
function New-ToDo {
    Creates quick To Do list in Notepad
    Creates quick To Do list in Notepad
    semi-colon separated list of items to put in to do list
    .parameter WhatIf
    If this switch is enabled, no actions are performed but informational messages will be displayed that
    explain what would happen if the command were to run.
    .parameter Confirm
    If this switch is enabled, you will be prompted for confirmation before executing any operations that
    change state.
    Basic execution of this function to start a new ToDo list
    New-ToDo -List "Write todo function", "Update calendar" , "Book travel", "submit expenses claim", "cook dinner"
    Advanced execution of this function to start a new ToDo list with specific items in the list already
    General notes

    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
        # semi-colon separated list of items to put in to do list
        [parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments = $True)]
    # split out the items we have been sent
    $items = $List -split (';')

    # pad the ToDo items to 5 items with empty lines
    if ($items.count -lt 5) {
        $items.count..5 | ForEach-Object { $items += "" }

    # set up header of list
    $txt = @"
To do list - {0:dd MMM yyyy}`r`n
 -f (get-date)

    # add the items to the doc
    foreach ($Item in $items) {
        $txt += @"


    # add the footer (Done) section
    $txt += @"
`r`n** Done **`r`n

    # create the file and display
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("new ToDo list file " , "Creating")) {
        $file = New-TemporaryFile
        $txt | set-content $file
        notepad $file