
function New-PSMDHeader
        Generates a header wrapping around text.
        Generates a header wrapping around text.
        The output is an object that contains the configuration options to generate a header.
        Use its ToString() method (or cast it to string) to generate the header.
        The text to wrap into a header.
        Can handle multiline text.
        When passing a list of strings, each string will be wrapped into its own header.
    .PARAMETER BorderBottom
        The border used for the bottom of the frame. Use a single letter, such as "-"
    .PARAMETER BorderLeft
        The border used for the left side of the frame.
    .PARAMETER BorderRight
        The border used for the right side of the frame.
    .PARAMETER BorderTop
        The border used for the top of the frame. Use a single letter, such as "-"
        The symbol used for the left-bottom corner of the frame
        The symbol used for the left-top corner of the frame
        The symbol used for the right-bottom corner of the frame
        The symbol used for the right-top corner of the frame
    .PARAMETER MaxWidth
        Whether to align the frame's total width to the window width.
    .PARAMETER Padding
        Whether the text should be padded.
        Only applies to left/right aligned text.
    .PARAMETER TextAlignment
        Default: Center
        Whether the text should be aligned left, center or right.
    .PARAMETER Width
        Total width of the header.
        Defaults to entire screen.
        PS C:\> New-PSMDHeader -Text 'Example'
        Will create a header labeled 'Example' that spans the entire screen.
        PS C:\> New-PSMDHeader -Text 'Example' -Width 80
        Will create a header labeled 'Example' with a total width of 80:
         # Example #
        PS C:\> New-PSMDHeader -Text 'Example' -Width 80 -BorderLeft " |" -BorderRight "| " -CornerLB " \" -CornerLT " /" -CornerRB "/" -CornerRT "\"
        Will create a header labeled "Example with a total width of 80 and some custom border lines:
         | Example |

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        $BorderBottom = "-",
        $BorderLeft = " #",
        $BorderRight = "# ",
        $BorderTop = "-",
        $CornerLB = " #",
        $CornerLT = " #",
        $CornerRB = "# ",
        $CornerRT = "# ",
        $Padding = 0,
        $TextAlignment = "Center",
        $Width = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width
        foreach ($line in $Text)
            $header = New-Object PSModuleDevelopment.Utility.TextHeader($line)
            $header.BorderBottom = $BorderBottom
            $header.BorderLeft = $BorderLeft
            $header.BorderRight = $BorderRight
            $header.BorderTop = $BorderTop
            $header.CornerLB = $CornerLB
            $header.CornerLT = $CornerLT
            $header.CornerRB = $CornerRB
            $header.CornerRT = $CornerRT
            $header.Padding = $Padding
            $header.TextAlignment = $TextAlignment
            if ((Test-PSFParameterBinding -ParameterName Width) -and (Test-PSFParameterBinding -ParameterName MaxWidth -Not))
                $header.MaxWidth = $false
                $header.Width = $Width
                $header.MaxWidth = $MaxWidth
                $header.Width = $Width