
    This function will initiate directory synchronization of all connected directories.
    This function will initiate directory synchronization of all connected directories.
    This function is equivalent to navigating to Administration -> Services - Directory Synchronization -> and click "Sync Directory Data" in the web UI.
    PS C:\>Start-MimecastDirectorySync
    type syncStatus
    ---- ----------
    This example starts the directory synchronization process and the return object confirms that execution was successful.
    This function may take some time to process, be patient when you call this function.

function Start-MimecastDirectorySync{
        $baseUrl = Get-mcBaseURL
        $apiCall = "/api/directory/execute-sync"
        $url = $baseUrl + $apiCall

        $headers = New-MimecastHeader -Uri $apiCall
        #Create post body
        $postBody = @{data = @()} | ConvertTo-Json
        #Send Request
        $response = Invoke-MimecastAPI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $postBody -Uri $url

        #Print the respons
        if (${
            Write-Error "$($"
    } #Process