
function QueryFullProcessImageName
    Retrieves the full name of the executable image for the specified process.
    .PARAMETER ProcessHandle
    A handle to the process. This handle must be created with the PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION access right.
    .PARAMETER Flags
    This parameter can be one of the following values.
    0x00 - The name should use the Win32 path format.
    0x01 - The name should use the native system path format.
    Author: Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson)
    License: BSD 3-Clause
    Required Dependencies: PSReflect
    Optional Dependencies: None
    (func kernel32 QueryFullProcessImageName ([bool]) @(
      [IntPtr] #_In_ HANDLE hProcess
      [UInt32] #_In_ DWORD dwFlags,
      [System.Text.StringBuilder] #_Out_ LPTSTR lpExeName,
      [UInt32].MakeByRefType() #_Inout_ PDWORD lpdwSize
    ) -EntryPoint QueryFullProcessImageName -SetLastError)

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $Flags = 0
    $capacity = 2048
    $sb = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder($capacity)

    $Success = $Kernel32::QueryFullProcessImageName($ProcessHandle, $Flags, $sb, [ref]$capacity); $LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()

    if(-not $Success) 
        Write-Debug "QueryFullProcessImageName Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
    Write-Output $sb.ToString()