
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
Information = Information
Info = INFO
Warning = Warning
Warn = WARN
Error = Error
Errr = ERRR
FileLogUnableToRemoveExistingFile = Unable to remove existing log file.
FileLogUnableToCreateFile = Unable to create log file.
EventLogLogSourceInWrongLog = Source exists, but is associated with a differnet log.
EventLogLogUnableToCreateLogOrSource = Unable to create log or source. You may need to run this command as administrator one time in order to create the Event Log source.
EventLogLogUnableToReadLogSources = Unable to read event log sources.
Exception = Exception
ExceptionInformation = Exception Information
Message = Message
Source = Source
StackTrace = Stack Trace
TargetSite = Target Site
EmailLogSubject = E-mail Log
NoEntriesToReport = No Entries to Report
CmdletDeprecated_F0 = This Cmdlet is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use {0} instead.
Parameter_F0_Deprecated_F1 = The parameter {0} is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use {1} instead.
CurrentSession = Current Session