
function Select-PSMDBuildProject
        Set the specified build project as the default project.
        Set the specified build project as the default project.
        This will have most other commands in this Component automatically use the specified project.
        Path to the project file to pick.
    .PARAMETER Register
        Persist the choice as default build project file across PowerShell sessions.
        PS C:\> Select-PSMDBuildProject -Path 'c:\code\Project\'
        Sets the specified build project as the default project.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        Invoke-PSFProtectedCommand -ActionString 'Select-PSMDBuildProject.Testing' -ActionStringValues $Path -ScriptBlock {
            $null = Get-PSMDBuildProject -Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop
        } -Target $Path -EnableException $true -PSCmdlet $PSCmdlet
        Set-PSFConfig -Module PSModuleDevelopment -Name 'Build.Project.Selected' -Value $Path
        if ($Register) { Register-PSFConfig -Module PSModuleDevelopment -Name 'Build.Project.Selected' }