
$action = {
    param (
    $rootPath = $Parameters.RootPath
    $actualParameters = $Parameters.Parameters
    #region Process Parameters
    if (-not $actualParameters.Command) {
        throw "Mandatory parameter: Command not specified"
    if ($actualParameters.Command -is [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]) {
        $scriptblock = $actualParameters.Command
    else {
        try { $scriptblock = [scriptblock]::Create($actualParameters.Command) }
        catch {
            throw "Error parsing command '$($actualParameters.Command)' : $_"
    $actualArguments = foreach ($argument in $actualParameters.ArgumentList) {
        if ($argument -isnot [string]) {
        if ($argument -notlike '%!*!%') {
        $artifactName = $argument -replace '^%!(.+)!%$', '$1'
        $artifactObject = Get-PSMDBuildArtifact -Name $artifactName
        if (-not $artifactObject) { throw "Artifact for arguments not found: $artifactName" }
    $inSession = $null
    if ($actualParameters.InSession) {
        $inSession = foreach ($sessionInput in $actualParameters.InSession) {
            if ($sessionInput -is [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession]) {
            $artifactObject = Get-PSMDBuildArtifact -Name $sessionInput
            if ($artifactObject.Value -is [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession]) {
            if (-not $artifactObject) { throw "Artifact for parameter InSession not found: $($sessionInput)" }
            throw "Artifact for parameter InSession ($($sessionInput)) is not a pssession!"
    #endregion Process Parameters
    #region Execution
    $invokeParam = @{
        ScriptBlock     = $scriptblock
        ArgumentList = $actualArguments
    if ($inSession) { $invokeParam.Session = $inSession }
    try { Invoke-Command @invokeParam -ErrorAction Stop }
    catch { throw }
    #endregion Execution

$params = @{
    Name        = 'command'
    Action        = $action
    Description = 'Execute a scriptblock'
    Parameters  = @{
        Command         = '(mandatory) Scriptcode to run'
        ArgumentList = 'Any number of arguments to pass to the command. To insert artifacts, specify a string with the special notation "%!ArtifactName!%"'
        InSession    = 'Execute the scriptfile in the target PSSession. Either provide a full session object or an artifact name pointing at one.'

Register-PSMDBuildAction @params