The WINTRUST_FILE_INFO structure is used when calling WinVerifyTrust to verify an individual file.
Count of bytes in this structure.
.PARAMETER pcwszFilePath
Full path and file name of the file to be verified. This parameter cannot be NULL.
Optional. File handle to the open file to be verified. This handle must be to a file that has at least read permission. This member can be set to NULL.
.PARAMETER pgKnownSubject
Optional. Pointer to a GUID structure that specifies the subject type. This member can be set to NULL.
Author: Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: PSReflect
Optional Dependencies: None
typedef struct WINTRUST_FILE_INFO_ {
  DWORD cbStruct;
  LPCWSTR pcwszFilePath;
  HANDLE hFile;
  GUID *pgKnownSubject;

    cbStruct       = field 0 UInt32
    pcwszFilePath  = field 1 IntPtr
    hFile          = field 2 IntPtr
    pgKnownSubject = field 3 IntPtr
} -CharSet Unicode