
function Get-PSMDBuildStep {
        Read the steps that are part of the specified build project.
        Read the steps that are part of the specified build project.
        The name by which to filter the steps returned.
        Defaults to '*'
    .PARAMETER BuildProject
        Path to the build project file to read from.
        Defaults to the currently selected project if available.
        Use Select-PSMDBuildProject to select a default project.
        PS C:\> Get-PSMDBuildStep
        Read all steps that are part of the default build project.
        PS C:\> Get-PSMDBuildStep -Name CreateSession -BuildProject C:\code\Project\
        Return the CreateSession step from the specified project file.

    param (
        $Name = '*',
    begin {
        $projectPath = $BuildProject
        if (-not $projectPath) { $projectPath = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'PSModuleDevelopment.Build.Project.Selected' }
        if (-not $projectPath) { throw "No Project path specified and none selected!" }
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $projectPath)) {
            throw "Project file not found: $projectPath"
    process {
        $projectObject = Get-PSMDBuildProject -Path $projectPath
        $projectObject.Steps | Where-Object Name -Like $Name