
Function Export-PSNote{
        Use to export your PSNotes to copy to another machine or share with others

        Allows you to export your PSNotes to a JSON file, that can then be imported
        to another machine or by other users.

    .PARAMETER NoteObject
        The PSNote objects you want to export. Use Get-PSNote to build the object and pass it to the parameter
        or use a pipeline to pass it.

        Export all PSNotes

        The path to the PSNotes JSON file to export to.

    .PARAMETER Append
        Use to append the output file. Default is to overwrite.

        Export-PSNote -All -Path C:\Export\MyPSNotes.json

        Exportall notes to a JSON file.

        Get-PSNote -tag 'AD' | Export-PSNote -Path C:\Export\SharedADNotes.json

        Exports all notes with the tag 'AD' to the file SharedADNotes.json

        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="Note")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="All")]
        [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSNoteExport]] $ExportObjects = @()
        Write-Verbose "$($noteObject | FT | Out-String)"
        # If All add all objects otherwise only add those passed
            $noteObjects | ForEach-Object{ $ExportObjects.Add( [PSNoteExport]::New( $_ ) ) }
        } else {
            $noteObject | ForEach-Object{ $ExportObjects.Add( [PSNoteExport]::New( $_ ) ) }
        Write-Verbose "$($ExportObjects | FT | Out-String)"
        # if append add append objects before exporting
            if(-not (Test-Path $path)){
                Write-Verbose "File '$path' not found. Will continue with export, but will not append."
            } else {
                # import existing from JSON, but overwrite any matching Notes with the new value
                $(Get-Content $Path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json) | Select-Object Note, Snippet, Details, Alias, Tags | 
                    Where-Object{ $ExportObjects.Alias -notcontains $_.Alias } | ForEach-Object{ 
                        $ExportObjects.Add([PSNoteExport]::New( $_ )) 

        $ExportObjects | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $Path -Encoding UTF8NoBOM