
# ===========================================================================
# Stop-PocsLibrary.ps1 ----------------------------------------------------
# ===========================================================================

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Stop-PocsLibrary {

        Stops current running literature and document manager session.
        Stops current running literature and document manager session.
    .PARAMETER Silent
        [venv] PS C:\> Stop-VirtualEnv
        [PSVirtualEnv]::SUCCESS: Virtual enviroment 'venv' was stopped.
        PS C:\>
        Stops current virtual environment.
        [venv] PS C:\> Stop-venv
        SUCCESS: Virtual enviroment 'venv' was stopped.
        PS C:\>
        Stops current virtual environment with predefined alias of command.



        [Parameter(HelpMessage="If switch 'silent' is true no output will written to host.")]
        [Switch] $Silent

    Process { 

        # get a running document and bibliography session
        $pocs_lib_old = Get-ActivePocsLib
        if (-not $pocs_lib_old){
            if (-not $Silent) {
                Write-FormattedWarning -Message "There was no document and bibiography session found." -Module $PSPocsLib.Name -Space

        # deactivation of a running document and bibliography session

        # if the environment variable is not empty, deactivation failed
        if (-not $Silent) {
            if ($pocs_lib_old -and $pocs_lib_old -eq $(Get-ActivePocsLib)) {
                Write-FormattedError -Message "Document and bibliography session with library '$pocs_lib_old' could not be stopped." -Module $PSPocsLib.Name -Space
                Write-FormattedSuccess -Message "Document and bibliography session with library '$pocs_lib_old' was stopped." -Module $PSPocsLib.Name -Space