
Finds your PSNow created modules

When you use PSNow to create a module, it adds the name and location to a file called Currentmodules.txt. That list is returned to you here.


There are no parameters to add here, you're just getting a list of modules returned to you.

General Notes


function Find-PSNowModule {
    param (

    begin {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'

        $scriptPath = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
        $thefile = Get-ChildItem -path $scriptPath -Name "currentmodules.txt"
        $modules = Get-Content -Path $thefile
        Write-Output "`n"
        Write-Output "Here's your list of PSNow Modules"
        Write-Output "---------------------------------"
        foreach($module in $modules){
            Write-Output $module
        Write-Output "`n"
