
write-host "should be doing testing here...."

# function Get-StatusOfThings {
# param([string]$path, [string]$module="")

# Write-Host @"

# *******
# * Module $module Contents:
# *
# "@

# Get-ChildItem "$path\$module" | Foreach-Object {
# Write-Host " * - $($_.FullName)"
# If (Test-Path $_.FullName -PathType Container){
# Get-ChildItem $_.FullName | %{ Write-Host " * - $($_.Name)" }
# }
# }

# Write-Host @"
# *
# *******

# "@
# }

# function Show-Everything {
# param([string]$path, [string]$module="")

# Get-ChildItem "$path\$module" -Recurse -Depth 3 | Foreach-Object {

# If (Test-Path $_.FullName -PathType Container){
# Write-Host @"

# Inside of $($_.Name)/ Directory...

# "@
# }

# Write-Host @"

# *******
# * File $($_.BaseName)\$($_.Name) Contents:
# *
# "@

# Get-Content $_.FullName
# Write-Host @"
# *
# *******

# "@
# }
# }

# Write-Host @"

# **********************************
# Starting the create phase...
# **********************************

# "@
# return
# Write-Host "Importing Public function files..."
# Get-ChildItem "$PSscriptRoot\..\Public\" -Exclude "*.Tests.ps1" | Foreach-Object {
# . $_.FullName
# }

# Write-Host "Getting the default module builder path..."
# $mbPath = Get-PsModuleBuilderPath
# Write-Host "PsModuleBuilderPath: $mbPath"

# Write-Host "Setting the module builder path to an accessible location..."
# New-Item -Path "IntegrationTesting\Modules" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
# Set-PsModuleBuilderPath "IntegrationTesting\Modules"

# Write-Host "Getting the newly set module builder path..."
# $mbPath = Get-PsModuleBuilderPath
# Write-Host "PsModuleBuilderPath: $mbPath"

# Get-StatusOfThings $mbPath

# $module = "IntegrationTestModule"
# Write-Host "WhatIf: Creating new module $module..."
# New-PsModule $module -WhatIf

# Write-Host "Creating new module $module..."
# New-PsModule $module
# Get-StatusOfThings $mbPath $module

# $func = "Write-IntegrationStuff"
# Write-Host "WhatIf: Creating new function in for $($module): $func..."
# New-PsFunction $module $func "Public" -WhatIf

# Write-Host "Creating new function in for $($module): $func..."
# New-PsFunction $module $func "Public"
# Get-StatusOfThings $mbPath $module

# $funcInternal = "Write-InternalIntegrationStuff"
# Write-Host "WhatIf: Creating new internal function in for $($module): $funcInternal..."
# New-PsFunction $module $funcInternal "Internal" -WhatIf

# Write-Host "Creating new internal function in for $($module): $funcInternal..."
# New-PsFunction $module $funcInternal "Internal"
# Get-StatusOfThings $mbPath $module

# $scriptName = "Write-ScriptStuff"
# Write-Host "WhatIf: Creating new script: $scriptName..."
# New-PsScript $scriptName -WhatIf

# Write-Host "Creating new script: $scriptName..."
# New-PsScript $scriptName
# Get-StatusOfThings $mbPath $module

# Write-Host @"

# **********************************
# Show Everything...
# **********************************

# "@

# # Show-Everything $mbPath $module

# Write-Host @"

# **********************************
# Starting the clean up phase...
# **********************************

# "@

# Get-StatusOfThings $mbPath $module

# Write-Host "WhatIf: Removing function in for $($module): $func..."
# Remove-PsFunction $module $func -WhatIf

# Write-Host "Removing function in for $($module): $func..."
# Remove-PsFunction $module $func
# Get-StatusOfThings $mbPath $module

# Write-Host "WhatIf: Removing internal function in for $($module): $funcInternal..."
# Remove-PsFunction $module $funcInternal -WhatIf

# Write-Host "Removing internal function in for $($module): $funcInternal..."
# Remove-PsFunction $module $funcInternal
# Get-StatusOfThings $mbPath $module

# Write-Host "WhatIf: Removing new module $module..."
# Remove-PsModule $module -WhatIf

# Write-Host "Removing new module $module..."
# Remove-PsModule $module
# Get-StatusOfThings $mbPath

# # Write-Host "WhatIf: Removing script: $scriptName..."
# # Remove-PsScript $scriptName -WhatIf

# # Write-Host "Removing script: $scriptName..."
# # Remove-PsScript $scriptName
# # Get-StatusOfThings $mbPath $module

# Write-Host @"

# **********************************
# Finished the script!
# **********************************

# "@