
Function Find-RTTicket {
        Find RT tickets with a specified query
        Find RT tickets with a specified query
    .PARAMETER Query
        Query string to pass to RT
    .PARAMETER Expand
        If specified, pull ticket information for each ticket returned by this query
    .PARAMETER Referer
        Referer to use for whitelisting purposes. Defaults to PSRTConfig.Referer (Created by New-RTSession)
        See @ReferrerWhitelist RT configuration if you run into CSRF errors
        If you specify 'https://<hostname>', RT (and its whitelist) use <hostname>:443
    .PARAMETER Session
        RT session to use. Defaults to PSRTConfig.Session (Created by New-RTSession)
    .PARAMETER BaseUri
        Base URI for RT. Defaults to PSRTConfig.BaseUri (Created by New-RTSession)
        If specified, do not parse output
        Find-RTTicket -Query "Created > '3 days ago'"
        Find-RTTicket -Query "Owner='wframe' AND Status='new'" -Referer http://WhiteListedHostname
        Find-RTTicket -Query "Status='new'" -Expand
        Request Tracker

        [parameter(Position = 1)]

        [string]$Referer = $PSRTConfig.Referer,


        [Parameter( ValueFromPipeLine = $true, 
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] 
        $Session = $PSRTConfig.Session,
        [string]$BaseUri = $PSRTConfig.BaseUri,
    $InvokeParams = @{ WebSession = $Session; UseBasicParsing = $true }
        $headers = @{}
        $headers.Add('Referer', $Referer)
        $InvokeParams.Add('Headers', $headers)
    $Query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($Query)
    $uri = Join-Parts -Separator '/' -Parts $BaseUri, "/REST/1.0/search/ticket?query=$Query"

    $Response = ( Invoke-WebRequest @InvokeParams -Uri $uri).Content
    if ($Raw) {
    else {
        $Tickets = ConvertFrom-RTResponse -Content $Response
            'Raw', 'Query', 'Referer', 'Expand'| Foreach { [void]$PSBoundParameters.Remove($_) }
            # Run a Get-RTTicket on every ticket returned from the Query, then store in sorted hash
            $Tickets.PSObject.Properties.Name |
                Where {$_ -match "\d+"} |
                ForEach-Object {
                    Write-Verbose "Fetching info on Ticket # $_"
                    Get-RTTicket @PSBoundParameters -Ticket $_