
  Show a list of Oracle SID's.
  Show a list of Oracle SID's and their associated ORACLE_HOME values, pulled from the registry of the local machine.

function Get-OraSID 
    #Create an empty object for display
    $display = @()

    #Get a list of Oracle homes from the registry
    $homes = Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Oracle | where {$_.Name -match 'KEY_Ora'}

    #Loop through each home and add the desired information to the display object
    foreach ($path in $homes)
        $dir = Split-Path $path.Name -Leaf
        $oraObject = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Oracle\$dir"
        $objDisplay = New-Object System.Object
        $objDisplay | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name OracleSid -value $oraObject.ORACLE_SID
        $objDisplay | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name OracleHome -value $oraObject.ORACLE_HOME

        $display += $objDisplay

    #Display the completed display object

  Displays the current value of your Oracle environment variables.
  Displays the current value of ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME, and ORACLE_BASE.

function Get-OraEnv
    #If ORACLE_SID has a value, display it
    if ($env:ORACLE_SID -ne $null)
        Write-Host "ORACLE_SID: " $env:ORACLE_SID

        Write-Host "ORACLE_SID is empty"

    #If ORACLE_HOME has a value, display it
    if ($env:ORACLE_HOME -ne $null)
        Write-Host "ORACLE_HOME: " $env:ORACLE_HOME

        Write-Host "ORACLE_HOME is empty"

    #If ORACLE_BASE has a value, display it
    if ($env:ORACLE_BASE -ne $null)
        Write-Host "ORACLE_BASE: " $env:ORACLE_BASE

        Write-Host "ORACLE_BASE is empty"

  Sets the Oracle environment variables based on a provided SID.
  Sets the Oracle environment variables based on a provided SID.
  Information is obtained from the registry to set ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME, and ORACLE_BASE.
  # Set the current environment for the database DB1.
   Set-OraEnv DB1

function Set-OraEnv 
    #Get a list of Oracle homes from the registry
    $homes = Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Oracle | where {$_.Name -match 'KEY_Ora'}

    #Loop through each home to find the one we're working with based on the provided SID.
    #Then use the key's values to set our environment variables.
    foreach ($path in $homes)
        $dir = Split-Path $path.Name -Leaf
        $oraObject = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Oracle\$dir"
        if ($oraObject.ORACLE_SID -eq $oraSid)
            $oraHome = $oraObject.ORACLE_HOME
            $oraBase = $oraObject.ORACLE_BASE
            Write-Host "Changing environment to:"
            Write-Host "ORACLE_SID : " $oraSid
            Write-Host "ORACLE_HOME: " $oraHome
            Write-Host "ORACLE_BASE: " $oraBase

            $env:ORACLE_SID = $oraSid
            $env:ORACLE_HOME = $oraHome
            $env:ORACLE_BASE = $oraBase

#Make our functions available for use
export-modulemember -function Get-OraSID
export-modulemember -function Get-OraEnv
export-modulemember -function Set-OraEnv