
$action = {
    param (
    $rootPath = $Parameters.RootPath
    $actualParameters = $Parameters.Parameters
    #region Utility Functions
    function ConvertTo-PSSession {
        param (
            [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        process {
            if ($InputObject -is [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession]) {
                return $InputObject
            $artifactValue = (Get-PSMDBuildArtifact -Name $InputObject).Value
            if ($artifactValue -is [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession]) {
                return $artifactValue
    #endregion Utility Functions
    if (-not ($actualParameters.Path -and $actualParameters.Destination)) {
        throw "Invalid parameters! Specify both Path and Destination."
    $paths = $actualParameters.Path -replace '%ProjectRoot%', $rootPath
    $copyParam = @{
        Destination = $actualParameters.Destination -replace '%ProjectRoot%', $rootPath
    if ($actualParameters.Recurse) { $copyParam.Recurse = $true }
    if ($actualParameters.Force) { $copyParam.Force = $true }
    if ($actualParameters.FromSession) {
        $fromSession = $actualParameters.FromSession | ConvertTo-PSSession
        if (-not $fromSession) {
            throw "FromSession $($actualParameters.FromSession) not found!"
        $copyParam.FromSession = $fromSession
    if ($actualParameters.ToSession) {
        $toSession = $actualParameters.ToSession | ConvertTo-PSSession
        if (-not $toSession) {
            throw "ToSession $($actualParameters.ToSession) not found!"
        $copyParam.ToSession = $toSession
    foreach ($path in $paths) {
        try { Copy-Item @copyParam -Path $path -ErrorAction Stop }
        catch { throw }

$params = @{
    Name        = 'copy-item'
    Action        = $action
    Description = 'Copies files & folders from A to B'
    Parameters  = @{
        Path        = '(mandatory) Path(s) to copy. Use "%ProjectRoot%" to reference to the root path containing the build file.'
        Destination = '(mandatory) Path to copy to. Use "%ProjectRoot%" to reference to the root path containing the build file.'
        FromSession = 'Artifact Name of the PSSession to copy from.'
        ToSession   = 'Artifact Name of the PSSession to copy to.'
        Recurse        = 'Whether to copy child items'
        Force        = 'Whether to use force (Remove destination items)'

Register-PSMDBuildAction @params