
function Join-Parts
        Join strings with a specified separator.

        Join strings with a specified separator.

        This strips out null values and any duplicate separator characters.

        See examples for clarification.

    .PARAMETER Separator
        Separator to join with

    .PARAMETER Parts
        Strings to join

        Join-Parts -Separator "/" this //should $Null /work/ /well

        # Output: this/should/work/well

        Join-Parts -Parts, should, /work/, /wel

        # Output:

        Join-Parts -Separator "?" this ?should work ???well

        # Output: this?should?work?well


        $CouldBeOneOrMore = @( "JustOne" )
        Join-Parts -Separator ? -Parts CouldBeOneOrMore

        # Output JustOne

        # If you have an arbitrary count of parts coming in,
        # Unnecessary separators will not be added

        Credit to Rob C. and Michael S. from this post:

    [string]$Separator = "/",

    [string[]]$Parts = $null

    ( $Parts |
        Where-Object { $_ } |
        Foreach-Object { ( [string]$_ ).trim($Separator) } |
        Where-Object { $_ }
    ) -join $Separator