about_redditapplication SHORT DESCRIPTION Describes the RedditApplication Class LONG DESCRIPTION The `RedditApplication` class is used to define the parameters of an application which access the Reddit API. The `RedditApplication` class becomes embedded in the `RedditOAuthToken` class after an OAuth Access token is requested. A single application may be used by multiple users or by a single user multiple times. Each user requires their own Access Token and a single user can have multiple Access Token. The `RedditApplication` class makes it possible to define an application’s parameters once and then reuse it multiple times in multiple Access Tokens for multiple users. A `RedditApplication` class houses the Client ID and Client Secret as defined at https://ssl.reddit.com/prefs/apps . The `Name` and `Description` of the `RedditApplication` do not need to match what is registered with Reddit. They are provided along with the `GUID` property as a convenience to identify your applications. A `RedditApplication` is required to request an OAuth Access Token with `Request-RedditOAuthToken`. You can create `RedditApplication` objects using the `New-RedditApplication` function The `RedditApplication` class is imported automatically when you import the PSRAW module. CONSTRUCTORS RedditApplication() The default constructor will always throw an `System.NotImplementedException` exception. It is included because PowerShell v5 classes behave oddly when a default constructor is missing when other constructors are defined. This constructor cannot be used to create an instance of the class. [RedditApplication]::new() RedditApplication(Object Object) This constructor converts the provided `Object` to a `HashTable` and passes it to the `_init` method. This constructor provides `Object` to `RedditApplication` conversion. [RedditApplication]::new([Object]$Object) RedditApplication(System.Management.Automation.PSObject PSObject) This constructor converts the provided `PSObject` to a `HashTable` and passes it to the `_init` method. This constructor provides `PSObject` to `RedditApplication` conversion. [RedditApplication]::new([System.Management.Automation.PSObject]$PSObject) RedditApplication(System.Collections.Hashtable InitHash) This constructor passes the provided `HashTable` to the `_init` method. This constructor provides `HashTable` to `RedditApplication` conversion. [RedditApplication]::new([System.Collections.Hashtable]$InitHash) RedditApplication(String Name, String Description, Uri RedirectUri, String UserAgent, RedditApplicationType Type, Guid GUID, String ExportPath, RedditOAuthScope[] Scope, System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ClientCredential, System.Management.Automation.PSCredential UserCredential) This constructor converts the arguments to a `HashTable` and passes them to the `_init` method. [RedditApplication]::new( [String]$Name, [String]$Description, [Uri]$RedirectUri, [String]$UserAgent, [RedditApplicationType]$Type, [Guid]$GUID, [String]$ExportPath, [RedditOAuthScope[]]$Scope, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$ClientCredential, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$UserCredential ) PROPERTIES AuthBaseURL The `AuthBaseURL` static property is default base URL used to request authorization codes from reddit. Name: AuthBaseURL Type: String Hidden: False Static: True ClientCredential The `ClientCredential` property contains a `PSCredential` object where the Username is the Application's Client ID and the password is the Client Secret as configured in reddit. For `Installed` applications, the password should be empty. Name: ClientCredential Type: System.Management.Automation.PSCredential Hidden: True Static: False ClientID The `ClientID` property is the Client ID as provided by reddit when the application is registered. This should match the username of the `ClientCredential`. Changing this is not recommended. Name: ClientID Type: String Hidden: False Static: False Description A description for the application used for convenience of identifying and documenting the `RedditApplication` object only. Name: Description Type: String Hidden: False Static: False ExportPath This is the path the `RedditApplication` was last imported from or where you wish to export it to. It is provided for interaction with `Import-RedditApplication` and `Export-RedditApplication`. This should be the literal path of the file. Name: ExportPath Type: String Hidden: False Static: False GUID A `Guid` used to help identify the application. This is provided for convenience and is not sent to or required by the API. In situations where multiple Applications may be in use, this GUID can be used to identify if the same applications is in use on separate `RedditOAuthToken` objects. Name: GUID Type: Guid Hidden: False Static: False Name The name of the application used for convenience of identifying the `RedditApplication` object only. Name: Name Type: String Hidden: False Static: False RedirectUri The Redirect URI for the application. This must match the Redirect URI registered for the application on Reddit. This is required byt Reddit's OAuth to request both Authorization codes and Access Tokens. Name: RedirectUri Type: Uri Hidden: False Static: False Scope The Scope property has been deprecated as all grant flows supported by the module no longer require a scope. Name: Scope Type: RedditOAuthScope[] Hidden: True Static: False ScriptUser The `ScriptUser` property is the Reddit username used for Script Applications. This should match the username in the `UserCredential` property Name: ScriptUser Type: String Hidden: False Static: False Type The `Type` property is one of the available `RedditApplicationType` enumerator options. This should match the application type registered on Reddit. for more information see `about_RedditApplicationType` Name: Type Type: RedditApplicationType Hidden: False Static: False UserAgent The `UserAgent` property contains the text that will be sent as the `User-Agent` header to the Reddit API. Reddit requires applications accessing their API provide a meaningful user agent. The following convention is what they recommend. <platform>:<app ID>:<version string> (by /u/<reddit username>) Example: windows:MyPSRAW-App:v1.2.3 (by /u/markekraus) For more details see https://github.com/reddit/reddit/wiki/API#rules Name: UserAgent Type: String Hidden: False Static: False UserCredential The `UserCredential` property contains a `PSCredential` object where the username and passwords are the Reddit Username and password used for `Script` Applications. For `WebApp` and `Installed` apps, this is not required and will be ignored. Name: UserCredential Type: System.Management.Automation.PSCredential Hidden: True Static: False METHODS _init(System.Collections.Hashtable InitHash) The `_init` hidden method is used by the constructors to initialize the class. This way class initialization code can be maintained in a single method instead of each individual constructor. It performs several checks to ensure that required properties are provided and will throw `System.ArgumentException` exceptions if the requirements are not met. Name: _init Return Type: Void Hidden: True Static: False Definition: hidden Void _init(System.Collections.Hashtable InitHash) GetClientSecret() The `GetClientSecret` method is used to retrieve the plaintext Client Secret which is stored as the password of the `ClientCredential`. This is used in various functions to retrieve the Client Secret in order to authenticate the application with OAuth. Name: GetClientSecret Return Type: String Hidden: False Static: False Definition: String GetClientSecret() GetUserPassword() The `GetUserPassword` method is used to retrieve the plaintext user password which is stored as the password of the `UserCredential`. This is used in various functions to retrieve the user password in order to authenticate script applications with OAuth. Name: GetUserPassword Return Type: String Hidden: False Static: False Definition: String GetUserPassword() EXAMPLES Create WebApp RedditApplication Import-Module PSRAW $ClientCredential = Get-Credential $App = [RedditApplication]@{ Name = 'TestApplication' Description = 'This is only a test' RedirectUri = 'https://localhost/' UserAgent = 'windows:PSRAW-Unit-Tests:v1.0.0.0' ClientCredential = $ClientCredential Type = 'WebApp' } Create Script RedditApplication Import-Module PSRAW $UserCredential = Get-Credential $ClientCredential = Get-Credential $App = [RedditApplication]@{ Name = 'TestApplication' Description = 'This is only a test' RedirectUri = 'https://localhost/' UserAgent = 'windows:PSRAW-Unit-Tests:v1.0.0.0' Scope = 'read' ClientCredential = $ClientCredential UserCredential = $UserCredential Type = 'Script' } Create Installed RedditApplication Import-Module PSRAW $ClientCredential = Get-Credential $App = [RedditApplication]@{ Name = 'TestApplication' Description = 'This is only a test' RedirectUri = 'https://localhost/' UserAgent = 'windows:PSRAW-Unit-Tests:v1.0.0.0' ClientCredential = $ClientCredential Type = 'Installed' } SEE ALSO about_RedditApplicationType about_RedditOAuthDuration about_RedditOAuthResponseType about_RedditOAuthScope about_RedditOAuthToken New-RedditApplication Request-RedditOAuthToken https://github.com/reddit/reddit/wiki/API https://github.com/reddit/reddit/wiki/OAuth2 https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps https://www.reddit.com/wiki/api https://psraw.readthedocs.io/ |