
    This function unlocks a Mimecast account that is currently locked.
    This function unlocks a Mimecast account that is currently locked. It does this by setting the property "accountLocked" to False.
.PARAMETER EmailAddress
    This parameter specifies the email address of the Mimecast account you want to unlock.
    PS C:\> Unlock-MimecastAccount -EmailAddress
    emailAddress :
    name : Syrius Cleveland
    forcePasswordChange : False
    passwordNeverExpires : False
    accountLocked : False
    accountDisabled : False
    allowSmtp : False
    allowPop : False
    This example unlocks the Mimecast account with the email address of
    The object of this account is returned and we can confirm the account is now unlocked by looking at the accountLocked property on this object.
    General notes

function Unlock-MimecastAccount{

        $baseUrl = Get-mcBaseURL
        $apiCall = "/api/user/update-user"
        $url = $baseUrl + $apiCall

        $headers = New-MimecastHeader -Uri $apiCall

        $postBody = @{
            data = @(@{
                accountLocked = "False"
                emailAddress = $EmailAddress
        $postBody = $postBody | ConvertTo-Json

        #Send Request
        $response = Invoke-MimecastAPI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $postBody -Uri $url
        #Print the response
        if (${
            Write-Error "$($"
    } #Process