
Format type data generated 02/04/2022 12:19:25 by PROSPERO\Jeff
This file was created using the New-PSFormatXML command that is part
of the PSScriptTools module.
      <!--Created 02/04/2022 12:19:25 by PROSPERO\Jeff-->
        If ($host.Name -match "ISE") {
          "{0} [{1}]" -f $_.Name,$_.path
        else {
        "$([char]27)[96m{0}$([char]27)[0m [{1}]" -f $_.Name,$_.path
        <!--Delete the AutoSize node if you want to use the defined widths.
        <AutoSize />-->
                  if ($ -match 'console|code|serverremotehost') {
                    <!-- display status in color-->
                    if ($_.status -eq 'Development') {
                    elseif ($_.status -eq 'Updating') {
                    elseif ($_.status -eq 'Stable') {
                      elseif ($_.status -eq 'Archive') {
                      else {
                  else {
                <ScriptBlock>"{0:dd\.hh\:mm}" -f $_.age</ScriptBlock>
      <!--Created 03/15/2022 10:55:02 by THINKX1-JH\Jeff-->
        If ($host.Name -match "ISE") {
          "{0} [{1}]" -f $_.Name,$_.path
        else {
        "$([char]27)[96m{0}$([char]27)[0m [{1}]" -f $_.Name,$_.path
                <ScriptBlock> $_.Age.ToString("dd\.hh\:mm\:ss")</ScriptBlock>
      <!--Created 12/28/2023 17:28:18 by PROSPERO\Jeff-->
        If ($host.Name -match "ISE") {
          "{0} [{1}]" -f $_.Name,$_.path
        else {
        "$([char]27)[96m{0}$([char]27)[0m [{1}]" -f $_.Name,$_.path
                <ScriptBlock> $_.Age.ToString("dd\.hh\:mm\:ss")</ScriptBlock>