
function Measure-PSMDLinesOfCode
        Measures the lines of code ina PowerShell scriptfile.
        Measures the lines of code ina PowerShell scriptfile.
        This scan uses the AST to figure out how many lines contain actual functional code.
        Path to the files to scan.
        Folders will be ignored.
        PS C:\> Measure-PSMDLinesOfCode -Path .\script.ps1
        Measures the lines of code in the specified file.
        PS C:\> Get-ChildItem C:\Scripts\*.ps1 | Measure-PSMDLinesOfCode
        Measures the lines of code for every single file in the folder c:\Scripts.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        #region Utility Functions
        function Invoke-AstWalk
            [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '')]
            param (
            #Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Processing $($Ast.Extent.StartLineNumber) | $($Ast.Extent.File) | $($Ast.GetType().FullName)"
            $typeName = $Ast.GetType().FullName
            switch ($typeName)
                    $Ast.Extent.StartLineNumber .. $Ast.Extent.EndLineNumber
                    foreach ($clause in $Ast.Clauses)
                        Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $clause.Item1 -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $IsCommand
                        Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $clause.Item2 -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $IsCommand
                    if ($null -ne $Ast.ElseClause)
                        Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $Ast.ElseClause -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $IsCommand
                    if (-not $First)
                    foreach ($property in $Ast.PSObject.Properties)
                        if ($property.Name -eq "Parent") { continue }
                        if ($null -eq $property.Value) { continue }
                        if (Get-Member -InputObject $property.Value -Name GetEnumerator -MemberType Method)
                            foreach ($item in $property.Value)
                                if ($item.PSObject.TypeNames -contains "System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast")
                                    Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $item -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $IsCommand
                        if ($property.Value.PSObject.TypeNames -contains "System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast")
                            Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $property.Value -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $IsCommand
        #endregion Utility Functions
        #region Process Files
        foreach ($fileItem in $Path)
            Write-PSFMessage -Level VeryVerbose -String MeasurePSMDLinesOfCode.Processing -StringValues $fileItem
            foreach ($resolvedPath in (Resolve-PSFPath -Path $fileItem -Provider FileSystem))
                if ((Get-Item $resolvedPath).PSIsContainer) { continue }
                $parsedItem = Read-PSMDScript -Path $resolvedPath
                $object = New-Object PSModuleDevelopment.Utility.LinesOfCode -Property @{
                    Path    = $resolvedPath
                if ($parsedItem.Ast)
                    $object.Ast = $parsedItem.Ast
                    $object.Lines = Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $parsedItem.Ast -First | Sort-Object -Unique
                    $object.Count = ($object.Lines | Measure-Object).Count
                    $object.Success = $true
        #endregion Process Files