
Function Initialize-Psm {
      A function that initializes a module in the current directory
      A function that initializes a module in the current directory
      Initialize-Psm -y
      Initialize-Psm -default
      Initialize-Psm -default -Whatif
      Initialize-Psm -Whatif

    [Alias("Default", "y")]

    Write-Verbose "Starting Initialize-Psm..."
    $psd1 = $null
    $parentFolder = (Get-Location).path.split("\")[-1]
    $prefix = $parentFolder.Substring(0,3)

    $defaultPsd1 = @{
      RootModule = $parentFolder
      DefaultCommandPrefix = $prefix
      ModuleVersion = "0.0.0"
      Author = $env:USERNAME
      CompanyName = ""
      Copyright = "(c) $((Get-Date).Year)..."
      Description = ""
      Tags = ""
      ProjectUri = ""
    $moduleFolders = @(

    if ($ShouldUseDefault) { 
      if ($psCmdlet.ShouldProcess("New Module", "Using default params: $defaultPsd1")) { 
        Write-Verbose "Should use default" 
        $psd1 = New-Psd1 @defaultPsd1
    } else { 
      if ($psCmdlet.ShouldProcess("New Module", "Invoking read-host for all of the new module properties")) { 

        Write-Verbose "Should not use default" 
        $psd1 = @{
          RootModule = Read-Host "RootModule ($parentFolder)"
          DefaultCommandPrefix = Read-Host "DefaultCommandPrefix ($prefix)"
          ModuleVersion = Read-Host "ModuleVersion (0.0.0)"
          Author = Read-Host "Author ($env:UserName)"
          CompanyName = Read-Host "CompanyName"
          Copyright = Read-Host "Copyright ((c) $((Get-Date).Year)...)"
          Description = Read-Host "Description"
          Tags = Read-Host "Tags (space separated)"
          ProjectUri = Read-Host "ProjectUri"

        $psd1 = New-Psd1 @psd1

    Write-Verbose "
Psd1 File:
$($psd1 | ConvertTo-Json)"

    Write-Verbose "Creating module folders: $($moduleFolders -join "$([Environment]::NewLine) - ")"
    New-Item $moduleFolders -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
    # Write-Verbose "Creating $($psd1.RootModule).psm1"
    # Copy-Item .\Data\MetaModule\template.psm1 .\$($psd1.RootModule).psm1

    Write-Verbose "Creating module psd1 xml file: .\module-psd1.xml"
    $psd1 | Export-Clixml .\module-psd1.xml

    Write-Verbose "Finished Initialize-Psm..."

Function New-Psd1 {

  $parentFolder = (Get-Location).path.split("\")[-1]

  if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RootModule)) {
    $RootModule = $parentFolder

  if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Copyright)) {
    $Copyright = "(c) $((Get-Date).Year)..."

  if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Description)) {
    $Description = "A great module..."

  $moduleName = $RootModule.Replace(".psd1", "").Replace(".psm1", "")
    ModuleName            = $moduleName
    RootModule            = "$moduleName.psm1"
    ModuleVersion         = $ModuleVersion
    Author                = $Author
    CompanyName           = $CompanyName
    Copyright             = $Copyright
    Description           = $Description
    DefaultCommandPrefix  = $DefaultCommandPrefix

    # private data -start
    Tags          = $Tags.Trim().Split(' ')
    ProjectUri    = $ProjectUri
    LicenseUri    = ''
    IconUri       = ''
    ReleaseNotes  = ''
    # private data -end

    PowerShellVersion     = ''
    PowerShellHostName    = ''
    PowerShellHostVersion = ''

    RequiredModules     = @()
    RequiredAssemblies  = @()
    NestedModules       = @()
    FunctionsToExport   = @()
    CmdletsToExport     = @()
    VariablesToExport   = @()
    AliasesToExport     = @()