
function Restart-Shell
            A swift way to restart the PowerShell console.
            A swift way to restart the PowerShell console.
            - Allows increasing elevation
            - Allows keeping the current process, thus in effect adding a new PowerShell process
        .PARAMETER NoExit
            The current console will not terminate.
        .PARAMETER Admin
            The new PowerShell process will be run as admin.
            PS C:\> Restart-Shell
            Restarts the current PowerShell process.
            PS C:\> Restart-Shell -Admin -NoExit
            Creates a new PowerShell process, run with elevation, while keeping the current console around.
            Author: Friedrich Weinmann
            Created on: August 6th, 2016

    Param (
    if ($Admin) { Start-Process powershell.exe -Verb RunAs }
    else { Start-Process powershell.exe }
    if (-not $NoExit) { exit }
New-Alias -Name rss -Value Restart-Shell -Option AllScope -Scope Global