
$action = {
    param (
    $rootPath = $Parameters.RootPath
    $actualParameters = $Parameters.Parameters
    if (-not $actualParameters.ArtifactName) { throw "No ArtifactName specified! Unable to publish remoting session for build." }
    if (-not ($actualParameters.VMName -or $actualParameters.ComputerName)) { throw "Neither ComputerName nor VMName specified, unable to connect to nothing!" }
    if ($actualParameters.VMName -and $actualParameters.ComputerName) { throw "Both ComputerName and VMName specified, unable to connect to both at once!" }
    $credential = $null
    if ($actualParameters.CredentialPath) {
        $path = $actualParameters.CredentialPath -replace '%ProjectRoot%', $rootPath
        try { $credential = Import-PSFClixml -Path $path -ErrorAction Stop }
        catch { throw "Error accessing credentials from $path : $_" }
    $paramNewPSSession = @{ }
    if ($actualParameters.VMName) { $paramNewPSSession.VMName = $actualParameters.VMName }
    if ($actualParameters.ComputerName) { $paramNewPSSession.ComputerName = $actualParameters.ComputerName }
    if ($actualParameters.Port) { $paramNewPSSession.Port = $actualParameters.Port }
    if ($credential) { $paramNewPSSession.Credential = $credential }
    try { $session = New-PSSession @paramNewPSSession -ErrorAction Stop }
    catch { throw "Error establishing PS Remoting session: $_" }
    Publish-PSMDBuildArtifact -Name $actualParameters.ArtifactName -Value $session -Tag pssession

$params = @{
    Name        = 'new-pssession'
    Action      = $action
    Description = 'Establish a PSSession to a target computer and provide it as an artifact'
    Parameters  = @{
        ComputerName   = 'The Computer to connect to'
        Port           = 'Port you want to connect to'
        VMName         = 'The virtual machine to which to connect to via the HyperV VM Bus'
        CredentialPath = 'The path to the credentials to use for the connection. Use %ProjectRoot% to insert the folder path to where the buildfile is located'
        ArtifactName   = '(mandatory) The name under which to publish the session as an artifact'

Register-PSMDBuildAction @params