<# .SYNOPSIS Builds your PowerShell module. .DESCRIPTION A tool to Build a basic module with. It can take several variables to flesh out your build environment and do your testing, build and publishing .PARAMETER Tasklist Tasks are: 'Init' - sets the build location to the project root. Also adds /Staging and /BuildOutput folders to .gitignore 'Clean' - cleans up any files/folders from a previous build and creates the Aritact and Staging directories 'CombineAndStage' - pulls all your function files into a .psm1 and copies everything to /Staging 'Stage' - pulls all your specified files into the /Staging folder in preparation for creation a .nupkg file or other artifact. Retains current directory structure. 'ImportStagingModule' - Import the module you just staged, you'll use that for making a .zip or .nupkg. Separates your working tree from the code you are going to deploy 'Analyze' - Run PSScriptAnalyzer on the modules in /Staging to ensure linting and syntax are correct 'Test' - Run Pester tests against the code. Tests are coming from /Tests 'Help' - Create/Update markdown helpfiles using PlatyPS 'UpdateBuildVersion' - based on a parameter you pass (see below) the build number is updated 'UpdateRepo' - does a git push back to your repo to sync your current files. Also tags files with the current build 'BuildNuget' - builds a .nupkg file in the /BuildOutput directory 'BuildZip' - creates a .zip file of your creation in the /BuildOutput folder 'PublishAzure' - invokes Publish-Module to publish your code to your Azure Repo 'PublishPSGallery' - invokes Publish-Module to publish to PowerShellGallery 'Sign' - used to sign your module with a certificate .PARAMETER Parameters A hashtable of parameters you want to pass into your build. Ex.: @{BuildRev="REVISION", CommitMessage="I updated the build revision"} .PARAMETER Properties A hashtable to update various pathes and other settings used by this script .INPUTS System.Object .OUTPUTS PS Module .EXAMPLE ./Build/build.ps1 -Tasklist init -ResolveDependency Resolves your dependencies as specified in the build.depend.ps1 file and sets the build environment up for you. .EXAMPLE ./Build/build.ps1 -Tasklist BuildNuget -Parameters @{BuildRev="Revision"; CommitMessage="First Commit"} .NOTES Author: John McCrae .REFERENCES thanks to Adam Rush UK - #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingWriteHost", "")] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [System.String[]] $TaskList = 'Default', [Parameter()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Parameters, [Parameter()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Properties, [Parameter()] [Switch] $ResolveDependency ) Write-Output "`nSTARTED TASKS: $($TaskList -join ',')`n" Write-Output "`nPowerShell Version Information:" $PSVersionTable # Load dependencies if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'ResolveDependency') { # Bootstrap environment Get-PackageProvider -Name 'NuGet' -ForceBootstrap | Out-Null # Install PSDepend module if it is not already installed if (-not (Get-Module -Name 'PSDepend' -ListAvailable)) { Write-Output "`nPSDepend is not yet installed...installing PSDepend now..." Install-Module -Name 'PSDepend' -Scope 'CurrentUser' -Repository PSGALLERY -Force } else { Write-Output "`nPSDepend already installed...skipping." } #checking for the presence of Git. The Buildhelpers dependency will fail at the end of setup if Git isn't installed try { git | Out-Null #$gitinstalled = $true } catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] { $LASTEXITCODE = 1 #$gitinstalled = $false throw "A git client was not detected. Please install one and re-run 'build.ps1 -ResolveDependency'" } # Install build dependencies $psdependencyConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'build.depend.psd1' Write-Output "Checking / resolving module dependencies from [$psdependencyConfigPath]...`n" Import-Module -Name 'PSDepend' $invokePSDependParams = @{ Path = $psdependencyConfigPath Tags = 'Bootstrap' Import = $true Confirm = $false Install = $true Verbose = $true } Invoke-PSDepend @invokePSDependParams # Remove ResolveDependency PSBoundParameter ready for passthru to PSake $PSBoundParameters.Remove('ResolveDependency') } else { Write-Host "Skipping dependency check...`n" -ForegroundColor 'Yellow' } # Init BuildHelpers Set-BuildEnvironment -Force ## - jfm Set-Item -Path env:\BHPSVersionNumber -Value $((Get-Variable 'PSVersionTable' -ValueOnly).PSVersion.Major) $pathChar = [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar Set-Item -Path env:\BHPathDivider -Value $pathChar if ($env:BHPSVersionNumber -lt 6) { Set-Item -Path env:\BHBuildOS -Value 'Windows' Set-Item -Path env:\BHTempDirectory -Value $([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) } elseif (Get-Variable -Name 'IsWindows' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' -ValueOnly ) { Set-Item -Path env:\BHBuildOS -Value 'Windows' Set-Item -Path env:\BHTempDirectory -Value $([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) } elseif (Get-Variable -Name 'IsMacOS' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' -ValueOnly ) { Set-Item -Path env:\BHBuildOS -Value 'macOS' Set-Item -Path env:\BHTempDirectory -Value "/private/tmp" } elseif (Get-Variable -Name 'IsLinux' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' -ValueOnly ) { Set-Item -Path env:\BHBuildOS -Value 'Linux' Set-Item -Path env:\BHTempDirectory -Value "/tmp" } ## - jfm # The Default Build Helpers variable settings leave some gaps that need resolving. Doing that here. #region - BHBUILDVARS Set-Item -Path Env:BHBuildCulture -Value (get-culture).name Set-Item -Path Env:BHBuildSystem -Value "Azure Pipelines" $manifest = Import-PowerShellDataFile (Get-item env:\BHPSModuleManifest).Value [version]$script:Version = $manifest.ModuleVersion Set-Item -Path Env:BHBuildNumber -Value $script:Version $stagingfolder = (Get-item env:\BHPSModulePath).Value + $env:BHPathDivider + "Staging" Set-Item -Path env:\BHPSModulePath -Value $stagingfolder $publishfolder = $ENV:BHModulePath + $env:BHPathDivider + "Staging" + $env:BHPathDivider + $ENV:BHProjectName Set-Item -Path env:\BHModulePath -Value $publishfolder #endregion # Capture the build version type - Major, Minor, Build, Revision. Used later to bump the version number of your package # The revision is passed in via the BuildRev parameter. # also grabbing a Commit message so we an do a git push to your Repo. if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Parameters') { foreach ($key in $Parameters.Keys) { if ($key -eq 'BuildRev') { $versiondetail = $Parameters.$key Set-Item -Path Env:BHBuildRevision -Value $versiondetail } elseif ($key -eq 'CommitMessage') { $commitMessage = $Parameters.$key Set-Item -Path Env:BHCommitMessage -Value $commitMessage Set-Item -Path Env:BHCommitFlag -Value 1 } } } # If you don't specify a build version change, we go with no change if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Tasklist')) { if ((($TaskList -like "*Build*") -or ($TaskList -like "*Publish*")) -and ($Parameters.Keys -notcontains "BuildRev")) { $PSBoundParameters.Parameters += @{BuildRev = 'None' } } elseif (($TaskList -like "*Publish*") -and ((Get-Item -Path env:\BH*).Name -notcontains "BHPSGalleryKey")) { Write-Host "You need to create the environmental variable 'BHPSGalleryKey' with your PowerShell Gallery key" -ForegroundColor 'Red' -BackgroundColor 'Black' Break } # Execute PSake tasks $invokePsakeParams = @{ buildFile = (Join-Path -Path $env:BHProjectPath -ChildPath $("Build" + $env:BHPathDivider + "build.psake.ps1")) nologo = $true } Invoke-Psake @invokePsakeParams @PSBoundParameters } Write-Output "`nFINISHED TASKS: $($TaskList -join ',')" exit ( [int](-not $psake.build_success) ) |