            $message | Add-Member -TypeName "PSMimecast.ReleaseMessage"
    This function will create a new file (or overwrite an existing one) and store the API key that will used by other functions in this module to authenticate with the Mimecast API.
    This function will create a new file (or overwrite an existing one) and store the API key that will used by other functions in this module to authenticate with the Mimecast API.
    This is the AppId string of the custome app integration you setup in the Mimecast web UI.
.PARAMETER Credentials
    This parameter will use the credentials passed to it to authenticate with Mimecast.
    This parameter specifies the authentication method to use with the provided credentials. If they are credentials to your AD account, then use "Basic-AD", otherwise setup a cloud password and use "Basic-Cloud".
    PS C:\> New-MimecastAPIKeys -AppId XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX -AuthType Basic-Cloud -Credentials (Get-Credential)
    This examples creates a new API key and stores it in file to be used by the rest of the module. Nothing is returned.
    This function can be used to overwrite your existing API keys. You cannot use more than one API key with this module.

function New-MimecastAPIKeys {
        $AuthType = "Basic-Cloud",


        Set-MimecastRegion -Region $Region
        $baseUrl = Get-mcBaseURL
        $apiCall = "/api/login/login"
        $url = $baseUrl + $apiCall
        #Generate request header values
        $hdrDate = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss UTC") 
        $requestId = [guid]::NewGuid().guid

        $EmailAddress = $Credentials.UserName
        $password = $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password
        $headers = @{
            "Authorization" = $authType + " " + [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($emailAddress + ":" + $password));
            "x-mc-date" = $hdrDate;
            "x-mc-app-id" = $AppId;
            "x-mc-req-id" = $requestId;
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
        #Create post body
        $postBody = @{
            data = @(@{
                userName = $emailAddress
        $postBody = $postBody | ConvertTo-Json
        #Send Request
        $response = Invoke-MimecastAPI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $postBody -Uri $url
        #Print the response
        if (${
            Set-MimecastAPIKeys -AccessKey $ -SecretKey $ -Email $EmailAddress -AuthType $AuthType
            Write-Error -Message "Unable to create keys: $($"
    } #Process
    This function is used to initially setup the module by storing the appid and the appkey in an encrypted file to be used by other function.
    This function is used to initially setup the module by storing the appid and the appkey in an encrypted file to be used by other function.
    The path to the file that is created is the following, "$ENV:APPDATA\PSMimecast\Keys.xml".
    You can find the values needed for the two paramters of this function by navigating to Administration -> Services -> API and Platform Integrations -> Your Application Integrations -> and selecting your app in the web UI.
    This parameter specifies the AppId of the custom app integration you created in the Mimecast portal.
    This parameter specifies the AppKey of the custom app integration you created in the Mimecast portal.
    This example sets the Mimecast App Info needed to use the rest of the functions in the module with redacted Id and Key.
    You can find the values needed for the two paramters of this function by navigating to Administration -> Services -> API and Platform Integrations -> Your Application Integrations -> and selecting your app in the web UI.

function Set-MimecastAppInfo {

    $Path = "$ENV:APPDATA\PSMimecast"
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $Path)){
        New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

    $AppInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
        AppId = $AppId
        AppKey = (ConvertTo-SecureString $AppKey -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString)
    $AppInfo | Export-Clixml -Path "$Path\AppInfo.xml" -Force
function Set-MimecastRegion {

        $Path = "$ENV:APPDATA\PSMimecast"
        if (!(Test-Path -Path $Path)){
            New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

        $RegionObject = @{
            Region = $Region
        $RegionObject | Export-Clixml -Path "$Path\Region.xml" -Force
    This function will initiate directory synchronization of all connected directories.
    This function will initiate directory synchronization of all connected directories.
    This function is equivalent to navigating to Administration -> Services - Directory Synchronization -> and click "Sync Directory Data" in the web UI.
    PS C:\>Start-MimecastDirectorySync
    type syncStatus
    ---- ----------
    This example starts the directory synchronization process and the return object confirms that execution was successful.
    This function may take some time to process, be patient when you call this function.

function Start-MimecastDirectorySync{
        $baseUrl = Get-mcBaseURL
        $apiCall = "/api/directory/execute-sync"
        $url = $baseUrl + $apiCall

        $headers = New-MimecastHeader -Uri $apiCall
        #Create post body
        $postBody = @{data = @()} | ConvertTo-Json
        #Send Request
        $response = Invoke-MimecastAPI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $postBody -Uri $url

        #Print the respons
        if (${
            Write-Error "$($"
    } #Process
    This function unlocks a Mimecast account that is currently locked.
    This function unlocks a Mimecast account that is currently locked. It does this by setting the property "accountLocked" to False.
.PARAMETER EmailAddress
    This parameter specifies the email address of the Mimecast account you want to unlock.
    PS C:\> Unlock-MimecastAccount -EmailAddress
    emailAddress :
    name : Syrius Cleveland
    forcePasswordChange : False
    passwordNeverExpires : False
    accountLocked : False
    accountDisabled : False
    allowSmtp : False
    allowPop : False
    This example unlocks the Mimecast account with the email address of
    The object of this account is returned and we can confirm the account is now unlocked by looking at the accountLocked property on this object.
    General notes

function Unlock-MimecastAccount{

        $baseUrl = Get-mcBaseURL
        $apiCall = "/api/user/update-user"
        $url = $baseUrl + $apiCall

        $headers = New-MimecastHeader -Uri $apiCall

        $postBody = @{
            data = @(@{
                accountLocked = "False"
                emailAddress = $EmailAddress
        $postBody = $postBody | ConvertTo-Json

        #Send Request
        $response = Invoke-MimecastAPI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $postBody -Uri $url
        #Print the response
        if (${
            Write-Error "$($"
    } #Process
    This function will refresh an API keys access token if it has expired.
    This function will refresh an API keys access token if it has expired.
    This function will automatically trigger if another function is called and the Mimecasat server returns a 418 error indicating the current access token has expired.
    This parameter specifies the the password to use for the authentication process. It should be the same one initially used when creating the API keys.
    PS C:\> Update-MimecastExpiredAccessKey
    This example runs the command without the passowrd parameter. The user will be prompted to input a password since that parameter is mandatory.
    Once the password has been entered the function will try to create a new access token to use and store it in a secure file.
    This function will automatically trigger if a function is called, but gets a 418 error indicating the current access token has expired.
    This re-authentication process was developed using the documenation in the link below.

function Update-MimecastExpiredAccessKey {
        $baseUrl = Get-mcBaseURL
        $apiCall = "/api/login/login"
        $url = $baseUrl + $apiCall

        $Keys = Get-MimecastAPIKeys
        $Appinfo = Get-MimecastAppInfo
        $accessKey = $Keys.AccessKey
        $appId = $Appinfo.AppId
        $emailAddress = $keys.EmailAddress
        $authType = $Keys.AuthType

        $hdrDate = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss UTC")
        $requestId = [guid]::NewGuid().guid
        $cred = [pscredential]::new("Test",$Password)
        $pass = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password
        $headers = @{
            "Authorization" = $authType + " " + [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($emailAddress + ":" + $pass))
            "x-mc-date" = $hdrDate
            "x-mc-app-id" = $appId
            "x-mc-req-id" = $requestId
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"

        #Create post body
        $postBody = @{
            data = @(@{
                userName = $emailAddress
                accessKey = $accessKey
        $postBody = $postBody | ConvertTo-Json

        #Send Request
        $response = Invoke-MimecastAPI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $postBody -Uri $url
        #Print the response
        if (${
            Write-Error "$($"
function Get-mcBaseURL {

        $region = (Get-MimecastRegion).Region
        return "https://$"
function Get-MimecastAPIKeys {
    $Path = "$ENV:APPDATA\PSMimecast\Keys.xml"
    if (Test-Path -Path $Path){
        $SecretObject = Import-Clixml -Path $Path
            AccessKey = [pscredential]::new("API",(ConvertTo-SecureString -String $SecretObject.AccessKey)).GetNetworkCredential().Password
            SecretKey = [pscredential]::new("API",(ConvertTo-SecureString -String $SecretObject.SecretKey)).GetNetworkCredential().Password
            EmailAddress = $SecretObject.EmailAddress
            AuthType = $SecretObject.AuthType
        Write-Error "Keys have not been set, use New-MimecastAPIKeys to set the keys" -ErrorAction Stop
function Get-MimecastBaseURL {

        $baseUrl = ""
        $uri = "/api/login/discover-authentication"
        $url = $baseUrl + $uri

        #Generate request header values
        $hdrDate = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss UTC")
        $requestId = [guid]::NewGuid().guid

        #Create Headers
        $headers = @{
            "x-mc-date" = $hdrDate; 
            "x-mc-app-id" = $Appid;
            "x-mc-req-id" = $requestId;
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"

        #Create post body
        $postBody = @{
            data = @(@{
                emailAddress = $UserPrincipalName
        $postBody = $postBody | ConvertTo-Json
        #Send Request
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $postBody -Uri $url
        #Print the response
function Invoke-MimecastAPI{

        Write-Information "Sending API Request to $uri"
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod @PSBoundParameters
    catch [System.Net.WebException]{
        Write-Information "A System.Net.WebException has occurred"
        if ($_.Exception.Message -like "*418*"){
            Write-Warning "Your API Access has expired. Use Update-MimecastExpiredAccessKey to update your expired AccessKey"
            if ((Read-Host "Would you like to Update your API Access key (Y/N)?") -like "Y*"){
                Update-MimecastExpiredAccessKey | Out-Null
                if ($?){
                    $response = Invoke-RestMethod @PSBoundParameters
        elseif ($_.Exception.Message -like "*401*"){
            $errorresponse = $_.ErrorDetails.message | ConvertFrom-Json
            $email = $
            $message = $
            $ErrorRecord = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new(
            throw $ErrorRecord
        Write-Information "An unknown error has occurred"

    return $response
function New-MimecastHeader{
    $Keys = Get-MimecastAPIKeys
    $Appinfo = Get-MimecastAppInfo
    $accessKey = $Keys.AccessKey
    $secretKey = $Keys.SecretKey
    $appId = $Appinfo.AppId
    $appKey = $Appinfo.AppKey

    #Generate request header values
    $hdrDate = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss UTC")
    $requestId = [guid]::NewGuid().guid

    #Create the HMAC SHA1 of the Base64 decoded secret key for the Authorization header
    $sha = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1
    $sha.key = [Convert]::FromBase64String($secretKey)
    $sig = $sha.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($hdrDate + ":" + $requestId + ":" + $Uri + ":" + $appKey))
    $sig = [Convert]::ToBase64String($sig)
    #Create Headers
    $headers = @{
        "Authorization" = "MC $($accessKey): $sig"
        "x-mc-date" = $hdrDate
        "x-mc-app-id" = $appId
        "x-mc-req-id" = $requestId
        "Content-Type" = "application/json"
function Set-MimecastAPIKeys{

        $Path = "$ENV:APPDATA\PSMimecast"
        if (!(Test-Path -Path $Path)){
            New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
    } #Begin

        $SecureAccessKey = ConvertTo-SecureString $AccessKey -AsPlainText -Force
        $SecureSecretKey = ConvertTo-SecureString $SecretKey -AsPlainText -Force

        $EncryptedAccessKey = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $SecureAccessKey
        $EncryptedSecureKey = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $SecureSecretKey

        $SecretObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            AccessKey = $EncryptedAccessKey
            SecretKey = $EncryptedSecureKey
            EmailAddress = $EmailAddress
            AuthType = $AuthType

        $SecretObject | Export-Clixml -Path "$Path\Keys.xml" -Force
    } #Process
Export-ModuleMember -function Get-MimecastAccount, Get-MimecastAppInfo, Get-MimecastDateTime, Get-MimecastDirectoryConnection, Get-MimecastHeldMessage, Get-MimecastHeldMessageSummary, Get-MimecastProfile, Get-MimecastRegion, Lock-MimecastAccount, New-HeldMessageRejectAction, New-HeldMessageReleaseAction, New-MimecastAPIKeys, Set-MimecastAppInfo, Set-MimecastRegion, Start-MimecastDirectorySync, Unlock-MimecastAccount, Update-MimecastExpiredAccessKey