
function Invoke-PSQualityCheck {
        Invoke the PSQualityCheck tests
        Invoke a series of Pester-based quality tests on the passed files
        .PARAMETER Path
        A string array containing paths to check for testable files
        .PARAMETER File
        A string array containing testable files
        .PARAMETER Recurse
        A switch specifying whether or not to recursively search the path specified
        .PARAMETER ScriptAnalyzerRulesPath
        A path the the external PSScriptAnalyzer rules
        .PARAMETER ShowCheckResults
        Show a summary of the Check results at the end of processing
        Note: this cannot be used with -Passthru
        .PARAMETER ExportCheckResults
        Exports the Check results at the end of processing to file
        .PARAMETER Passthru
        Returns the Check results objects back to the caller
        Note: this cannot be used with -ShowCheckResults
        .PARAMETER PesterConfiguration
        A Pester configuration object to allow configuration of Pester
        .PARAMETER Include
        An array of test tags to run
        .PARAMETER Exclude
        An array of test tags to not run
        .PARAMETER ProjectPath
        A path to the root of a Project
        Invoke-PSQualityCheck -Path 'C:\Scripts'
        This will call the quality checks on single path
        Invoke-PSQualityCheck -Path 'C:\Scripts' -Recurse
        This will call the quality checks on single path and sub folders
        Invoke-PSQualityCheck -Path @('C:\Scripts', 'C:\MoreScripts')
        This will call the quality checks with multiple paths
        Invoke-PSQualityCheck -File 'C:\Scripts\Script.ps1'
        This will call the quality checks with single script file
        Invoke-PSQualityCheck -File 'C:\Scripts\Script.psm1'
        This will call the quality checks with single module file
        Invoke-PSQualityCheck -File 'C:\Scripts\Script.psd1'
        This will call the quality checks with single datafile file
        Note: The datafile test will fail as it is not a file that is accepted for testing
        Invoke-PSQualityCheck -File @('C:\Scripts\Script.ps1','C:\Scripts\Script2.ps1')
        This will call the quality checks with multiple files. Files can be either scripts or modules
        Invoke-PSQualityCheck -File 'C:\Scripts\Script.ps1' -ScriptAnalyzerRulesPath 'C:\ScriptAnalyzerRulesPath'
        This will call the quality checks with single file and the extra PSScriptAnalyzer rules
        Invoke-PSQualityCheck -Path 'C:\Scripts' -ShowCheckResults
        This will display a summary of the checks performed (example below uses sample data):
            Name Files Tested Total Passed Failed Skipped
            ---- ------------ ----- ------ ------ -------
            Module Tests 2 14 14 0 0
            Extracting functions 2 2 2 0 0
            Extracted function script tests 22 330 309 0 21
            Total 24 346 325 0 21
        For those who have spotted that the Total files tested isn't a total of the rows above, this is because the Module Tests and Extracting function Tests operate on the same file and are then not counted twice
        SonarQube rules are available here:

    [OutputType([System.Void], [HashTable], [System.Object[]])]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Path")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "File")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ProjectPath")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Path")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]




        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]


    Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

    # External Modules
    Import-Module -Name 'Pester' -MinimumVersion '5.1.0' -Force
    Import-Module -Name 'PSScriptAnalyzer' -MinimumVersion '1.19.1' -Force

    $modulePath = (Get-Module -Name 'PSQualityCheck').ModuleBase

    # Validate any incoming parameters for clashes
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ShowCheckResults') -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Passthru')) {

        Write-Error "-ShowCheckResults and -Passthru cannot be used at the same time"


    $scriptsToTest = @()
    $modulesToTest = @()

    $projectResults = $null
    $moduleResults = $null
    $extractionResults = $null
    $extractedScriptResults = $null
    $scriptResults = $null

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PesterConfiguration') -and $PesterConfiguration -is [PesterConfiguration]) {

        # left here so that we can over-ride passed in object with values we require

    else {
        # Default Pester Parameters
        $PesterConfiguration = [PesterConfiguration]::Default
        $PesterConfiguration.Run.Exit = $false
        $PesterConfiguration.CodeCoverage.Enabled = $false
        $PesterConfiguration.Output.Verbosity = 'Detailed'
        $PesterConfiguration.Run.PassThru = $true
        $PesterConfiguration.Should.ErrorAction = 'Stop'

    # Analyse the incoming Path and File parameters and produce a list of Modules and Scripts
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path') -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProjectPath')) {

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProjectPath')) {

            if (Test-Path -Path $ProjectPath) {

                $container1 = New-PesterContainer -Path (Join-Path -Path $modulePath -ChildPath 'Checks\Project.Tests.ps1') -Data @{ Path = $ProjectPath }
                $PesterConfiguration.Run.Container = $container1
                $projectResults = Invoke-Pester -Configuration $PesterConfiguration

                # setup the rest of the Path based tests
                $Path = Join-Path -Path $ProjectPath -ChildPath "Source"

            else {
                Write-Error "Project Path $ProjectPath does not exist"


        if ($Path -isnot [string[]]) {
            $Path = @($Path)

        foreach ($item in $Path) {

            # Test whether the item is a directory (also tells us if it exists)
            if (Test-Path -Path $item -PathType Container) {

                $getFileListSplat = @{
                    'Path' = $item
                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Recurse') -or
                    $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProjectPath')) {
                    $getFileListSplat.Add('Recurse', $true)

                $scriptsToTest += Get-FileList @getFileListSplat -Extension '.ps1'
                $modulesToTest += Get-FileList @getFileListSplat -Extension '.psm1'

            else {

                Write-Warning -Message "$item is not a directory, skipping"




    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('File')) {

        if ($File -isnot [string[]]) {
            $File = @($File)

        foreach ($item in $File) {

            # Test whether the item is a file (also tells us if it exists)
            if (Test-Path -Path $item -PathType Leaf) {

                $itemProperties = Get-ChildItem -Path $item

                switch ($itemProperties.Extension) {

                    '.psm1' {
                        $modulesToTest += $itemProperties

                    '.ps1' {
                        $scriptsToTest += $itemProperties


            else {

                Write-Warning -Message "$item is not a file, skipping"




    # Get the list of test tags from the checks files
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Include') -or
        $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Exclude')) {

        ($moduleTags, $scriptTags) = Get-TagList
        $moduleTagsToInclude = @()
        $moduleTagsToExclude = @()
        $scriptTagsToInclude = @()
        $scriptTagsToExclude = @()
        $runModuleCheck = $false
        $runScriptCheck = $false

    else {
        $runModuleCheck = $true
        $runScriptCheck = $true

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Include')) {

        if ($Include -eq 'All') {
            $moduleTagsToInclude = $moduleTags
            $scriptTagsToInclude = $scriptTags
            $runModuleCheck = $true
            $runScriptCheck = $true
        else {
            # Validate tests to include from $Include
            $Include | ForEach-Object {
                if ($_ -in $moduleTags) {
                    $moduleTagsToInclude += $_
                    $runModuleCheck = $true
                    #* To satisfy PSScriptAnalyzer
                    $runModuleCheck = $runModuleCheck
                    $runScriptCheck = $runScriptCheck
            $Include | ForEach-Object {
                if ($_ -in $scriptTags) {
                    $scriptTagsToInclude += $_
                    $runScriptCheck = $true
                    #* To satisfy PSScriptAnalyzer
                    $runModuleCheck = $runModuleCheck
                    $runScriptCheck = $runScriptCheck
        $PesterConfiguration.Filter.Tag = $moduleTagsToInclude + $scriptTagsToInclude


    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Exclude')) {

        # Validate tests to exclude from $Exclude
        $Exclude | ForEach-Object {
            if ($_ -in $moduleTags) {
                $moduleTagsToExclude += $_
                $runModuleCheck = $true
                #* To satisfy PSScriptAnalyzer
                $runModuleCheck = $runModuleCheck
                $runScriptCheck = $runScriptCheck
        $Exclude | ForEach-Object {
            if ($_ -in $scriptTags) {
                $scriptTagsToExclude += $_
                $runScriptCheck = $true
                #* To satisfy PSScriptAnalyzer
                $runModuleCheck = $runModuleCheck
                $runScriptCheck = $runScriptCheck
        $PesterConfiguration.Filter.ExcludeTag = $moduleTagsToExclude + $scriptTagsToExclude


    if ($modulesToTest.Count -ge 1) {

        # Location of files extracted from any passed modules
        $extractPath = Join-Path -Path ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) -ChildPath (New-Guid).Guid

        if ($runModuleCheck -eq $true) {

            # Run the Module tests on all the valid module files found
            $container1 = New-PesterContainer -Path (Join-Path -Path $modulePath -ChildPath 'Checks\Module.Tests.ps1') -Data @{ Source = $modulesToTest }
            $PesterConfiguration.Run.Container = $container1
            $moduleResults = Invoke-Pester -Configuration $PesterConfiguration

            # Extract all the functions from the modules into individual .ps1 files ready for testing
            $container2 = New-PesterContainer -Path (Join-Path -Path $modulePath -ChildPath 'Checks\Function-Extraction.Tests.ps1') -Data @{ Source = $modulesToTest; ExtractPath = $extractPath }
            $PesterConfiguration.Run.Container = $container2
            $extractionResults = Invoke-Pester -Configuration $PesterConfiguration


        if ($runScriptCheck -eq $true -and (Test-Path -Path $extractPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {

            # Get a list of the 'extracted' function scripts .ps1 files
            $extractedScriptsToTest = Get-ChildItem -Path $extractPath -Include '*.ps1' -Recurse

            # Run the Script tests against all the extracted functions .ps1 files
            $container3 = New-PesterContainer -Path (Join-Path -Path $modulePath -ChildPath 'Checks\Script.Tests.ps1') -Data @{ Source = $extractedScriptsToTest; ScriptAnalyzerRulesPath = $ScriptAnalyzerRulesPath }
            $PesterConfiguration.Run.Container = $container3
            $extractedScriptResults = Invoke-Pester -Configuration $PesterConfiguration

        # Tidy up and temporary paths that have been used

        if ( Test-Path -Path $ExtractPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
            Get-ChildItem -Path $ExtractPath -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse
            Remove-Item $ExtractPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


    if ($scriptsToTest.Count -ge 1 -and $runScriptCheck -eq $true) {

        # Run the Script tests against all the valid script files found
        $container3 = New-PesterContainer -Path (Join-Path -Path $modulePath -ChildPath 'Checks\Script.Tests.ps1') -Data @{ Source = $scriptsToTest; ScriptAnalyzerRulesPath = $ScriptAnalyzerRulesPath }
        $PesterConfiguration.Run.Container = $container3
        $scriptResults = Invoke-Pester -Configuration $PesterConfiguration


    # Show/Export results in the various formats

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ShowCheckResults')) {

        $qualityCheckResults = @()
        $filesTested = $total = $passed = $failed = $skipped = 0

        if ($null -ne $projectResults) {
            $qualityCheckResults +=
                'Test' = 'Project Tests'
                'Files Tested' = 0
                'Total' = ($projectResults.TotalCount - $projectResults.NotRunCount)
                'Passed' = $projectResults.PassedCount
                'Failed' = $projectResults.FailedCount
                'Skipped' = $projectResults.SkippedCount
            $filesTested += 0
            $total += ($projectResults.TotalCount - $projectResults.NotRunCount)
            $passed += $projectResults.PassedCount
            $failed += $projectResults.FailedCount
            $skipped += $projectResults.SkippedCount

        if ($null -ne $moduleResults) {
            $qualityCheckResults +=
                'Test' = 'Module Tests'
                'Files Tested' = $ModulesToTest.Count
                'Total' = ($moduleResults.TotalCount - $moduleResults.NotRunCount)
                'Passed' = $moduleResults.PassedCount
                'Failed' = $moduleResults.FailedCount
                'Skipped' = $moduleResults.SkippedCount
            $filesTested += $ModulesToTest.Count
            $total += ($moduleResults.TotalCount - $moduleResults.NotRunCount)
            $passed += $moduleResults.PassedCount
            $failed += $moduleResults.FailedCount
            $skipped += $moduleResults.SkippedCount

        if ($null -ne $extractionResults) {
            $qualityCheckResults +=
                'Test' = 'Extracting functions'
                'Files Tested' = $ModulesToTest.Count
                'Total' = ($extractionResults.TotalCount - $extractionResults.NotRunCount)
                'Passed' = $extractionResults.PassedCount
                'Failed' = $extractionResults.FailedCount
                'Skipped' = $extractionResults.SkippedCount
            $total += ($extractionResults.TotalCount - $extractionResults.NotRunCount)
            $passed += $extractionResults.PassedCount
            $failed += $extractionResults.FailedCount
            $skipped += $extractionResults.SkippedCount

        if ($null -ne $extractedScriptResults) {
            $qualityCheckResults +=
                'Test' = 'Extracted function script tests'
                'Files Tested' = $extractedScriptsToTest.Count
                'Total' = ($extractedScriptResults.TotalCount - $extractedScriptResults.NotRunCount)
                'Passed' = $extractedScriptResults.PassedCount
                'Failed' = $extractedScriptResults.FailedCount
                'Skipped' = $extractedScriptResults.SkippedCount
            $filesTested += $extractedScriptsToTest.Count
            $total += ($extractedScriptResults.TotalCount - $extractedScriptResults.NotRunCount)
            $passed += $extractedScriptResults.PassedCount
            $failed += $extractedScriptResults.FailedCount
            $skipped += $extractedScriptResults.SkippedCount

        if ($null -ne $scriptResults) {
            $qualityCheckResults +=
                'Test' = "Script Tests"
                'Files Tested' = $scriptsToTest.Count
                'Total' = ($scriptResults.TotalCount - $scriptResults.NotRunCount)
                'Passed' = $scriptResults.PassedCount
                'Failed' = $scriptResults.FailedCount
                'Skipped' = $scriptResults.SkippedCount
            $filesTested += $scriptsToTest.Count
            $total += ($scriptResults.TotalCount - $scriptResults.NotRunCount)
            $passed += $scriptResults.PassedCount
            $failed += $scriptResults.FailedCount
            $skipped += $scriptResults.SkippedCount

        $qualityCheckResults +=
            'Test' = "Total"
            'Files Tested' = $filesTested
            'Total' = $total
            'Passed' = $passed
            'Failed' = $failed
            'Skipped' = $skipped

        # This works on PS5 and PS7
        $qualityCheckResults | ForEach-Object {
                'Test' = $_.Test
                'Files Tested' = $_.'Files Tested'
                'Total' = $
                'Passed' = $_.passed
                'Failed' = $_.failed
                'Skipped' = $_.skipped
        } | Format-Table -AutoSize

        # This works on PS7 not on PS5
        # $qualityCheckResults | Select-Object Name, 'Files Tested', Total, Passed, Failed, Skipped | Format-Table -AutoSize


    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ExportCheckResults')) {

        $projectResults | Export-Clixml -Path "projectResults.xml"
        $moduleResults | Export-Clixml -Path "moduleResults.xml"
        $extractionResults | Export-Clixml -Path "extractionResults.xml"
        $scriptResults | Export-Clixml -Path "scriptsToTest.xml"
        $extractedScriptResults | Export-Clixml -Path "extractedScriptResults.xml"


    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Passthru')) {

        if ($PesterConfiguration.Run.PassThru.Value -eq $true) {

            $resultObject = @{
                'project' = $projectResults
                'module' = $moduleResults
                'extraction' = $extractionResults
                'script' = $scriptResults
                'extractedscript' = $extractedScriptResults

            return $resultObject

        else {
            Write-Error "Unable to pass back result objects. Passthru not enabled in Pester Configuration object"

