
function Invoke-PSMDBuildProject {
        Execute a build project.
        Execute a build project.
        A build project is a configured chain of actions that have been configured in json.
        They will be processed in their specified order and allow manageable, configurable steps without having to reinvent the same action again and again.
        + Individual action types become available using Register-PSMDBuildAction.
        + Create new build projects using New-PSMDBuildProject
        + Set up steps taken during a build using Set-PSMDBuildStep
        + Select the default build project using Select-PSMDBuildProject
        The path to the build project file to execute.
        Mandatory if no build project has been selected as the default project.
        Use the Select-PSMDBuildProject to define a default project (and optionally persist the choice across sessions)
    .PARAMETER InheritArtifacts
        Accept artifacts that were generated before ever executing this pipeline.
        By default, any artifacts previously provisioned are cleared on pipeline start.
    .PARAMETER RetainArtifacts
        Whether, after executing the project, its artifacts should be retained.
        By default, any artifacts created during a build project will be discarded upon project completion.
        Artifacts are similar to variables to the pipeline and can be used to pass data throughout the pipeline.
        + Use Publish-PSMDBuildArtifact to create a new artifact.
        + Use Get-PSMDBuildArtifact to access existing build artifacts.
        PS C:\> Invoke-PSMDBuildProject -Path .\
        Execute the build file "" from the current folder
        PS C:\> build
        Execute the default build project.

    param (
    begin {
        if (-not $InheritArtifacts) {
            $script:buildArtifacts = @{ }
        $buildStatus = @{ }
        $projectPath = $Path
        if (-not $projectPath) { $projectPath = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'PSModuleDevelopment.Build.Project.Selected' }
        if (-not $projectPath) { throw "No Project path specified and none selected!" }
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $projectPath)) {
            throw "Project file not found: $projectPath"
        function Write-StepResult {
            param (
                [ValidateSet('Success', 'Failed', 'ConditionNotMet', 'DependencyNotMet', 'BadAction')]
            $BuildStatus[$StepObject.Name] = $Status -eq 'Success'
            $paramWritePSFMessage = @{
                Level         = 'Warning'
                String         = "Invoke-PSMDBuildProject.Step.$Status"
            switch ($Status) {
                Failed { Write-PSFMessage @paramWritePSFMessage -StringValues $StepObject.Name, $StepObject.Action -ErrorRecord $Data }
                ConditionNotMet { Write-PSFMessage @paramWritePSFMessage -StringValues $StepObject.Name, $StepObject.Action, $StepObject.Condition }
                DependencyNotMet { Write-PSFMessage @paramWritePSFMessage -StringValues $StepObject.Name, $StepObject.Action, $Data }
                BadAction { Write-PSFMessage @paramWritePSFMessage -StringValues $StepObject.Name, $StepObject.Action }
                PSTypeName = 'PSModuleDevelopment.Build.StepResult'
                Count       = $Count
                Action       = $StepObject.Action
                Status       = $Status
                Step       = $StepObject.Name
                Data       = $Data
            if ($ContinueLabel) {
                continue $ContinueLabel
    process {
        $projectObject = Get-PSMDBuildProject -Path $projectPath
        $steps = $projectObject.Steps | Sort-Object { $_.Weight } # Might be a hashtable
        $count = 0
        $stepResults = :main foreach ($step in $steps) {
            $resultDef = @{
                Count = $count
                StepObject = $step
                BuildStatus = $buildStatus
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-PSMDBuildProject.Step.Executing' -StringValues $count, $step.Name, $step.Action
            #region Validation
            $actionObject = $script:buildActions[$step.Action]
            if (-not $actionObject) {
                Write-StepResult @resultDef -Status BadAction -ContinueLabel main
            foreach ($dependency in $step.Dependency) {
                if (-not $buildStatus[$dependency]) {
                    Write-StepResult @resultDef -Status DependencyNotMet -Data $dependency -ContinueLabel main
            if ($step.Condition -and $step.ConditionSet) {
                $cModule, $cSetName = $step.ConditionSet -split " ", 2
                $conditionSet = Get-PSFFilterConditionSet -Module $cModule -Name $cSetName
                if (-not $conditionSet) {
                    Write-StepResult @resultDef -Status ConditionNotMet -ContinueLabel main
                $filter = New-PSFFilter -Expression $step.Condition -ConditionSet $conditionSet
                if (-not $filter.Evaluate()) {
                    Write-StepResult @resultDef -Status ConditionNotMet -ContinueLabel main
            #endregion Validation
            #region Execution
            $parameters = @{
                RootPath = Split-Path -Path $projectPath
                Parameters = $step.Parameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable
                ProjectName = $projectObject.Name
                StepName = $step.Name
                ParametersFromArtifacts = $step.ParametersFromArtifacts | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable
            if (-not $parameters.Parameters) { $parameters.Parameters = @{ } }
            if (-not $parameters.ParametersFromArtifacts) { $parameters.ParametersFromArtifacts = @{ } }
            # Resolve Parameters
            $parameters.Parameters = Resolve-PSMDBuildStepParameter -Parameters $parameters.Parameters -FromArtifacts $parameters.ParametersFromArtifacts -ProjectName $parameters.ProjectName -StepName $parameters.StepName
            try { $null = & $actionObject.Action $parameters }
            catch {
                Write-StepResult @resultDef -Status Failed -Data $_ -ContinueLabel main
            Write-StepResult @resultDef -Status Success
            #endregion Execution
    end {
        if (-not $RetainArtifacts) {
            $script:buildArtifacts = @{ }