
    Generated : 09/08/2019 14:13:48
    Generated from: pulumi version v1.0.0

function pulumiCompletion {
    param($wordToComplete, $commandAst)

    Set-Alias -Name nct -Value New-CommandTree

    $commandTree = & {
            nct --color "Colorize output. Choices are: always, never, raw, auto (default `"auto`")"
         nct --cwd "Run pulumi as if it had been started in another directory"
         nct --disable-integrity-checking "Disable integrity checking of checkpoint files"
         nct --emoji "Enable emojis in the output"
         nct --help "help for pulumi"
         nct --logflow "Flow log settings to child processes (like plugins)"
         nct --logtostderr "Log to stderr instead of to files"
         nct --non-interactive "Disable interactive mode for all commands"
         nct --profiling "Emit CPU and memory profiles and an execution trace to '[filename].[pid].{cpu,mem,trace}', respectively"
         nct --tracing "Emit tracing to a Zipkin-compatible tracing endpoint"
         nct --verbose "Enable verbose logging (e.g., v=3); anything >3 is very verbose"
     nct cancel "Cancel a stack's currently running update, if any" {
         nct --help "help for cancel"
         nct --stack "The name of the stack to operate on. Defaults to the current stack"
         nct --yes "Skip confirmation prompts, and proceed with cancellation anyway"
     nct config "Manage configuration" {
         nct --config-file "Use the configuration values in the specified file rather than detecting the file name"
         nct --help "help for config"
         nct --json "Emit output as JSON"
         nct --show-secrets "Show secret values when listing config instead of displaying blinded values"
         nct --stack "The name of the stack to operate on. Defaults to the current stack"
         nct get "Get a single configuration value" {
             nct --help "help for get"
             nct --json "Emit output as JSON"
         nct refresh "Update the local configuration based on the most recent deployment of the stack" {
             nct --force "Overwrite configuration file, if it exists, without creating a backup"
             nct --help "help for refresh"
         nct rm "Remove configuration value" {
             nct --help "help for rm"
         nct set "Set configuration value" {
             nct --help "help for set"
             nct --plaintext "Save the value as plaintext (unencrypted)"
             nct --secret "Encrypt the value instead of storing it in plaintext"
     nct destroy "Destroy an existing stack and its resources" {
         nct --config-file "Use the configuration values in the specified file rather than detecting the file name"
         nct --debug "Print detailed debugging output during resource operations"
         nct --diff "Display operation as a rich diff showing the overall change"
         nct --help "help for destroy"
         nct --message "Optional message to associate with the destroy operation"
         nct --parallel "Allow P resource operations to run in parallel at once (1 for no parallelism). Defaults to unbounded. (default 2147483647)"
         nct --refresh "Refresh the state of the stack's resources before this update"
         nct --show-config "Show configuration keys and variables"
         nct --show-replacement-steps "Show detailed resource replacement creates and deletes instead of a single step"
         nct --show-sames "Show resources that don't need to be updated because they haven't changed, alongside those that do"
         nct --skip-preview "Do not perform a preview before performing the destroy"
         nct --stack "The name of the stack to operate on. Defaults to the current stack"
         nct --suppress-outputs "Suppress display of stack outputs (in case they contain sensitive values)"
         nct --yes "Automatically approve and perform the destroy after previewing it"
     nct help "Help about any command" {
         nct --help "help for help"
     nct history "[PREVIEW] Update history for a stack" {
         nct --help "help for history"
         nct --json "Emit output as JSON"
         nct --show-secrets "Show secret values when listing config instead of displaying blinded values"
         nct --stack "Choose a stack other than the currently selected one"
     nct login "Log into the Pulumi service" {
         nct --cloud-url "A cloud URL to log into"
         nct --help "help for login"
         nct --local "Use Pulumi in local-only mode"
     nct logout "Log out of the Pulumi service" {
         nct --cloud-url "A cloud URL to log out of (defaults to current cloud)"
         nct --help "help for logout"
         nct --local "Log out of using local mode"
     nct logs "[PREVIEW] Show aggregated logs for a stack" {
         nct --config-file "Use the configuration values in the specified file rather than detecting the file name"
         nct --follow "Follow the log stream in real time (like tail -f)"
         nct --help "help for logs"
         nct --json "Emit output as JSON"
         nct --resource "Only return logs for the requested resource ('name', 'type::name' or full URN). Defaults to returning all logs."
         nct --since "Only return logs newer than a relative duration ('5s', '2m', '3h') or absolute timestamp. Defaults to returning the last 1 hour of logs. (default `"1h`")"
         nct --stack "The name of the stack to operate on. Defaults to the current stack"
     nct new "Create a new Pulumi project" {
         nct --config "Config to save"
         nct --description "The project description; if not specified, a prompt will request it"
         nct --dir "The location to place the generated project; if not specified, the current directory is used"
         nct --force "Forces content to be generated even if it would change existing files"
         nct --generate-only "Generate the project only; do not create a stack, save config, or install dependencies"
         nct --help "help for new"
         nct --name "The project name; if not specified, a prompt will request it"
         nct --offline "Use locally cached templates without making any network requests"
         nct --secrets-provider "The type of the provider that should be used to encrypt and decrypt secrets (possible choices: default, passphrase, awskms, azurekeyvault, gcpkms, hashivault) (default `"default`")"
         nct --stack "The stack name; either an existing stack or stack to create; if not specified, a prompt will request it"
         nct --yes "Skip prompts and proceed with default values"
     nct plugin "Manage language and resource provider plugins" {
         nct --help "help for plugin"
         nct install "Install one or more plugins" {
             nct --exact "Force installation of an exact version match (usually >= is accepted)"
             nct --file "Install a plugin from a tarball file, instead of downloading it"
             nct --help "help for install"
             nct --reinstall "Reinstall a plugin even if it already exists"
             nct --server "A URL to download plugins from"
         nct ls "List plugins" {
             nct --help "help for ls"
             nct --json "Emit output as JSON"
             nct --project "List only the plugins used by the current project"
         nct rm "Remove one or more plugins from the download cache" {
             nct --all "Remove all plugins"
             nct --help "help for rm"
             nct --yes "Skip confirmation prompts, and proceed with removal anyway"
     nct preview "Show a preview of updates to a stack's resources" {
         nct --config-file "Use the configuration values in the specified file rather than detecting the file name"
         nct --debug "Print detailed debugging output during resource operations"
         nct --diff "Display operation as a rich diff showing the overall change"
         nct --expect-no-changes "Return an error if any changes are proposed by this preview"
         nct --help "help for preview"
         nct --json "Serialize the preview diffs, operations, and overall output as JSON"
         nct --message "Optional message to associate with the preview operation"
         nct --parallel "Allow P resource operations to run in parallel at once (1 for no parallelism). Defaults to unbounded. (default 2147483647)"
         nct --show-config "Show configuration keys and variables"
         nct --show-replacement-steps "Show detailed resource replacement creates and deletes instead of a single step"
         nct --show-sames "Show resources that needn't be updated because they haven't changed, alongside those that do"
         nct --stack "The name of the stack to operate on. Defaults to the current stack"
         nct --suppress-outputs "Suppress display of stack outputs (in case they contain sensitive values)"
     nct refresh "Refresh the resources in a stack" {
         nct --config-file "Use the configuration values in the specified file rather than detecting the file name"
         nct --debug "Print detailed debugging output during resource operations"
         nct --diff "Display operation as a rich diff showing the overall change"
         nct --expect-no-changes "Return an error if any changes occur during this update"
         nct --help "help for refresh"
         nct --message "Optional message to associate with the update operation"
         nct --parallel "Allow P resource operations to run in parallel at once (1 for no parallelism). Defaults to unbounded. (default 2147483647)"
         nct --show-replacement-steps "Show detailed resource replacement creates and deletes instead of a single step"
         nct --show-sames "Show resources that needn't be updated because they haven't changed, alongside those that do"
         nct --skip-preview "Do not perform a preview before performing the refresh"
         nct --stack "The name of the stack to operate on. Defaults to the current stack"
         nct --suppress-outputs "Suppress display of stack outputs (in case they contain sensitive values)"
         nct --yes "Automatically approve and perform the refresh after previewing it"
     nct stack "Manage stacks" {
         nct --help "help for stack"
         nct --show-ids "Display each resource's provider-assigned unique ID"
         nct --show-secrets "Display stack outputs which are marked as secret in plaintext"
         nct --show-urns "Display each resource's Pulumi-assigned globally unique URN"
         nct --stack "The name of the stack to operate on. Defaults to the current stack"
         nct export "Export a stack's deployment to standard out" {
             nct --file "A filename to write stack output to"
             nct --help "help for export"
         nct graph "Export a stack's dependency graph to a file" {
             nct --dependency-edge-color "Sets the color of dependency edges in the graph (default `"#246C60`")"
             nct --help "help for graph"
             nct --ignore-dependency-edges "Ignores edges introduced by dependency resource relationships"
             nct --ignore-parent-edges "Ignores edges introduced by parent/child resource relationships"
             nct --parent-edge-color "Sets the color of parent edges in the graph (default `"#AA6639`")"
         nct import "Import a deployment from standard in into an existing stack" {
             nct --file "A filename to read stack input from"
             nct --force "Force the import to occur, even if apparent errors are discovered beforehand (not recommended)"
             nct --help "help for import"
         nct init "Create an empty stack with the given name, ready for updates" {
             nct --help "help for init"
             nct --secrets-provider "The type of the provider that should be used to encrypt and decrypt secrets (possible choices: default, passphrase, awskms, azurekeyvault, gcpkms, hashivault) (default `"default`")"
         nct ls "List stacks" {
             nct --all "List all stacks instead of just stacks for the current project"
             nct --help "help for ls"
             nct --json "Emit output as JSON"
             nct --organization "Filter returned stacks to those in a specific organization"
             nct --project "Filter returned stacks to those with a specific project name"
             nct --tag "Filter returned stacks to those in a specific tag (tag-name or tag-name=tag-value)"
         nct output "Show a stack's output properties" {
             nct --help "help for output"
             nct --json "Emit output as JSON"
         nct rename "Rename an existing stack" {
             nct --help "help for rename"
         nct rm "Remove a stack and its configuration" {
             nct --force "Forces deletion of the stack, leaving behind any resources managed by the stack"
             nct --help "help for rm"
             nct --preserve-config "Do not delete the corresponding Pulumi.<stack-name>.yaml configuration file for the stack"
             nct --yes "Skip confirmation prompts, and proceed with removal anyway"
         nct select "Switch the current workspace to the given stack" {
             nct --help "help for select"
         nct tag "Manage stack tags" {
             nct --help "help for tag"
             nct get "Get a single stack tag value" {
                 nct --help "help for get"
             nct ls "List all stack tags" {
                 nct --help "help for ls"
                 nct --json "Emit output as JSON"
             nct rm "Remove a stack tag" {
                 nct --help "help for rm"
             nct set "Set a stack tag" {
                 nct --help "help for set"
     nct state "Edit the current stack's state" {
         nct --help "help for state"
         nct delete "Deletes a resource from a stack's state" {
             nct --force "Force deletion of protected resources"
             nct --help "help for delete"
             nct --stack "The name of the stack to operate on. Defaults to the current stack"
             nct --yes "Skip confirmation prompts"
         nct unprotect "Unprotect resources in a stack's state" {
             nct --all "Unprotect all resources in the checkpoint"
             nct --help "help for unprotect"
             nct --stack "The name of the stack to operate on. Defaults to the current stack"
             nct --yes "Skip confirmation prompts"
     nct up "Create or update the resources in a stack" {
         nct --config "Config to use during the update"
         nct --config-file "Use the configuration values in the specified file rather than detecting the file name"
         nct --debug "Print detailed debugging output during resource operations"
         nct --diff "Display operation as a rich diff showing the overall change"
         nct --expect-no-changes "Return an error if any changes occur during this update"
         nct --help "help for up"
         nct --message "Optional message to associate with the update operation"
         nct --parallel "Allow P resource operations to run in parallel at once (1 for no parallelism). Defaults to unbounded. (default 2147483647)"
         nct --refresh "Refresh the state of the stack's resources before this update"
         nct --secrets-provider "The type of the provider that should be used to encrypt and decrypt secrets (possible choices: default, passphrase, awskms, azurekeyvault, gcpkms, hashivault). Onlyused when creating a new stack from an existing template (default `"default`")"
         nct --show-config "Show configuration keys and variables"
         nct --show-replacement-steps "Show detailed resource replacement creates and deletes instead of a single step"
         nct --show-sames "Show resources that don't need be updated because they haven't changed, alongside those that do"
         nct --skip-preview "Do not perform a preview before performing the update"
         nct --stack "The name of the stack to operate on. Defaults to the current stack"
         nct --suppress-outputs "Suppress display of stack outputs (in case they contain sensitive values)"
         nct --yes "Automatically approve and perform the update after previewing it"
     nct version "Print Pulumi's version number" {
         nct --help "help for version"
     nct whoami "Display the current logged-in user" {
         nct --help "help for whoami"


    Get-CommandTreeCompletion $wordToComplete $commandAst $commandTree

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName pulumi -Native -ScriptBlock $function:pulumiCompletion