
function Set-OpenFiles
        Close files on a remote computer by ID number.
        Use Get-OpenFiles to pipe IDs to Set-OpenFiles and close them.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Remote computer hostname that you want to close files.
        List of IDs that can only come from the pipeline.
        Close files on a remote computer named 'server1'.
        PS C:\> Get-OpenFiles server1 "%.pdf" | Set-OpenFiles server1
        Author: Yannick Gagne

        [string]$ComputerName, # 1st param is remote computer you want to close open files from
        [array[]]$IDs # IDs of files to close (COMES FROM PIPELINE)
    Begin {
    Process {
        # loop through all IDs that we got from the pipeline
        $IDs | ForEach-Object {
            # file ID
            $fileId = $_.Row[2]
            # file opened by
            $fileUser = $_.Row[1]
            # file full path
            $filePath = $_.Row[0]
            # write information to console
            Write-Host "Closing file $($filePath) with ID #$($fileId), opened by $($fileUser)."
            # close file by ID using openfiles.exe
            $cmdreturn = openfiles.exe /disconnect /S $ComputerName /ID $fileId
            # write return value from openfiles.exe to console
            Write-Host $cmdreturn
    End {