
function Get-OBNLicense {
  Get Office 365 license information
  Get a list of how many Office 365 licenses are in use for a spcific tenant
  or get details of who is using each license.
  Mode determines which details are returned.
  Summary : How many licenses are active/in-use
  Detail : Who is using each in-use license
  Get a summary of how many licenses are active/in-use
  Get-OBNLicense -Mode Summary
  Get a summary of how many licenses are active/in-use
  Get-OBNLicense -Mode Detail
  Get a list of who is using each in-use license
  Get-OBNLicense -Mode Detail -Csv onebyte
  Get a list of who is using each in-use license. The list will be converted
  to CSV and saved in the file 'onebyte.csv' in the current directory.
  Authored By: Simon Buckner
  Date: 7th August 2020
  To Do:
  - Make use of delegated admin to get list of tenant organisations
    allowing script to run across multipe environments

  [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $False)]
    # Switch between providing summary stats or a detailed list
      Mandatory = $False,
      Position = 0
    [ValidateSet("Summary", "Detail")]
    [String]$Mode = "Summary",

    # Output to the specified CSV file
      Mandatory = $false,
      Position = 1
    [ValidateLength(1, 256)]



    # Run one-time set-up tasks here, like defining variables, etc.
    Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
    Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Started."

    # Declare any supporting functions here
    # #########################################################################
    # function myFunc([string]$p) {
    # Write-Host "myFunc called with"
    # }

    # Run any initialisation steps here
    # #########################################################################
    $PLANS = GetResourcePlans

  Process {

    $output = @()

    switch ($Mode) {
      "Detail" {
        Write-Verbose "Getting license details"
        # Get a list of who is using each in-use license
        # #########################################################################

        $users = @()

        Get-MsolUser | ForEach-Object {
          $upn = $_.UserPrincipalName
          $displayName = $_.DisplayName

          foreach ($license in $_.Licenses) {
            $parts = $license.AccountSkuId.Split(":")
            $id = $parts[$parts.Length - 1]
            $name = $PLANS[$id]
            if ($name) {
              $user = [OBNUser]::New()
              $user.UPN = $upn
              $user.DisplayName = $displayName
              $user.LicenseId = $id
              $user.LicenseName = $name
              $users += $user

        $output = $users | Sort-Object -Property "DisplayName"
      Default {
        Write-Verbose "Getting license summary"
        # Get a summary of how many licenses are active/in-use
        # #########################################################################

        $licenses = @()

        Get-MsolAccountSku | ForEach-Object {
          $parts = $_.AccountSkuId.Split(":")
          $id = $parts[$parts.Length - 1]
          $name = $PLANS[$id]
          if ($name) {
            $lic = [OBNLicense]::New()
            $lic.Id = $id
            $lic.Name = $name
            $lic.Active = $_.ActiveUnits
            $lic.Used = $_.ConsumedUnits
            $licenses += $lic

        $output = $licenses | Sort-Object -Property "Name"


    if ($CSV -eq "") {
      Write-Verbose "Sending results to the output pipe"
    else {
      if ($CSV -notmatch "\.csv$") {
        $CSV = "$CSV.csv"
      Write-Verbose "Sending results to CSV file $CSV"

      $output | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | Out-File -FilePath $CSV

  END {
    # Finally, run one-time tear-down tasks here.
    Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Complete."