
function Set-PSMDParameterHelp
            Sets the content of a CBH parameter help.
            Sets the content of a CBH parameter help.
            This command will enumerate all files in the specified folder and subfolders.
            Then scan all files with extension .ps1 and .psm1.
            In each of these files it will check out function definitions, see whether the name matches, then update the help for the specified parameter if present.
            In order for this to work, a few rules must be respected:
            - It will not work with help XML, only with CBH xml
            - It will not work if the help block is above the function. It must be placed within.
            - It will not ADD a CBH, if none is present yet. If there is no help for the specified parameter, it will simply do nothing, but report the fact.
        .PARAMETER Path
            The base path where all the files are in.
        .PARAMETER CommandName
            The name of the command to update.
            Uses wildcard matching to match, so you can do a global update using "*"
        .PARAMETER ParameterName
            The name of the parameter to update.
            Must be an exact match, but is not case sensitive.
        .PARAMETER HelpText
            The text to insert.
            - Do not include indents. It will pick up the previous indents and reuse them
            - Do not include an extra line, it will automatically add a separating line to the next element
        .PARAMETER DisableCache
            By default, this command caches the results of its execution in the PSFramework result cache.
            This information can then be retrieved for the last command to do so by running Get-PSFResultCache.
            Setting this switch disables the caching of data in the cache.
            Set-PSMDParameterHelp -Path "C:\PowerShell\Projects\MyModule" -CommandName "*" -ParameterName "Foo" -HelpText @"
            This is some foo text
            For a truly foo-some result
            Scans all files in the specified path.
            - Considers every function found
            - Will only process the parameter 'Foo'
            - And replace the current text with the one specified

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    # Global Store for pending file updates
    # Exempt from Scope Boundary violation rule, since only accessed using dedicated helper function
    $globalFunctionHash = @{ }
    #region Utility Functions
    function Invoke-AstWalk
        Param (
        #Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Processing $($Ast.Extent.StartLineNumber) | $($Ast.Extent.File) | $($Ast.GetType().FullName)"
        $typeName = $Ast.GetType().FullName
        switch ($typeName)
                if ($Ast.Name -like $CommandName)
                    Update-CommandParameterHelp -FunctionAst $Ast -ParameterName $ParameterName -HelpText $HelpText
                    if ($Ast.Body.DynamicParamBlock) { Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $Ast.Body.DynamicParamBlock -CommandName $CommandName -ParameterName $ParameterName -HelpText $HelpText }
                    if ($Ast.Body.BeginBlock) { Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $Ast.Body.BeginBlock -CommandName $CommandName -ParameterName $ParameterName -HelpText $HelpText }
                    if ($Ast.Body.ProcessBlock) { Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $Ast.Body.ProcessBlock -CommandName $CommandName -ParameterName $ParameterName -HelpText $HelpText }
                    if ($Ast.Body.EndBlock) { Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $Ast.Body.EndBlock -CommandName $CommandName -ParameterName $ParameterName -HelpText $HelpText }
                    Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $Ast.Body -CommandName $CommandName -ParameterName $ParameterName -HelpText $HelpText
                foreach ($property in $Ast.PSObject.Properties)
                    if ($property.Name -eq "Parent") { continue }
                    if ($property.Value -eq $null) { continue }
                    if (Get-Member -InputObject $property.Value -Name GetEnumerator -MemberType Method)
                        foreach ($item in $property.Value)
                            if ($item.PSObject.TypeNames -contains "System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast")
                                Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $item -CommandName $CommandName -ParameterName $ParameterName -HelpText $HelpText
                    if ($property.Value.PSObject.TypeNames -contains "System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast")
                        Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $property.Value -CommandName $CommandName -ParameterName $ParameterName -HelpText $HelpText
    function Update-CommandParameterHelp
        Param (
        #region Find the starting position
        function Get-StartIndex
            Param (
            if ($HelpEnd -lt 1) { return -1 }
            $index = -1
            $offset = 0
            while ($FunctionAst.Extent.Text.SubString(0, $HelpEnd).IndexOf(".PARAMETER $ParameterName", $offset, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) -ne -1)
                $tempIndex = $FunctionAst.Extent.Text.SubString(0, $HelpEnd).IndexOf(".PARAMETER $ParameterName", $offset, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                $endOfLineIndex = $FunctionAst.Extent.Text.SubString(0, $HelpEnd).IndexOf("`n", $tempIndex, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                if ($FunctionAst.Extent.Text.SubString($tempIndex, ($endOfLineIndex - $tempIndex)).Trim() -eq ".PARAMETER $ParameterName")
                    return $tempIndex
                $offset = $endOfLineIndex
            return $index
        $startIndex = $FunctionAst.Extent.StartOffset
        $endIndex = $FunctionAst.Body.ParamBlock.Extent.StartOffset
        foreach ($attribute in $FunctionAst.Body.ParamBlock.Attributes)
            if ($attribute.Extent.StartOffset -lt $endIndex) { $endIndex = $attribute.Extent.StartOffset }
        $index1 = Get-StartIndex -FunctionAst $FunctionAst -ParameterName $ParameterName -HelpEnd ($endIndex - $startIndex)
        if ($index1 -eq -1)
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "Could not find Comment Based Help for parameter '$ParameterName' of command '$($FunctionAst.Name)' in '$($FunctionAst.Extent.File)'" -Tag 'cbh', 'fail' -FunctionName Rename-PSMDParameter
            Write-Issue -Extent $FunctionAst.Extent -Type "ParameterCBHNotFound" -Data "Parameter Help not found"
        $index2 = $FunctionAst.Extent.Text.SubString(0, ($endIndex - $startIndex)).IndexOf("$ParameterName", $index1, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) + $ParameterName.Length
        $goodIndex = $FunctionAst.Extent.Text.SubString($index2).IndexOf("`n") + 1 + $index2
        #endregion Find the starting position
        #region Find the ending position
        $lines = $FunctionAst.Extent.Text.SubString(0, ($endIndex - $startIndex)).Substring($goodIndex).Split("`n")
        $goodLines = @()
        $badLine = ""
        foreach ($line in $lines)
            if ($line -notmatch "^#{0,1}[\s`t]{0,}\.|^#>") { $goodLines += $line }
                $badLine = $line
        if (($goodLines.Count -eq 0) -or ($goodLines.Count -eq $lines.Count))
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "Could not parse the Comment Based Help for parameter '$ParameterName' of command '$($FunctionAst.Name)' in '$($FunctionAst.Extent.File)'" -Tag 'cbh', 'fail' -FunctionName Rename-PSMDParameter
            Write-Issue -Extent $FunctionAst.Extent -Type "ParameterCBHBroken" -Data "Parameter Help cannot be parsed"
        $badIndex = $FunctionAst.Extent.Text.SubString(0, ($endIndex - $startIndex)).IndexOf($badLine, $index2) - 1
        #endregion Find the ending position
        #region Find the indent and create the text to insert
        $indents = @()
        foreach ($line in $goodLines)
            if ($line.Trim(" ^t#$([char]13)").Length -gt 0)
                $line | Select-String "^(#{0,1}[\s`t]+)" | ForEach-Object { $indents += $_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value }
        if ($indents.Count -eq 0) { $indent = "`t`t" }
            $indent = $indents | Sort-Object -Property Length | Select-Object -First 1
        $indent = $indent.Replace([char]13, [char]9)
        $newHelpText = ($HelpText.Split("`n") | ForEach-Object { "$($indent)$($_)" }) -join "`n"
        $newHelpText += "`n$($indent)"
        #endregion Find the indent and create the text to insert
        Add-FileReplacement -Path $FunctionAst.Extent.File -Start ($goodIndex + $startIndex) -Length ($badIndex - $goodIndex) -NewContent $newHelpText
    function Add-FileReplacement
        Param (
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Change Submitted: $Path | $Start | $Length | $NewContent" -Tag 'update', 'change', 'file'
        if (-not $globalFunctionHash.ContainsKey($Path))
            $globalFunctionHash[$Path] = @()
        $globalFunctionHash[$Path] += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Content    = $NewContent
            Start       = $Start
            Length       = $Length
    function Apply-FileReplacement
        Param (
        foreach ($key in $globalFunctionHash.Keys)
            $value = $globalFunctionHash[$key] | Sort-Object Start
            $content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($key)
            $newString = ""
            $currentIndex = 0
            foreach ($item in $value)
                $newString += $content.SubString($currentIndex, ($item.Start - $currentIndex))
                $newString += $item.Content
                $currentIndex = $item.Start + $item.Length
            $newString += $content.SubString($currentIndex)
            [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($key, $newString)
    function Write-Issue
        Param (
        New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Type    = $Type
            Data    = $Data
            File    = $Extent.File
            StartLine = $Extent.StartLineNumber
            Text    = $Extent.Text
    #endregion Utility Functions
    $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse | Where-Object Extension -Match "\.ps1|\.psm1"
    $issues = @()
    foreach ($file in $files)
        $tokens = $null
        $parsingError = $null
        $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($file.FullName, [ref]$tokens, [ref]$parsingError)
        Write-PSFMessage -Level VeryVerbose -Message "Updating help for <c='sub'>$CommandName / $ParameterName</c> | Scanning $($file.FullName)" -Tag 'start' -Target $Name
        $issues += Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $ast -CommandName $CommandName -ParameterName $ParameterName -HelpText $HelpText
    Set-PSFResultCache -InputObject $issues -DisableCache $DisableCache