
function Set-PSPrompt {
    The function that creates the desired prompt function.
    It has to build a command out of the component pieces as it will be executed everytime a command is executed and therefore cant make use of any parameterisation
    .parameter WhatIf
    If this switch is enabled, no actions are performed but informational messages will be displayed that
    explain what would happen if the command were to run.
    .parameter Confirm
    If this switch is enabled, you will be prompted for confirmation before executing any operations that
    change state.
    This will start the process to configure your custom PowerShell prompt

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName = 'Custom')]

        # [parameter(parametersetname = "default")][switch]$AddToProfile,
        # [parameter(parametersetname = "default")][switch]$Admin,
        # [parameter(parametersetname = "default")][switch]$Battery,
        # switch to reset to console prompt back to original state
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Reset")  ][switch]$Reset
    $PSPromptData = [ordered]@{ }
    New-Variable -Name WorkingFolder -Value "$env:APPDATA\PSPrompt" -Option Constant
    $ConfigFile = "PSPrompt*.config" # TODO:: remove this line to set correct config file
    # create working folder for module if its not there
    if (!(Test-Path $WorkingFolder)) {
        $null = New-Item -Path $WorkingFolder -ItemType Directory

    #region preserve the original prompt so that it can be reset if so desired
    Write-Verbose "Preserving original prompt"
    $Date = Get-Date -Format 'yyMMdd-HHmmss'
    $filename = "$WorkingFolder\prompt_$date.ps1"
    $function:prompt | Out-File -FilePath $filename
    Write-Verbose "Existing prompt written out to $filename."


    #region code route options:
    # 1 gather user preferences from a static json file if it exists
    # 2 user overrides the json option at (?) and wants to add/remove features
    # 3 user wants to revert to their original prompt, prior to installing PSPrompt
    # 4 user selection of prompt features at first execution

    #region Option A - Reset to original prompt
    # need to show options for reset and allow for selection

    # need to put test for $Reset ahead of other steps to avoid choosing something else before being reset
    # get-item "$WorkingFolder\prompt_*.ps1"
    # $OldPrompt =
    if ($Reset) {
        $ProfileCUAHPath = $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts
        # $ProfileCUCHPath = $profile.CurrentUserCurrentHost # unused at the moment - may look at different psprompt in different profiles oneday
        ##$ProfileCUAH = Get-Content $ProfileCUAHPath -Raw
        ##$ProfileCUCH = Get-Content $ProfileCUCHPath -Raw

        if (($ProfileCUAHPath).Length -gt 0) {
            # code $profile.CurrentUserCurrentHost
            $p = @()
            $p = get-content $ProfileCUAHPath

            if (($profile.CurrentUserAllHosts).Length -gt 0) {
                ## think this isnt needed here $p = get-content $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts
                if ($p.IndexOf("##PSPROMPTSTART##")) {
                    Write-Verbose "PSPROMPT content found in CurrentUserAllHosts"
            else {
                Write-Verbose "CurrentUserAllHosts profile is empty"
            # locate start and end of psprompt content
            $Start = $a.IndexOf('##PSPROMPTSTART##')
            $End = $a.IndexOf('##PSPROMPTEND##')
            # identify content in profile before psprompt
            if ($start -ne 0) {
                $Before = $a[0..($Start - 1)].Clone()
            else {
                $Before = $null

            # identify content in profile after psprompt
            if ($End -ne ($a.Count - 1)) {
                $After = $a[($End + 1)..($a.Length)].Clone()
            else {
                $After = $null

            # put 'before' and 'after' content into the profile file
            $Before | Out-File -FilePath ($profile.CurrentUserAllHosts)
            $After | Out-File -FilePath ($profile.CurrentUserAllHosts) -append
        return # no more processing in this script
    #endregion Option A
    #region option 1 - there is config file we can load settings from

    # load the settings

    # handle multiple config files
    $ConfigFiles = get-item (join-path $WorkingFolder $configFile)
    if ($ConfigFiles.count -gt 1) {
        $i = 1
        foreach ($File in $ConfigFiles) {
            Write-Host "$i - $File"
        do {
            $LoadConfig = Read-Host "There are multiple config files - which do you want to implement?"
            Write-Host "Please select the number of the file you want to import, enter 'configure' to create a new prompt or press Ctrl + C to cancel."
        } until($LoadConfig -in ((1..$Configfiles.count), 'configure' ) )

        ## TODO - need to work out how to go to configure from here. makes me wonder if this should be step 1 ...
        $PSPromptData = Import-Clixml $configFiles[$LoadConfig - 1]
    elseif ($ConfigFiles.count -lt 1) {
        Write-Warning "No config files found. Need to do something here."
    else {
        $PSPromptData = Import-Clixml $configFiles
        # confirm to user
        Write-Host "There is a config file that will enable the following PSPrompt features:`r`n"
        while ($choice -notin ('yes', 'no')) {
            $choice = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to apply these settings? (Yes) or (No)."
        if ($choice -eq 'yes') {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Console Prompt", "Customising being applied")) {
                Push-PSPrompt $PSPromptData
        elseif ($choice -eq 'no') {
            Write-Verbose "Removing PSPrompt config file."
            Remove-Item $ConfigFiles
            Write-Verbose "Removing MyPrompt.ps1 config file."
            Remove-Item -path (join-path -path (split-path -path $ConfigFiles -parent) -child "myprompt.ps1")
            Write-Verbose "PSPrompt config file removed."

    Write-Verbose "Loading from (join-path $WorkingFolder $configFiles[$LoadConfig - 1])"

    $msg = ("WorkingFolder: {0}; ConfigFiles: {1}" -f $WorkingFolder, $ConfigFiles)
    Write-Verbose $msg

    # confirm to user
    #Write-Host "There a config file that will enable the following PSPrompt features:`r`n"
    #Write-Output $PSPromptData
    #$msg = "Do you want to (e)nable these features or (c)onfigure different ones?"
    #do {
    # $r = Read-Host -Prompt $msg
    #}while ($r -notin ('e', 'c'))
    #if ($r -eq 'e') {
    # write-host "Loading custom fprompt from $Configfiles"
    # Push-PSPrompt
    #else {
    # Remove-Item $configFiles
    # TODO:: need to add check its OK - then move to (currently) line 230
    ##Push-PSPrompt $PSPromptData

    #endregion option 1

    #region option 2 - custom choice from command line
    #endregion option 2

    # temporary check of file contents during development
    # start-process notepad "$WorkingFolder\PSPrompt.config"

    # hand over to function that reads in function sectors based on config file settings and invokes the prompt function
    #*#*#*# Push-PSPrompt $PSPromptData

    #region option 3 - reset

    #endregion option 3

    #region option 4 That means we are at first usage of Set-Prompt so we need to collect user preference
    if (!(test-path (join-path $WorkingFolder $ConfigFile))) {
        $msg = @()
        $msg += "Welcome to PSPrompt. It looks like this is your first time using the prompt so you need to make some choices on how you want your prompt to look."
        $msg += "There are some choices coming up and you need to respond with (Y)es or (N)o to each. When you respond (Yes) that feature will be included in your prompt."
        $msg += "If you respond (N)o then the feature wont be applied."
        $msg += "If you want to change your mind at any time, run the command Set-Prompt -options and you will enter this menu again."
        $msg | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host $_
            start-sleep -Milliseconds 800
        #region Admin user
        $msg = $null
        $msg += "`r`n`r`nFirst of all, do you want a notification when you are running a PS session as an Administrator level account?"
        $msg += "`r`nLike this:"
        $msg | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host $_
            start-sleep -Milliseconds 800
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Black" -BackgroundColor "DarkRed" "[ADMIN]"
        $r = read-host -Prompt "(Y)es to have this in the prompt, (N)o to give it a miss."
        if ($r -eq "y") {
            $PSPromptData.Adminuser = $true
        else {
            $PSPromptData.Adminuser = $false

        # record selection into xml file
        $PSPromptData | Export-Clixml -Path "$WorkingFolder\PSPrompt.config"

        #region Battery
        $msg = $null
        $msg += "`r`n`r`nNext, do you work from a laptop? Do you want an indicator of your battery status while you are working on battery power?"
        $msg += "`r`nLike this:"
        $msg | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host $_
            start-sleep -Milliseconds 800
        $msg = ("[75%:60m]" )
        Write-Host -Object $msg -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black
        $r = read-host -Prompt "(Y)es to have this in the prompt, (N)o to give it a miss."
        if ($r -eq "y") {
            $PSPromptData.Battery = $true
        else {
            $PSPromptData.Battery = $false

        # record selection into xml file
        $PSPromptData | Export-Clixml -Path "$WorkingFolder\PSPrompt.config"

        #region Day and Date
        $msg = $null
        $msg += "`r`n`r`nNeed to keep your eye on the time? Add the day/date to your prompt?"
        $msg += "`r`nLike this:"
        $msg | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host $_
            start-sleep -Milliseconds 800

        $msg = "[{0}]" -f (Get-Date -Format "ddd HH:mm:ss")
        Write-Host $msg
        $r = read-host -Prompt "(Y)es to have this in the prompt, (N)o to give it a miss."
        if ($r -eq "y") {
            $PSPromptData.Day_and_date = $true
        else {
            $PSPromptData.Day_and_date = $false

        # record selection into xml file
        $PSPromptData | Export-Clixml -Path "$WorkingFolder\PSPrompt.config"

        #region UTC offset
        $msg = $null
        $msg += "`r`n`r`nIf you work across timezones then as your laptop updates to a different timezone we can have your timezone offset indicated in your prompt.`r`n Add the timezone offset to your prompt?"
        $msg += "`r`nLike this:"
        $msg | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host $_
            start-sleep -Milliseconds 800

        Write-Host "`r`n(GMT +1)" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
        Write-Host "`tor`t" -ForegroundColor white -NoNewline
        Write-Host "(GMT -3) `r`n" -ForegroundColor Red

        $r = read-host -Prompt "(Y)es to have this in the prompt, (N)o to give it a miss."
        if ($r -eq "y") {
            $PSPromptData.UTC_offset = $true
        else {
            $PSPromptData.UTC_offset = $false
        # record selection into xml file
        $PSPromptData | Export-Clixml -Path "$WorkingFolder\PSPrompt.config"

        #region Fun function

        #region last command duration
        $msg = $null
        $msg += "`r`n`r`nEveryone likes to write fast executing scripts. Have the execution time of your last script shown right where you are focussed.`r`n Add the previous script duration to your prompt?"
        $msg += "`r`nLike this:"
        $msg | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host $_
            start-sleep -Milliseconds 800

        Write-Host "`r`n[56ms]" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
        Write-Host "`tor`t" -ForegroundColor white -NoNewline
        Write-Host "[29s] `r`n" -ForegroundColor Red
        $r = read-host -Prompt "(Y)es to have this in the prompt, (N)o to give it a miss."
        if ($r -eq "y") {
            $PSPromptData.last_command = $true
        else {
            $PSPromptData.last_command = $false
        # record selection into xml file
        $PSPromptData | Export-Clixml -Path "$WorkingFolder\PSPrompt.config"

        #region Short Path

        $msg = $null
        $msg += "`r`n`r`nSometimes you get down a lot of folder levels and the prompt gets really wide.`r`n We can give you a shortened version of the path"
        $msg += "`r`nLike this:"
        $msg | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host $_
            start-sleep -Milliseconds 800

        Write-Host "`r`nC:\...\PowerShell\ProfileF~>" -NoNewline
        Write-Host "`tinstead of `t" -ForegroundColor white -NoNewline
        Write-Host "C:\Users\jonallen\OneDrive\Scripts\PowerShell\ProfileFunctions `r`n"
        $r = read-host -Prompt "(Y)es to have this in the prompt, (N)o to give it a miss."
        if ($r -eq "y") {
            $PSPromptData.shortpath = $true
        else {
            $PSPromptData.shortpath = $false

        # record selection into xml file
        $PSPromptData | Export-Clixml -Path "$WorkingFolder\PSPrompt.config"

        #region second line every Nth command
        $msg = $null
        $msg += @"
There are some things that its good to keep your eye on but you don't need to see every time you run a command.
So, we can show you some information every few commands (default is every 5 commands). Would you like a second line to occasionally give you info
about your Git status or perhaps additional battery information?

        $msg += "`r`nLike this:"
        $msg | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host $_
            start-sleep -Milliseconds 800

        Write-Host "git status: " -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline
        Write-Host "New[0] " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
        Write-Host "Mod[7] " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
        Write-Host "Del[1]" -ForegroundColor Red
        $r = read-host -Prompt "(Y)es to have this occasionally in your prompt, (N)o to give it a miss."
        if ($r -eq "y") {
            $PSPromptData.SecondLine = $true
            $PSPromptData.GitStatus = $true
        else {
            $PSPromptData.GitStatus = $false
        # record selection into xml file
        $PSPromptData | Export-Clixml -Path "$WorkingFolder\PSPrompt.config"


        #region Battery decline rate
        # still not sure on this so leaving code in Nth command.ps1 - JA 20190503

    #endregion (option 4)

    #endregion all options