
function FreeContextBuffer
    The FreeContextBuffer function enables callers of security package functions to free memory buffers allocated by the security package.
    Memory buffers are typically allocated by the InitializeSecurityContext (General) and AcceptSecurityContext (General) functions.
    The FreeContextBuffer function can free any memory allocated by a security package.
    .PARAMETER Buffer
    A pointer to memory to be freed.
    Author: Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson)
    License: BSD 3-Clause
    Required Dependencies: None
    Optional Dependencies: None
    (func secur32 FreeContextBuffer ([UInt32]) @(
          [IntPtr] #_In_ PVOID pvContextBuffer
    ) -EntryPoint FreeContextBuffer)
    PS > $PackageCount = 0
    PS > $PackageInfo = [IntPtr]::Zero
    PS > $SUCCESS = $Secur32::EnumerateSecurityPackages([ref]$PackageCount, [ref]$PackageInfo)
    # Do Stuff ...
    PS > FreeContextBuffer -Buffer $PackageInfo

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $SUCCESS = $Secur32::FreeContextBuffer($Buffer)

    if($SUCCESS -ne 0)
        throw "FreeContextBuffer Error: $($SUCCESS)"