
# This is taken directory from Invoke-Build .build.ps1 at
# will use this as a starting point
    Build script (
    Run tests
    Clean the project directory

Param (
    $ReleaseType = 'Unknown',

    $GitHubUsername = $env:GITHUB_USERNAME,

    $GitHubApiKey = $env:GITHUB_API_KEY,

    $PSGalleryApiKey = $env:PSGALLERY_API_KEY

# Find the build folder based on build system
$Timestamp = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"
$PSVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
$TestFile = "TestResults_PS$PSVersion`_$TimeStamp.xml"
$lines = '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
$CodeCoverageThreshold = 0.8 # 80%

$script:BuildDefault = @{
    BuildConfigurationFilename = 'build.configuration.psd1'
    CodeCoverageThreshold      = 0.8 # 80%

if($ENV:BHCommitMessage -match "!verbose") {
    #$global:VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
    $global:VerbosePreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Continue

task Build Clean,

task Test CleanImportedModule, 

task PublishToPSGalleryOnly CleanImportedModule,

task PublishGitReleaseOnly PushGitRelease,

task PublishAll CleanImportedModule,

Enter-Build {
    # Github links require >= tls 1.2
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

    # Read the configuration file if it exists
    $buildConfigPath = Get-ChildItem -Path $script:BuildDefault.BuildConfigurationFilename -Recurse | Select-Object -First 1
    if ($buildConfigPath) {
        Write-Verbose "Found build configuration file '$buildConfigPath'."
        $script:BuildConfig = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $buildConfigPath

        # code coverage
        $codeCoverageThreshold = $script:BuildDefault.CodeCoverageThreshold
        if ($script:BuildConfig.Testing.Keys -contains 'CodeCoverageThreshold') {
            $codeCoverageThreshold = $script:BuildConfig.Testing.CodeCoverageThreshold
            Write-Verbose "CodeCoverageThreshold of '$codeCoverageThreshold' found in configuration file."            

    $script:BuildInfo = Get-BuildEnvironment -ReleaseType $ReleaseType `
        -GitHubUsername $GitHubUsername -GitHubApiKey $GitHubApiKey `
        -PSGalleryApiKey $PSGalleryApiKey -CodeCoverageThreshold $codeCoverageThreshold
    Set-Location $BuildInfo.ProjectRootPath

    if ($VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue') {
        Write-Host "Build Started: $(Get-Date)"
        Write-Host 'Build System Environment Variables: ============================='
        Get-BuildSystemEnvironment | Hide-SensitiveData

        Write-Host 'Operating System: ==============================================='
        Get-BuildOperatingSystemDetail | Format-List

        Write-Host 'PowerShell Version: ============================================='
        Get-BuildPowerShellDetail | Format-List

        Write-Host 'Build Environment: =============================================='
        $script:BuildInfo | Hide-SensitiveData

Exit-Build {
    Write-Host "Build Ended: $(Get-Date)"

# Synopsis: Remove build folder
task Clean {
    try {
        $BuildInfo.BuildPath, $BuildInfo.OutputPath | ForEach-Object { 
            Write-Verbose "Removing folder $_" 
            Remove-Item -Path $_ -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
            Write-Verbose "Creating folder $_" 
            New-Item $_ -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
    catch {
        throw $_

task CleanImportedModule {
    Write-Verbose "Unloading all versions of module '$($buildInfo.ModuleName)'." 
    Remove-Module $buildInfo.ModuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($null -ne (Get-Module -Name $buildInfo.ModuleName)) {
        throw "Removed module '$($BuildInfo.ModuleName)' but it's still loaded in the current session."

task BleachClean {
    try {
        $BuildInfo.BuildRootPath, $BuildInfo.OutputPath | ForEach-Object { 
            Write-Verbose "Removing folder $_" 
            Remove-Item -Path $_ -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
            Write-Verbose "Creating folder $_" 
            New-Item $_ -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
    catch {
        throw $_

task InitDependencies {
    # init dependencies
    if ($script:BuildConfig.Keys -contains 'Dependency') {
        $script:BuildConfig.Dependency | Initialize-BuildDependency 

task TestSyntax {
    $hasSyntaxErrors = $false

    Get-BuildItem -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -Type ShouldMerge -ExcludeClass | ForEach-Object {
        $tokens = $null
        [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParseError[]]$parseErrors = @()
        $null = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput(
            (Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw),
        if ($parseErrors.Count -gt 0) {
            $parseErrors | Write-Error

            $hasSyntaxErrors = $true

    if ($hasSyntaxErrors) {
        throw 'TestSyntax failed'

task TestAttributeSyntax {
    $hasSyntaxErrors = $false
    Get-BuildItem -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -Type ShouldMerge -ExcludeClass | ForEach-Object {
        $tokens = $null
        [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParseError[]]$parseErrors = @()
        $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput(
            (Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw),

        # Test attribute syntax
        $attributes = $ast.FindAll( {
                param( $ast )
                $ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.AttributeAst]
        foreach ($attribute in $attributes) {
            if (($type = $attribute.TypeName.FullName -as [Type]) -or ($type = ('{0}Attribute' -f $attribute.TypeName.FullName) -as [Type])) {
                $propertyNames = $type.GetProperties().Name

                if ($attribute.NamedArguments.Count -gt 0) {
                    foreach ($argument in $attribute.NamedArguments) {
                        if ($argument.ArgumentName -notin $propertyNames) {
                            'Invalid property name in attribute declaration: {0}: {1} at line {2}, character {3}' -f

                            $hasSyntaxErrors = $true
            else {
                'Invalid attribute declaration: {0}: {1} at line {2}, character {3}' -f

                $hasSyntaxErrors = $true

    if ($hasSyntaxErrors) {
        throw 'TestAttributeSyntax failed'

task CopyModuleFilesToBuild {
    try {
        Get-BuildItem -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -Type Static | `
            Copy-Item -Destination $BuildInfo.BuildPath -Recurse -Force
    catch {

task MergeFunctionsToModuleScript {
    $fileStream = [System.IO.File]::Create($BuildInfo.BuildModulePath)
    $writer = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($fileStream)

    $usingStatements = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[String]

    Get-BuildItem -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -Type ShouldMerge | ForEach-Object {
        $functionDefinition = Get-Content $_.FullName | ForEach-Object {
            if ($_ -match '^using (namespace|assembly)') {
            else {
        } | Out-String


    $rootModule = (Get-Content $BuildInfo.BuildModulePath -Raw).Trim()
    if ($usingStatements.Count -gt 0) {
        # Add "using" statements to be start of the psm1
        $rootModule = $rootModule.Insert(0, "`r`n`r`n").Insert(
            (($usingStatements.ToArray() | Sort-Object | Get-Unique) -join "`r`n")
    Set-Content -Path $BuildInfo.BuildModulePath -Value $rootModule -NoNewline

task UpdateMetadata {
    try {
        $path = $BuildInfo.BuildManifestPath

        # Manifest Version
        Update-Metadata -Path $path -PropertyName ModuleVersion -Value $BuildInfo.ReleaseVersion -ErrorAction stop
        # RootModule
        if (Get-Metadata $path -PropertyName RootModule) {
            Update-Metadata $path -PropertyName RootModule -Value "$($BuildInfo.ModuleName).psm1"

        # FunctionsToExport
        $functionsToExport = (Get-ChildItem (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -ChildPath 'pub*') -Filter '*.ps1' -Recurse)
        if ($functionsToExport) {
            Write-Verbose "FunctionsToExport:`nFound $($functionsToExport.count) public functions to add to manifest 'FunctionsToExport' key."
            try {
                Get-Metadata $path -PropertyName FunctionsToExport | Out-Null
            catch {
                throw "FunctionsToExport key does not exists (commented out?)git status"

            Write-Verbose "FunctionsToExport key exists (not commented out)"
            Update-Metadata $path -PropertyName FunctionsToExport -Value $functionsToExport.BaseName
            Write-Verbose "Added $($functionsToExport.count) functions to key."

<# Leaving this here just now but it requires the module file to be built first
        # DscResourcesToExport
        $tokens = $parseErrors = $null
        $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput(
            (Get-Content $buildInfo.Path.RootModule -Raw),
        $dscResourcesToExport = $ast.FindAll( {
                param ($ast)
                $ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.TypeDefinitionAst] -and
                $ast.IsClass -and
                $ast.Attributes.TypeName.FullName -contains 'DscResource'
            }, $true).Name
        if ($null -ne $dscResourcesToExport) {
            if (Get-Metadata $path -PropertyName DscResourcesToExport) {
                Update-Metadata $path -PropertyName DscResourcesToExport -Value $dscResourcesToExport

        # RequiredAssemblies
        if (Test-Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -ChildPath 'lib\*.dll')) {
            if (Get-Metadata $path -PropertyName RequiredAssemblies) {
                Update-Metadata $path -PropertyName RequiredAssemblies -Value (
                    (Get-Item (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -ChildPath 'lib\*.dll')).Name | ForEach-Object {
                        Join-Path -Path 'lib' -ChildPath $_

        $scriptsToProcess = (Get-ChildItem (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -ChildPath 'script*') -Filter '*.ps1' -Recurse)
        if ($scriptsToProcess) {
            Write-Verbose "ScriptsToProcess:`nFound $($scriptsToProcess.Count) scripts to add to manifest ScriptsToProcess key."
            try {
                Get-Metadata $path -PropertyName ScriptsToProcess | Out-Null
            catch {
                throw "ScriptsToProcess key does not exists (commented out?)git status"

            Write-Verbose "ScriptsToProcess key exists (not commented out)"
            Update-Metadata $path -PropertyName ScriptsToProcess -Value (`
                $scriptsToProcess | ForEach-Object { 
                    if ($_.FullName -match '(?<name>script.*\\.*\.ps1)') {
                        Write-Verbose "Adding '$($' to ScriptsToProcess"
                    } #end if
                } #end Foreach
            ) #end Update-Metadata
        } #end if

        # FormatsToProcess
        if (Test-Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -ChildPath '*.Format.ps1xml')) {
            if (Get-Metadata $path -PropertyName FormatsToProcess) {
                Update-Metadata $path -PropertyName FormatsToProcess `
                    -Value (Get-Item (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -ChildPath '*.Format.ps1xml')).Name

<# TODO: Add a way to use different licences
        # LicenseUri
        if (Test-Path (Join-Path $buildInfo.ProjectRootPath 'LICENSE')) {
            if (Get-Metadata $path -PropertyName LicenseUri) {
                Update-Metadata $path -PropertyName LicenseUri -Value ''

        # ProjectUri
        if (Get-Metadata $path -PropertyName ProjectUri) {
            # Attempt to parse the project URI from the list of upstream repositories
            [String]$pushOrigin = (git remote -v) -like 'origin*(push)'
            if ($pushOrigin -match 'origin\s+(?<ProjectUri>https?://\S+).git') {
                Update-Metadata $path -PropertyName ProjectUri -Value $matches.ProjectUri
    catch {

task UpdateModuleHelp -If (Get-Module platyPS -ListAvailable) CleanImportedModule, {
    try {
        $moduleInfo = Import-Module $BuildInfo.BuildModulePath -ErrorAction Stop -PassThru
        if ($moduleInfo.ExportedCommands.Count -gt 0) {
            $moduleInfo.ExportedCommands.Keys | ForEach-Object { 
                New-MarkdownHelp -Command $_ `
                    -OutputFolder (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.ProjectRootPath -ChildPath 'help') -Force | Out-Null

            New-ExternalHelp -Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.ProjectRootPath -ChildPath 'help') `
                -OutputPath (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.BuildPath -ChildPath 'en-GB') -Force | Out-Null
    catch {

task MakeHTMLDocs -If { [bool](exec { pandoc.exe --help }) } {
    $names = 'README', 'CHANGELOG'
    ForEach ($name in $names) {
        $sourcePath = Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.ProjectRootPath -ChildPath "$"
        if (Test-Path $sourcePath) {
            $destPath = Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.BuildPath -ChildPath "$name.html"
            exec { pandoc.exe --standalone --from=markdown_strict --metadata=title:$name --output=$destPath $sourcePath }
            Write-Verbose "Converted markdown file '$' to '$destPath'"
        } # end if
    } # end foreach

task CopyLicense -If {Test-Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.ProjectRootPath -ChildPath 'LICENSE')}  {
    try {
        Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.ProjectRootPath -ChildPath 'LICENSE') -Destination $BuildInfo.BuildPath
    catch {

task PSScriptAnalyzer -If (Get-Module PSScriptAnalyzer -ListAvailable) {
    try {
        Set-Location $BuildInfo.SourcePath
        'priv*', 'pub*' | Where-Object { Test-Path $_ } | ForEach-Object {
            $path = Resolve-Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -ChildPath $_)
            if (Test-Path $path) {
                $splat = @{
                    Path    = $path
                    Recurse = $true
                    #Verbose = $true

                if (($BuildInfo.PSSASettingsPath -ne '') -and (Test-Path $BuildInfo.PSSASettingsPath -PathType Leaf)) {
                    # the settings parameter for PSScriptAnalyzer MUST be a
                    # string - see
                    $splat += @{ Settings = "$($BuildInfo.PSSASettingsPath)" } 
                Write-Verbose "Running PSScriptAnalyzer default rules on '$path'."
                Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @splat | ForEach-Object {
                    $_ | Export-Csv (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.OutputPath -ChildPath 'psscriptanalyzer.csv') -NoTypeInformation -Append
                # TODO:We only need to do this becasue the PSScriptAnalyzer
                # settings file does not allow CustomRulePath and
                # IncludeDefaultRules together. Once this is resolved this could
                # should be revisited.
                if ($BuildInfo.PSSACustomRulesPath -ne '') {
                    $splat += @{ 
                        CustomRulePath      = "$(Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.PSSACustomRulesPath -ChildPath '*.psd1')"
                        # TODO: This rule is here as it is throwing an exception on some code
                        #ExcludeRule = 'Measure-ErrorActionPreference'

                    Write-Verbose "Running PSScriptAnalyzer custom rules on '$path'."
                    Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @splat | ForEach-Object {
                        $_ | Export-Csv (Join-Path $BuildInfo.OutputPath 'psscriptanalyzer.csv') -NoTypeInformation -Append
    catch {

task Pester -If { Get-ChildItem -Path $BuildInfo.TestPath -Filter '*.tests.ps1' -Recurse -File } {

    Import-Module $BuildInfo.BuildManifestPath -Global -ErrorAction Stop -Force
    $params = @{
        Script       = $BuildInfo.TestPath
        CodeCoverage = $BuildInfo.BuildModulePath
        OutputFile   = Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.OutputPath -ChildPath "$($BuildInfo.ModuleName)-nunit.xml"
        PassThru     = $true
        Show         = if ($VerbosePreference -eq 'SilentlyContinue') { 'None' } else { 'all' }
        Strict       = $true 

    $pester = Invoke-Pester @params

    $path = Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.OutputPath -ChildPath 'pester-output.xml'
    $pester | Export-CliXml $path

task ValidateTestResults PSScriptAnalyzer, Pester, {
    $testsFailed = $false

    # PSScriptAnalyzer
    $path = Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.OutputPath -ChildPath 'psscriptanalyzer.csv'
    if ((Test-Path $path) -and ($testResults = Import-Csv -Path $path)) {
        '{0} warnings were raised by PSScriptAnalyzer' -f @($testResults).Count
        $testsFailed = $true
    else {
        Write-Verbose '0 warnings were raised by PSScriptAnalyzer'

    # Pester tests
    $path = Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.OutputPath -ChildPath 'pester-output.xml'
    $pester = Import-CliXml -Path $path
    if ($pester.FailedCount -gt 0) {
        '{0} of {1} Pester tests are failing' -f $pester.FailedCount, $pester.TotalCount
        $testsFailed = $true
    else {
        Write-Verbose 'All Pester tests passed.'

    # Pester code coverage
    [Double]$codeCoverage = $pester.CodeCoverage.NumberOfCommandsExecuted / $pester.CodeCoverage.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed
    $pester.CodeCoverage.MissedCommands | `
        Export-Csv -Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.OutputPath -ChildPath 'CodeCoverage.csv') -NoTypeInformation

    if ($codecoverage -lt $BuildInfo.CodeCoverageThreshold) {
        'Pester code coverage ({0:P}) is below threshold {1:P}.' -f $codeCoverage, $BuildInfo.CodeCoverageThreshold
        $testsFailed = $true

    # Solution tests
    Get-ChildItem $BuildInfo.OutputPath -Filter *.dll.xml | ForEach-Object {
        $report = [Xml](Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw)
        if ([Int]$report.'test-run'.failed -gt 0) {
            '{0} of {1} solution tests in {2} are failing' -f $report.'test-run'.failed,
            $testsFailed = $true

    if ($testsFailed) {
        throw 'Test result validation failed'

task CreateCodeHealthReport -If (Get-Module PSCodeHealth -ListAvailable) {
    Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName $BuildInfo.BuildManifestPath -Global -ErrorAction Stop
    $params = @{
        Path           = $BuildInfo.BuildModulePath
        Recurse        = $true
        TestsPath      = $BuildInfo.TestPath
        HtmlReportPath = Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.OutputPath -ChildPath "$($Buildinfo.ModuleName)-code-health.html"
    Invoke-PSCodeHealth @params

# Synopsis: Warn about not empty git status if .git exists.
task GitStatus -If (Test-Path .git) {
    $status = exec { git status -s }
    if ($status) {
        Write-Warning "Git status: $($status -join ', ')"

# Synopsis: Push with a version tag.
task PushGitRelease CreateBuildArtifact, {

    if ((Test-Path -Path $BuildInfo.BuildArtifactPath) -and ($BuildInfo.GithubUsername -ne '') -and ($BuildInfo.GithubApiKey -ne '')) {
        $params = @{
            Version             = $BuildInfo.ReleaseVersion
            CommitID            = $BuildInfo.RepoLastCommitHash
            ReleaseNotes        = "Release v$($BuildInfo.ReleaseVersion)"
            ArtifactPath        = $BuildInfo.BuildArtifactPath
            GitHubUsername      = $BuildInfo.GitHubUsername
            GitHubRepository    = $BuildInfo.ModuleName
            GitHubApiKey        = $BuildInfo.GithubApiKey
            Draft               = $true

        New-GitHubRelease @params
    else {
        throw "Cannot push a release to GitHub - '$($BuildInfo.BuildArtifactPath)' is missing or GitHubUsername / GitHubApiKey has not been given."

task PushPSGallery {
    if (-not $BuildInfo.PSGalleryApiKey) {
        Write-Error "Cannot push to the PowerShell Gallery as no Api Key was provided."

    # get the current PS Gallery version and if it's the same as our new version then do not push it
    try {
        $psGalleryVersion = [version](Find-Module -Name $BuildInfo.ModuleName -ErrorAction Stop).Version
    catch {
        Write-Warning "Cannot find a previous version of '$($BuildInfo.ModuleName)' in the PowerShell Gallery. Please push the first verison of the module manually."
    if ([version]$psGalleryVersion -lt [version]$BuildInfo.ReleaseVersion) {
        Write-Verbose "Publishing version '$($BuildInfo.ReleaseVersion)' of '$($BuildInfo.ModuleName)' module to PowerShell Gallery."
        Import-Module $BuildInfo.BuildManifestPath -Global -Force
        Publish-Module -NuGetApiKey $BuildInfo.PSGalleryApiKey -Path $BuildInfo.BuildPath
    else {
        throw "PowerShell Gallery Version ($psGalleryVersion) is the same or greater than our new version '($($BuildInfo.ReleaseVersion))'. Cannot publish module."

task PushManifestBackToGitHub {
    if ($BuildInfo.GitHubUsername -eq '' -or $BuildInfo.GitHubApiKey -eq '') {
        throw 'Cannot push manifest back to Github - Username or API Key are blank.'

    Set-Location $BuildInfo.ProjectRootPath
    # Resolve-Path will return the relative path that we need to match against
    # the git changed files. However the resolved path will start with '.\' so
    # we need to strip this.
    $relativePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $BuildInfo.SourceManifestPath -Relative).Substring(2).Replace('\', '/')
    # we need to use the EXACT case to 'git add <manifest>' otherwise it does
    # not work - so here we are matching with the manifest file and returning
    # the case git needs
    $manifest = Get-GitChange | Where-Object { $_ -eq $relativePath }
    if ($manifest) {
        $pushUrl = exec { git remote get-url origin --push }
        $authUrl = $pushUrl.Replace('', "$($BuildInfo.GitHubUsername):$($BuildInfo.GitHubApiKey)") 
        Write-Verbose "Pushing '$manifest' back to GitHub with message 'Updated version to $($BuildInfo.ReleaseVersion)'."
        #exec { git pull }
        exec { git add $manifest }
        exec { git commit -m "Updated version to $($BuildInfo.ReleaseVersion) [skip ci]" }
        exec { git push --porcelain }   # --porcelain is required or exec detects the command as failed
    else {
        Write-Warning "The source manifest '$($BuildInfo.SourceManifestPath)' has not been changed. Cannot push it back to GitHub."

task CreateBuildArtifact {
    # create the build artifact
    Remove-Item -Path $BuildInfo.BuildArtifactPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    $sourcePath = Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.BuildPath -ChildPath '*'
    Write-Verbose "Creating ZIP archive '$($BuildInfo.BuildArtifactPath)' containing '$sourcePath'."
    Compress-Archive -Path $sourcePath -DestinationPath $BuildInfo.BuildArtifactPath