
Function Get-OMEDeviceInventory

        Gets specific inventory for the device monitored by OME server.
        Gets specific inventory for the device monitored by OME server.
        Query inventory for the device with the specific Id.
        Query inventory for the device with the specific Name.
    .PARAMETER AssetTag
        Query inventory for the device with the specific Asset Tag.
    .PARAMETER ServiceTag
        Query inventory for the device with the specific Service Tag.
    .PARAMETER Table
        Specifies table Id for the inventory (see Dell REST API User Guide).
    .PARAMETER Session
        Specifies the Session Id for the OME server.
        Get-OMEDeviceInventory -Session $session -Name -Table 3
        ArrayDiskUsedSpace : 558
        ArrayDiskEnclosureId : Disk.Bay.2:Enclosure.Internal.0-1:RAID.Integrated.1-1
        ArrayDiskFreeSpace : 0
        ArrayDiskMediaType : Hard Disk Drive
        ArrayDiskChannel : 0
        ArrayDiskNumber : 3
        ArrayDiskVendorName : SEAGATE
        ArrayDiskLength : 558
        DeviceId : 325
        ArrayDiskSerialNumber : 6DF4545FG
        ArrayDiskModelNumber : ST9600205SS
        ArrayDiskStatus : OK
        ArrayDiskBusType : SAS
        ArrayDiskTargetId : 2
        ArrayDiskRevision : CS09
        Author: Mike Khar

        $CurrentSession = Get-Variable -Scope Global -Name $Session -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ValueOnly
        If (!$CurrentSession) {
            Write-Warning "Please use Set-OMEConnection first"
        else {
        Try {
            if ($Id) {
                if (!($Id -as [int32])) {
                    If ($Id_) {
                    else {
            if ($Name) {
                $Id_=$(Get-OMEDevice -Session $Session -All | where {$_.Name -eq $Name}).Id
                If ($Id_) {
                else {
            if ($AssetTag) {
                $Id_=$(Get-OMEDevice -Session $Session -All | where {$_.AssetTag -eq $AssetTag}).Id
                If ($Id_) {
                else {
            if ($ServiceTag) {
                $Id_=$(Get-OMEDevice -Session $Session -All | where {$_.ServiceTag -eq $ServiceTag}).Id
                If ($Id_) {
                else {
            $Id | foreach {$ListOfuri+=$BaseUri+"/Devices/$_/TableInventory/$table"}
            foreach ($uri in $ListOfuri) {
                if ($CurrentSession.Credentials) {
                    $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Credential $CurrentSession.Credentials -ContentType "application/octet-stream"
                else {
                    $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -UseDefaultCredentials -ContentType "application/octet-stream"
                if ($result.StatusCode -ne 200) {
                    Out-OMEException -Exception $_
                else {
                    Write-Debug "HTTP request: $uri HTTP status code: $($result.StatusCode)"
                    if ($result.Content) {
                    else {
                if ($result) {$Info+=$result}
            $PropertyName=$($result | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).Name
            return Convert-XMLtoPSObject -xml $Info.$PropertyName -ObjectType "OME.$PropertyName"
        Catch {
            Out-OMEException -Exception $_

#aliases for table functions
function Get-OMEDeviceDisks {
        Gets information about the device disks.
        Gets information about the device disks.
        Alias for the Get-OMEDeviceInventory -Table 3
        Query inventory for the device with the specific Id.
        Query inventory for the device with the specific Name.
    .PARAMETER AssetTag
        Query inventory for the device with the specific Asset Tag.
    .PARAMETER ServiceTag
        Query inventory for the device with the specific Service Tag.
    .PARAMETER Session
        Specifies the Session Id for the OME server.
        Get-OMEDeviceDisks -Session $session -Name
        ArrayDiskUsedSpace : 558
        ArrayDiskEnclosureId : Disk.Bay.2:Enclosure.Internal.0-1:RAID.Integrated.1-1
        ArrayDiskFreeSpace : 0
        ArrayDiskMediaType : Hard Disk Drive
        ArrayDiskChannel : 0
        ArrayDiskNumber : 3
        ArrayDiskVendorName : SEAGATE
        ArrayDiskLength : 558
        DeviceId : 325
        ArrayDiskSerialNumber : 6DF4545FG
        ArrayDiskModelNumber : ST9600205SS
        ArrayDiskStatus : OK
        ArrayDiskBusType : SAS
        ArrayDiskTargetId : 2
        ArrayDiskRevision : CS09
        Author: Mike Khar

        $CurrentSession = Get-Variable -Scope Global -Name $Session -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ValueOnly
        If (!$CurrentSession) {
            Write-Warning "Please use Set-OMEConnection first"
        else {
        $string="Get-OMEDeviceInventory -Session $Session -Table 3"
        if ($Id) {
            $string+=' -Id $Id'
        if ($Name) {
            $string+=' -Name $Name'
        if ($AssetTag) {
            $string+=' -AssetTag $AssetTag'
        if ($ServiceTag) {
            $string+=' -ServiceTag $ServiceTag'
        if ($Credentials) {
            $string+=' -Credentials $Credentials'
        return Invoke-Expression $string


function Get-OMEDeviceRAM {
        Gets information about the device RAM.
        Gets information about the device RAM.
        Alias for the Get-OMEDeviceInventory -Table 16
        Query inventory for the device with the specific Id.
        Query inventory for the device with the specific Name.
    .PARAMETER AssetTag
        Query inventory for the device with the specific Asset Tag.
    .PARAMETER ServiceTag
        Query inventory for the device with the specific Service Tag.
    .PARAMETER Session
        Specifies the Session Id for the OME server.
        Get-OMEDeviceRAM -Session $session -Name
        MemoryDeviceBankName : A
        MemoryDeviceSize : 8192
        MemoryDevicePartNumberName : 36KD59G2PZ-28DL
        MemoryDeviceIndex : 2
        MemoryDeviceType : DDR3
        MemoryDeviceSerialNumberName : XJ48F45
        MemoryDeviceTypeDetails : DDR3 DIMM
        MemoryDeviceName : DIMM.Socket.A2
        MemoryDeviceStatus : 0
        MemoryDeviceManufacturerName : Micron Technology
        DeviceId : 325
        MemoryDeviceChassisIndex : 1
        Author: Mike Khar

        $CurrentSession = Get-Variable -Scope Global -Name $Session -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ValueOnly
        If (!$CurrentSession) {
            Write-Warning "Please use Set-OMEConnection first"
        else {
        $string="Get-OMEDeviceInventory -Session $Session -Table 16"
        if ($Id) {
            $string+=' -Id $Id'
        if ($Name) {
            $string+=' -Name $Name'
        if ($AssetTag) {
            $string+=' -AssetTag $AssetTag'
        if ($ServiceTag) {
            $string+=' -ServiceTag $ServiceTag'
        if ($Credentials) {
            $string+=' -Credentials $Credentials'
        return Invoke-Expression $string