
function Get-PlexSession
            Gets a list of sessions (streams) on the Plex server.
            Gets a list of sessions (streams) on the Plex server.


    #Region Import Plex Configuration
            Import-PlexConfiguration -WhatIf:$False
            throw $_

    #Region Get data
    Write-Verbose -Message "Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): Getting all sessions"
        $DataUri = Get-PlexAPIUri -RestEndpoint "status/sessions"
        $Data = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $DataUri -Method GET -ErrorAction Stop
        if($Data.gettype().Name -eq 'String')
            # Let's go with renaming the lowercase keys. Using .Replace rather than -replace as it should be faster.
            $Data = $Data.toString().Replace('"guid"', '"_guid"').Replace('"rating"', '"_rating"')
            # Convert back into JSON:
            $Data = $Data | ConvertFrom-Json
            # $Data should be JSON already.

        if($Data.MediaContainer.Size -eq 0)

        $Results = $Data.MediaContainer.Metadata
        throw $_

    # Append type and return results
    $Results | ForEach-Object { $_.psobject.TypeNames.Insert(0, "PSPlex.Session") }
    return $Results