
function Convert-Help {
        Convert the help comment into an object
        Convert the help comment into an object containing all the elements from the help comment
        .PARAMETER Help
        A string containing the Help Comment
        $helpObject = Convert-Help -Help $Help

    [OutputType([HashTable], [System.Exception])]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # These are the possible Help Comment elements that the script will look for
    # .EXAMPLE
    # .INPUTS
    # .OUTPUTS
    # .NOTES
    # .LINK
    # .ROLE

    # This function will go through the help and work out which elements are where and what text they contain

    try {

        if (-not(
                $Help.StartsWith("<#") -and
            )) {
            throw "Help does not appear to be a comment block"

        # an array of string help elements to look for
        $helpElementsToFind =

        # Split the single comment string into it's line components
        $commentArray = ($Help -split '\n').Trim()

        # initialise an empty HashTable ready for the found help elements to be stored
        $foundElements = @{}
        $numFound = 0
        $lastHelpElement = $null

        # loop through all the 'lines' of the help comment
        for ($line = 0; $line -lt $commentArray.Count; $line++) {

            # get the first 'word' of the help comment. This is required so that we can
            # match '.PARAMETER' since it has a parameter name after it
            $helpElementName = ($commentArray[$line] -split " ")[0]

            # see whether the $helpElements array contains the first 'word'
            if ($helpElementsToFind -contains $helpElementName) {


                if ($numFound -ge 2) {

                    # of it's the second element then we must set the help comment text of the
                    # previous element to the found text so far, then reset it

                    $lastElement = @($foundElements[$lastHelpElement])
                    $lastElement[$lastElement.Count - 1].Text = $helpData
                    $foundElements[$lastHelpElement] = $lastElement

                    $helpData = $null

                # this should be an array of HashTables {LineNumber, Name & Text}
                $currentElement = @($foundElements[$helpElementName])

                $newElement = @{}
                $newElement.LineNumber = $line
                $newElement.Name = ($commentArray[$line] -split " ")[1]
                $newElement.Text = ""

                if ($null -eq $currentElement[0]) {

                    $currentElement = $newElement

                else {
                    $currentElement += $newElement

                # update the foundItems HashTable with the new found element
                $foundElements[$helpElementName] = $currentElement

                $lastHelpElement = $helpElementName

            else {

                if ($numFound -ge 1 -and $line -lt ($commentArray.Count - 1)) {

                    $helpData += $commentArray[$line]




        if ( -not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($lastHelpElement))) {
            # process the very last one
            $currentElement = @($foundElements[$lastHelpElement])
            $currentElement[$currentElement.Count - 1].Text = $helpData
            $foundElements[$lastHelpElement] = $currentElement

        return $foundElements

    catch {

        throw $_.Exception.Message



function Export-FunctionsFromModule {
        Export functions from a PowerShell module (.psm1)
        Takes a PowerShell module and outputs a single file for each function containing the code for that function
        .PARAMETER Path
        A string Path containing the full file name and path to the module
        .PARAMETER ExtractPath
        A string Path containing the full path to the extraction folder
        Export-FunctionsFromModule -Path 'c:\\module.psm1' -ExtractPath 'c:\extract'

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    try {
        # Get the file properties of our module
        $fileProperties = (Get-Item -LiteralPath $Path)

        if ($fileProperties.Extension -ne ".psm1") {
            throw "Passed file does not appear to be a PowerShell module"

        $moduleName = $fileProperties.BaseName

        # Get the plain content of the module file
        $ModuleFileContent = Get-Content -Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop

        # Parse the PowerShell module using PSParser
        $ParserErrors = $null
        $ParsedFileFunctions = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ModuleFileContent, [ref]$ParserErrors)

        # Create an array of where each reference of the keyword 'function' is
        $ParsedFunctions = ($ParsedFileFunctions | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "Keyword" -and $_.Content -like 'function' })

        # Initialise the $parsedFunction tracking variable
        $parsedFunction = 0

        if ($ParsedFunctions.Count -ge 1) {

            # Generate a new temporary output path for our extracted functions
            $FunctionOutputPath = Join-Path -Path $ExtractPath -ChildPath $moduleName

            if (-not (Test-Path -Path $FunctionOutputPath)) {
                New-Item $FunctionOutputPath -ItemType 'Directory'

            foreach ($Function in $ParsedFunctions) {

                # Counter for the array $ParsedFunction to help find the 'next' function

                # Get the name of the current function
                # Cheat: Simply getting all properties with the same line number as the 'function' statement
                $FunctionProperties = $ParsedFileFunctions | Where-Object { $_.StartLine -eq $Function.StartLine }
                $FunctionName = ($FunctionProperties | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "CommandArgument" }).Content

                # Establish the Start and End lines for the function in the main module file
                if ($parsedFunction -eq $ParsedFunctions.Count) {

                    # This is the last function in the module so set the last line of this function to be the last line in the module file

                    $StartLine = ($Function.StartLine)
                    for ($line = $ModuleFileContent.Count; $line -gt $Function.StartLine; $line--) {
                        if ($ModuleFileContent[$line] -like "}") {
                            $EndLine = $line
                else {

                    $StartLine = ($Function.StartLine)

                    # EndLine needs to be where the last } is
                    for ($line = $ParsedFunctions[$parsedFunction].StartLine; $line -gt $Function.StartLine; $line--) {
                        if ($ModuleFileContent[$line] -like "}") {
                            $EndLine = $line


                # Setup the FunctionOutputFile for the function file
                $FunctionOutputFileName = "{0}\{1}{2}" -f $FunctionOutputPath, $FunctionName, ".ps1"

                # If the file doesn't exist create an empty file so that we can Add-Content to it
                if (-not (Test-Path -Path $FunctionOutputFileName)) {
                    Out-File -FilePath $FunctionOutputFileName

                # Output the lines of the function to the FunctionOutputFile
                for ($line = $StartLine; $line -lt $EndLine; $line++) {
                    Add-Content -Path $FunctionOutputFileName -Value $ModuleFileContent[$line]

        else {
            throw "File contains no functions"
    catch {

function Get-FileContent {
        Gets the content of a script file
        Gets the content of the file or the content of the function inside the file
        .PARAMETER Path
        A file name to parse
        $fileContent = Get-FileContent -Path 'c:\file.txt'

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    try {

        $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $Path

        $parserErrors = $null

        # If the file content is null (an empty file) then generate an empty parsedFileFunctions array to allow the function to complete
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($fileContent)) {
            $parsedFileFunctions = @()
        else {
            $parsedFileFunctions = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($fileContent, [ref]$parserErrors)

        # Create an array of where each reference of the keyword 'function' is
        $parsedFunctions = ($parsedFileFunctions | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "Keyword" -and $_.Content -like 'function' })

        if ($parsedFunctions.Count -gt 1) {
            throw "Too many functions in file, file is invalid"

        if ($parsedFunctions.Count -eq 1) {

            if ($fileContent.Count -gt 1) {

                foreach ($function in $parsedFunctions) {

                    $startLine = ($function.StartLine)

                    for ($line = $fileContent.Count; $line -gt $function.StartLine; $line--) {

                        if ($fileContent[$line] -like "*}*") {

                            $endLine = $line



                    # Output the lines of the function to the FunctionOutputFile
                    for ($line = $startLine; $line -lt $endLine; $line++) {

                        $parsedFileContent += $fileContent[$line]

                        if ($line -ne ($fileContent.Count - 1)) {
                            $parsedFileContent += "`r`n"



            else {

                # if there is only one line then the content should be on the line between { and }
                [int]$startBracket = $fileContent.IndexOf('{')
                [int]$endBracket = $fileContent.LastIndexOf('}')

                $parsedFileContent = $fileContent.substring($startBracket + 1, $endBracket - 1 - $startBracket)

        else {

            if ($fileContent.Count -gt 1) {

                for ($line = 0; $line -lt $fileContent.Count; $line++) {

                    $parsedFileContent += $fileContent[$line]

                    if ($line -ne ($fileContent.Count - 1)) {
                        $parsedFileContent += "`r`n"


            else {

                $parsedFileContent = $fileContent



    catch {

    return $parsedFileContent


function Get-FileList {
        Return a list of files
        Return a list of files from the specified path matching the passed extension
        .PARAMETER Path
        A string containing the path
        .PARAMETER Extension
        A string containing the extension
        .PARAMETER Recurse
        A switch specifying whether or not to recursively search the path specified
        $files = Get-FileList -Path 'c:\folder' -Extension ".ps1"
        $files = Get-FileList -Path 'c:\folder' -Extension ".ps1" -Recurse

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    $Extension = $Extension

    $FileNameArray = @()

    if (Test-Path -Path $Path) {

        $gciSplat = @{
            'Path' = $Path
            'Exclude' = "*.Tests.*"
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Recurse')) {
            $gciSplat.Add('Recurse', $true)

        # Get the list of files
        $SelectedFilesArray = Get-ChildItem @gciSplat | Where-Object { $_.Extension -eq $Extension } | Select-Object -Property FullName
        # Convert to a string array of filenames
        $SelectedFilesArray | ForEach-Object { $FileNameArray += [string]$_.FullName }


    return $FileNameArray


function Get-FunctionCount {
        Return the count of functions within Module and its Manifest
        Return the count of functions in the Module and Manifest and whether they appear in their counterpart.
        e.g. Whether the functions in the manifest appear in the module and vice versa
        .PARAMETER ModulePath
        A string containing the Module filename
        .PARAMETER ManifestPath
        A string containing the Manifest filename
        ($ExportedCommandsCount, $CommandFoundInModuleCount, $CommandInModuleCount, $CommandFoundInManifestCount) = Get-FunctionCount -ModulePath $ModulePath -ManifestPath $ManifestPath

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    try {
        if (Test-Path -Path $ManifestPath) {
            $ExportedCommands = (Test-ModuleManifest -Path $ManifestPath -ErrorAction Stop).ExportedCommands
            $ExportedCommandsCount = $ExportedCommands.Count
        else {
            throw "Manifest file doesn't exist"
    catch {
        $ExportedCommands = @()
        $ExportedCommandsCount = 0

    try {
        if (Test-Path -Path $ModulePath) {
            ($ParsedModule, $ParserErrors) = Get-ParsedFile -Path $ModulePath
        else {
            throw "Module file doesn't exist"
    catch {
        $ParsedModule = @()
        $ParserErrors = 1

    $CommandFoundInModuleCount = 0
    $CommandFoundInManifestCount = 0
    $CommandInModuleCount = 0

    if ( -not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ParsedModule))) {

        foreach ($ExportedCommand in $ExportedCommands.Keys) {

            if ( ($ParsedModule | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "CommandArgument" -and $_.Content -eq $ExportedCommand })) {




        $functionNames = @()

        $functionKeywords = ($ParsedModule | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "Keyword" -and $_.Content -eq "function" })
        $functionKeywords | ForEach-Object {

            $functionLineNo = $_.StartLine
            $functionNames += ($ParsedModule | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "CommandArgument" -and $_.StartLine -eq $functionLineNo })


    if ($ExportedCommandsCount -ge 1) {

        foreach ($function in $functionNames) {

            if ($ExportedCommands.ContainsKey($function.Content)) {





    return ($ExportedCommandsCount, $CommandFoundInModuleCount, $CommandInModuleCount, $CommandFoundInManifestCount)


function Get-ParsedContent {
        Get the tokenized content of the passed data
        Get and return the tokenized content of the passed PowerShell script content
        .PARAMETER Content
        A string containing PowerShell script content
        ($ParsedModule, $ParserErrorCount) = Get-ParsedContent -Content $fileContent

    [OutputType([System.Object[]], [System.Void])]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Content))) {
        $ParserErrors = $null
        $ParsedModule = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($Content, [ref]$ParserErrors)

        return $ParsedModule, ($ParserErrors.Count)


function Get-ParsedFile {
        Get the tokenized content of the passed file
        Get and return the tokenized content of the passed PowerShell file
        .PARAMETER Path
        A string containing PowerShell filename
        ($ParsedModule, $ParserErrors) = Get-ParsedFile -Path $ModuleFile

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    try {
        if (-not(Test-Path -Path $Path)) {
            throw "$Path doesn't exist"
    catch {
        throw $_

    $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw

    ($ParsedModule, $ParserErrorCount) = Get-ParsedContent -Content $fileContent

    return $ParsedModule, $ParserErrorCount


function Get-ScriptParameter {
        Get a list of the parameters in the param block
        Create a list of the parameters, and their type (if available) from the param block
        .PARAMETER Content
        A string containing the text of the script
        $parameterVariables = Get-ScriptParameter -Content $Content

    [OutputType([System.Exception], [HashTable])]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    try {

        $parsedScript = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($Content, [ref]$null, [ref]$null)

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($parsedScript.ParamBlock)) {
            throw "No parameters found"

        [string]$paramBlock = $parsedScript.ParamBlock

        ($ParsedContent, $ParserErrorCount) = Get-ParsedContent -Content $paramBlock

        $paramBlockArray = ($paramBlock -split '\n').Trim()

        $parametersFound = @{}

        for ($line = 0; $line -le $paramBlockArray.Count; $line++) {

            $paramToken = @($ParsedContent | Where-Object { $_.StartLine -eq $line })

            foreach ($token in $paramToken) {

                if ($token.Type -eq 'Attribute' -and $token.Content -eq "Parameter") {

                    # break the inner loop because this token doesn't contain a variable for definite

                if ($token.Type -eq 'Type') {

                    # Found a type for a parameter
                    $foundType = $token.Content


                if ($token.Type -eq 'Variable') {

                    # Found a variable
                    $parametersFound[$token.Content] = $foundType
                    $foundType = $null




        return $parametersFound

    catch {

        throw $_.Exception.Message



function Get-Token {
        Get token(s) from the tokenized output
        Get token(s) from the tokenized output matching the passed Type and Content
        .PARAMETER ParsedContent
        A string array containing the Tokenized data
        .PARAMETER Type
        The token type to be found
        .PARAMETER Content
        The token content (or value) to be found
        $outputTypeToken = (Get-Token -ParsedContent $ParsedFile -Type "Attribute" -Content "OutputType")

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $token = Get-TokenMarker -ParsedContent $ParsedContent -Type $Type -Content $Content

    $tokens = Get-TokenComponent -ParsedContent $ParsedContent -StartLine $token.StartLine

    return $tokens


function Get-TokenComponent {
        Get all the tokens components from a single line
        Get all the tokens components from a single line in the tokenized content
        .PARAMETER ParsedContent
        A string array containing the tokenized content
        .PARAMETER StartLine
        A integer of the starting line to parse
        $tokens = Get-TokenComponent -ParsedContent $ParsedContent -StartLine 10

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    #* This is just to satisfy the PSScriptAnalyzer
    #* which can't find the variables in the 'Where-Object' clause (even though it's valid)
    $StartLine = $StartLine

    $tokenComponents = @($ParsedContent | Where-Object { $_.StartLine -eq $StartLine })

    return $tokenComponents


function Get-TokenMarker {
        Gets token from the tokenized output
        Gets single token from the tokenized output matching the passed Type and Content
        .PARAMETER ParsedContent
        A string array containing the Tokenized data
        .PARAMETER Type
        The token type to be found
        .PARAMETER Content
        The token content (or value) to be found
        $token = Get-TokenMarker -ParsedContent $ParsedContent -Type $Type -Content $Content

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    #* This is just to satisfy the PSScriptAnalyzer
    #* which can't find the variables in the 'Where-Object' clause (even though it's valid)
    $Type = $Type
    $Content = $Content

    $token = @($ParsedContent | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq $Type -and $_.Content -eq $Content })

    return $token


function Test-HelpTokensCountIsValid {
        Check that help tokens count is valid
        Check that the help tokens count is valid by making sure that they appear between Min and Max times
        .PARAMETER HelpTokens
        A array of tokens containing the tokens of the Help Comment
        Test-HelpTokensCountIsValid -HelpTokens $HelpTokens
        This function will only check the Min/Max counts of required help tokens

    [OutputType([System.Exception], [System.Void])]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    try {

        $module = Get-Module -Name PSQualityCheck

        $helpElementRulesPath = (Join-Path -Path $module.ModuleBase -ChildPath "Checks\HelpElementRules.psd1")

        if (Test-Path -Path $helpElementRulesPath) {

            $helpElementRules = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $helpElementRulesPath

        else {

            throw "Unable to load Checks\HelpElementRules.psd1"


        # create a HashTable for tracking whether the element has been found
        $tokenFound = @{}
        for ($order = 1; $order -le $helpElementRules.Count; $order++) {
            $token = $helpElementRules."$order".Key
            $tokenFound[$token] = $false

        $tokenErrors = @()

        # loop through all the found tokens
        foreach ($key in $HelpTokens.Keys) {

            # loop through all the help element rules
            for ($order = 1; $order -le $helpElementRules.Count; $order++) {

                $token = $helpElementRules."$order"

                # if the found token matches against a rule
                if ( $token.Key -eq $key ) {

                    $tokenFound[$key] = $true

                    # if the count is not between min and max AND is required
                    # that's an error
                    if ($HelpTokens.$key.Count -lt $token.MinOccurrences -or
                        $HelpTokens.$key.Count -gt $token.MaxOccurrences -and
                        $token.Required -eq $true) {

                        $tokenErrors += "Found $(($HelpTokens.$key).Count) occurrences of '$key' which is not between $($token.MinOccurrences) and $($token.MaxOccurrences). "





        if ($tokenErrors.Count -ge 1) {

            throw $tokenErrors


    catch {

        throw $_.Exception.Message



function Test-HelpTokensParamsMatch {
        Checks to see whether the parameters and help PARAMETER statements match
        Checks to see whether the parameters in the param block and in the help PARAMETER statements exist in both locations
        .PARAMETER HelpTokens
        A array of tokens containing the tokens of the Help Comment
        .PARAMETER ParameterVariables
        A object containing the parameters from the param block
        Test-HelpTokensParamsMatch -HelpTokens $HelpTokens -ParameterVariables $ParameterVariables

    [OutputType([System.Exception], [System.String[]])]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    try {

        $foundInHelpErrors = @()
        $foundInParamErrors = @()

        # Loop through each of the parameters from the param block looking for that variable in the PARAMETER help
        foreach ($key in $ParameterVariables.Keys) {

            $foundInHelp = $false

            foreach ($token in $HelpTokens.".PARAMETER") {

                if ($key -eq $token.Name) {

                    # If we find a match, exit out from the loop
                    $foundInHelp = $true



            if ($foundInHelp -eq $false) {

                $foundInHelpErrors += "Parameter block variable '$key' was not found in help. "



        # Loop through each of the PARAMETER from the help looking for parameters from the param block
        foreach ($token in $HelpTokens.".PARAMETER") {

            $foundInParams = $false

            foreach ($key in $ParameterVariables.Keys) {

                if ($key -eq $token.Name) {

                    # If we find a match, exit out from the loop
                    $foundInParams = $true



            if ($foundInParams -eq $false) {

                $foundInParamErrors += "Help defined variable '$($token.Name)' was not found in parameter block definition. "



        if ($foundInHelpErrors.Count -ge 1 -or $foundInParamErrors.Count -ge 1) {

            $allErrors = $foundInHelpErrors + $foundInParamErrors
            throw $allErrors


    catch {

        throw $_.Exception.Message



function Test-HelpTokensTextIsValid {
        Check that Help Tokens text is valid
        Check that the Help Tokens text is valid by making sure that they its not empty
        .PARAMETER HelpTokens
        A array of tokens containing the tokens of the Help Comment
        Test-HelpTokensTextIsValid -HelpTokens $HelpTokens

    [OutputType([System.Exception], [System.Void])]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    try {

        $tokenErrors = @()

        # Check that the help blocks aren't empty
        foreach ($key in $HelpTokens.Keys) {

            $tokenCount = @($HelpTokens.$key)

            for ($loop = 0; $loop -lt $tokenCount.Count; $loop++) {

                $token = $HelpTokens.$key[$loop]

                if ([string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($token.Text)) {

                    $tokenErrors += "Found '$key' does not have any text. "




        if ($tokenErrors.Count -ge 1) {

            throw $tokenErrors


    catch {

        throw $_.Exception.Message



function Test-ImportModuleIsValid {
        Test that the Import-Module commands are valid
        Test that the Import-Module commands contain a -Name parameter, and one of RequiredVersion, MinimumVersion or MaximumVersion
        .PARAMETER ParsedContent
        An object containing the source file parsed into its Tokenizer components
        .PARAMETER ImportModuleTokens
        An object containing the Import-Module tokens found
        TestImportModuleIsValid -ParsedContent $ParsedContent -ImportModuleTokens $importModuleTokens

    [OutputType([System.Exception], [System.Void])]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    try {

        $errString = ""

        # loop through each token found looking for the -Name and one of RequiredVersion, MinimumVersion or MaximumVersion
        foreach ($token in $importModuleTokens) {

            # Get the full details of the command
            $importModuleStatement = Get-TokenComponent -ParsedContent $ParsedContent -StartLine $token.StartLine

            # Get the name of the module to be imported (for logging only)
            $name = ($importModuleStatement | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "CommandArgument" } | Select-Object -First 1).Content
            if ($null -eq $name) {

                $name = ($importModuleStatement | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "String" } | Select-Object -First 1).Content


            # if the -Name parameter is not found
            if (-not($importModuleStatement | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "CommandParameter" -and $_.Content -eq "-Name" })) {

                $errString += "Import-Module for '$name' : Missing -Name parameter keyword. "


            # if one of RequiredVersion, MinimumVersion or MaximumVersion is not found
            if (-not($importModuleStatement | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "CommandParameter" -and
                        ( $_.Content -eq "-RequiredVersion" -or $_.Content -eq "-MinimumVersion" -or $_.Content -eq "-MaximumVersion" )
                    })) {

                $errString += "Import-Module for '$name' : Missing -RequiredVersion, -MinimumVersion or -MaximumVersion parameter keyword. "



        # If there are any problems throw to fail the test
        if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($errString))) {

            throw $errString


    catch {

        throw $_.Exception.Message



function Test-ParameterVariablesHaveType {
        Check that all the passed parameters have a type variable set.
        Check that all the passed parameters have a type variable set.
        .PARAMETER ParameterVariables
        A HashTable containing the parameters from the param block
        Test-ParameterVariablesHaveType -ParameterVariables $ParameterVariables

    [OutputType([System.Exception], [System.Void])]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $variableErrors = @()

    try {

        foreach ($key in $ParameterVariables.Keys) {

            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ParameterVariables.$key)) {

                $variableErrors += "Parameter '$key' does not have a type defined."



        if ($variableErrors.Count -ge 1) {

            throw $variableErrors

    catch {

        throw $_.Exception.Message



function Test-RequiredToken {
        Check that help tokens contain required tokens
        Check that the help comments contain tokens that are specified in the external verification data file
        .PARAMETER HelpTokens
        A array of tokens containing the tokens of the Help Comment
        Test-RequiredToken -HelpTokens $HelpTokens

    [OutputType([System.Exception], [System.Void])]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    try {

        $module = Get-Module -Name PSQualityCheck

        $helpElementRulesPath = (Join-Path -Path $module.ModuleBase -ChildPath "Checks\HelpElementRules.psd1")

        if (Test-Path -Path $helpElementRulesPath) {

            $helpElementRules = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $helpElementRulesPath

        else {

            throw "Unable to load Checks\HelpElementRules.psd1"


        $tokenErrors = @()

        for ($order = 1; $order -le $helpElementRules.Count; $order++) {

            $token = $helpElementRules."$order"

            if ($token.Key -notin $HelpTokens.Keys ) {

                if ($token.Required -eq $true) {

                    $tokenErrors += $token.Key




        if ($tokenErrors.Count -ge 1) {
            throw "Missing required token(s): $tokenErrors"

    catch {

        throw $_.Exception.Message



function Test-UnspecifiedToken {
        Check that help tokens do not contain unspecified tokens
        Check that the help comments do not contain tokens that are not specified in the external verification data file
        .PARAMETER HelpTokens
        A array of tokens containing the tokens of the Help Comment
        Test-UnspecifiedToken -HelpTokens $HelpTokens

    [OutputType([System.Exception], [System.Void])]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    try {

        $module = Get-Module -Name PSQualityCheck

        $helpElementRulesPath = (Join-Path -Path $module.ModuleBase -ChildPath "Checks\HelpElementRules.psd1")

        if (Test-Path -Path $helpElementRulesPath) {

            $helpElementRules = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $helpElementRulesPath

        else {

            throw "Unable to load Checks\HelpElementRules.psd1"


        $tokenErrors = @()
        $helpTokensKeys = @()

        # Create an array of the help element rules elements
        for ($order = 1; $order -le $helpElementRules.Count; $order++) {

            $token = $helpElementRules."$order"

            $helpTokensKeys += $token.key


        # search through the found tokens and match them against the rules
        foreach ($key in $HelpTokens.Keys) {

            if ( $key -notin $helpTokensKeys ) {

                $tokenErrors += $key



        if ($tokenErrors.Count -ge 1) {
            throw "Found extra, non-specified, token(s): $tokenErrors"

    catch {

        throw $_.Exception.Message

