
Function Set-PSNote{
        Use to add or update a PSNote object
        Allows you to add or update a PSNote object. If note already
        exists you must supply the Force switch to overwrite it.
        Only values supplied with be updated.
        The note you want to add/update.
    .PARAMETER Snippet
        The text of the snippet to add/update.
    .PARAMETER Details
        The Details of the snippet to add/update.
        The tag of the note(s) you want to return.
    .PARAMETER Alias
        The Alias to create to copy this snippet to your clipboard. If not
        supplied it will use the Note value
        A string array of tags to add/update for the Note
        Set-PSNote -Note 'ADUser' -Tags 'AD','Users'
        Set the tags AD and User for the note ADUser
        $Snippet = '(Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.GetAbbreviatedDayName((Get-Date).DayOfWeek.value__)'
        Set-PSNote -Note 'DayOfWeek' -Snippet $Snippet
        Updates the snippet for the note DayOfWeek


    $check = $noteObjects | Where-Object{$_.Note -eq $Note}
    if(-not $check){
        Write-Warning "The note '$Note' does not exists. An attempt will be made to create it."

    New-PSNote @PSBoundParameters -Force